fade in slider circles after repeats, hide them if ball does not need to go to them again

This commit is contained in:
yugecin 2016-12-18 16:18:51 +01:00
parent 2260299c4b
commit 5be3fdf1a3

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@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ public class Slider implements GameObject {
public void draw(Graphics g, int trackPosition) {
int timeDiff = hitObject.getTime() - trackPosition;
final int repeats = hitObject.getRepeatCount();
final int approachTime = game.getApproachTime();
final int fadeInTime = game.getFadeInTime();
float scale = timeDiff / (float) approachTime;
@ -205,16 +206,37 @@ public class Slider implements GameObject {
float curveInterval = Options.isSliderSnaking() ? alpha : 1f;
// end circle
// end circle, only draw if ball still has to go there
if (curveInterval == 1f && currentRepeats < repeats - (repeats % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0)) {
Color circleColor = new Color(color);
Color overlayColor = new Color(Colors.WHITE_FADE);
if (currentRepeats == 0) {
if (Options.isSliderSnaking()) {
// fade in end circle using decorationsAlpha when snaking sliders are enabled
circleColor.a = overlayColor.a = decorationsAlpha;
} else {
// fade in end circle after repeats
circleColor.a = overlayColor.a = getCircleAlphaAfterRepeat(trackPosition, true);
Vec2f endCircPos = curve.pointAt(curveInterval);
hitCircle.drawCentered(endCircPos.x, endCircPos.y, color);
hitCircleOverlay.drawCentered(endCircPos.x, endCircPos.y, Colors.WHITE_FADE);
hitCircle.drawCentered(endCircPos.x, endCircPos.y, circleColor);
hitCircleOverlay.drawCentered(endCircPos.x, endCircPos.y, overlayColor);
// draw start circle when not clicked yet
if (!sliderClickedInitial) {
hitCircle.drawCentered(x, y, color);
if (!overlayAboveNumber)
hitCircleOverlay.drawCentered(x, y, Colors.WHITE_FADE);
// set first circle colors to fade in after repeats
Color firstCircleColor = new Color(color);
Color startCircleOverlayColor = new Color(Colors.WHITE_FADE);
if (sliderClickedInitial) {
// fade in first circle after repeats
firstCircleColor.a = startCircleOverlayColor.a = getCircleAlphaAfterRepeat(trackPosition, false);
// start circle, only draw if ball still has to go there
if (!sliderClickedInitial || currentRepeats < repeats - (repeats % 2 == 1 ? 1 : 0)) {
hitCircle.drawCentered(x, y, firstCircleColor);
if (!overlayAboveNumber || sliderClickedInitial)
hitCircleOverlay.drawCentered(x, y, startCircleOverlayColor);
color.a = alpha;
@ -240,10 +262,8 @@ public class Slider implements GameObject {
hitCircle.getWidth() * 0.40f / data.getDefaultSymbolImage(0).getHeight(), alpha);
if (overlayAboveNumber) {
oldWhiteFadeAlpha = Colors.WHITE_FADE.a;
Colors.WHITE_FADE.a = sliderAlpha;
hitCircleOverlay.drawCentered(x, y, Colors.WHITE_FADE);
Colors.WHITE_FADE.a = oldWhiteFadeAlpha;
startCircleOverlayColor.a = sliderAlpha;
hitCircleOverlay.drawCentered(x, y, startCircleOverlayColor);
@ -366,6 +386,24 @@ public class Slider implements GameObject {
* Get the alpha level used to fade in circles & reversearrows after repeat
* @param trackPosition current trackposition, in ms
* @param endCircle request alpha for end circle (true) or start circle (false)?
* @return alpha level as float in interval [0, 1]
private float getCircleAlphaAfterRepeat(int trackPosition, boolean endCircle) {
int ticksN = ticksT == null ? 0 : ticksT.length;
float t = getT(trackPosition, false);
if (endCircle) {
t = 1f - t;
if (currentRepeats % 2 == (endCircle ? 0 : 1)) {
t = 1f;
return Utils.clamp(t * (ticksN + 1), 0f, 1f);
* Calculates the slider hit result.
* @return the hit result (GameData.HIT_* constants)