* Check if there is a framebuffer object mapped to {@code obj}.
* @param obj the hit object
* @return true if there is a framebuffer mapped for this {@code HitObject}, else false
public boolean contains(HitObject obj) {
return cacheMap.containsKey(obj);
* Get the {@code Rendertarget} mapped to {@code obj}.
* @param obj the hit object
* @return the {@code Rendertarget} if there's one mapped to {@code obj}, otherwise null
public Rendertarget get(HitObject obj) {
return cacheMap.get(obj);
* Clear the mapping for {@code obj} to free it up to get used by another {@code HitObject}.
* @param obj the hit object
* @return true if there was a mapping for {@code obj} and false if there was no mapping for it.
public boolean freeMappingFor(HitObject obj) {
return cacheMap.remove(obj) != null;
* Clear the cache of all the mappings. This does not actually delete the
* cached framebuffers, it merely frees them all up to get mapped anew.
public void freeMap() {
* Create a mapping from {@code obj} to a framebuffer. If there was already
* a mapping from {@code obj} this will associate another framebuffer with it
* (thereby freeing up the previously mapped framebuffer).
* @param obj the hit object
* @return the {@code Rendertarget} newly mapped to {@code obj}
public Rendertarget insert(HitObject obj) {
// find first RTTFramebuffer that's not mapped to anything and return it
Rendertarget buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); ++i) {
buffer = cache.get(i);
if (!cacheMap.containsValue(buffer)) {
cacheMap.put(obj, buffer);
return buffer;
// no unmapped RTTFramebuffer found, create a new one
buffer = Rendertarget.createRTTFramebuffer(width, height);
cacheMap.put(obj, buffer);
return buffer;
* Clear the cache pool of Framebuffers.
* If there were any previous Framebuffers in the cache, delete them.
* This is necessary for cases when the game gets restarted with a
* different resolution without closing the process.
public static void shutdown() {
FrameBufferCache fbcInstance = FrameBufferCache.getInstance();
for (Rendertarget target : fbcInstance.cache) {
* There should only ever be one framebuffer cache, this function returns
* that one framebuffer cache instance.
* If there was no instance created already then this function creates it.
* @return the instance of FrameBufferCache
public static FrameBufferCache getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new FrameBufferCache();
return instance;