Fixes a bug where a resolution change (by restarting through the app) wouldn't re-scale hit object coordinates. Scaled coordinates are now stored in HitObject fields.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Downloads failing due to connection errors will now send a bar notification instead of throwing an ErrorHandler dialog.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Draw the playfield background in the song menu if a background cannot be drawn for the focused beatmap.
- Added ScoreDB.deleteScore() method to delete a score from the database.
- Added @author tags for curve-related classes (by fluddokt, #12).
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Moved all curve-related classes into a new package.
- Added some fields and methods to Curve abstract class.
- Removed the old (no longer used) Bezier subclass.
- Changed Error throwing to ErrorHandler.error() calls.
- Formatted code.
Also fixed a crash when reaching the ranking screen with the "Auto" mod active.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>