/* * opsu! - an open-source osu! client * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Jeffrey Han * * opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with opsu!. If not, see . */ package itdelatrisu.opsu.states; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameData; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameData.Grade; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameImage; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameMod; import itdelatrisu.opsu.Opsu; import itdelatrisu.opsu.Options; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ScoreData; import itdelatrisu.opsu.Utils; import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.MultiClip; import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.MusicController; import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.SoundController; import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.SoundEffect; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.Beatmap; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapDifficultyCalculator; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapParser; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapSet; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapSetList; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapSetNode; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapSortOrder; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapWatchService; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.BeatmapWatchService.BeatmapWatchServiceListener; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.LRUCache; import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.OszUnpacker; import itdelatrisu.opsu.db.BeatmapDB; import itdelatrisu.opsu.db.ScoreDB; import itdelatrisu.opsu.states.ButtonMenu.MenuState; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.Colors; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.Fonts; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.KineticScrolling; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.MenuButton; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.StarStream; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.UI; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.animations.AnimatedValue; import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.animations.AnimationEquation; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.newdawn.slick.Animation; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.Input; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.SpriteSheet; import org.newdawn.slick.gui.TextField; import org.newdawn.slick.state.BasicGameState; import org.newdawn.slick.state.StateBasedGame; import org.newdawn.slick.state.transition.EasedFadeOutTransition; import org.newdawn.slick.state.transition.EmptyTransition; import org.newdawn.slick.state.transition.FadeInTransition; /** * "Song Selection" state. *

* Players are able to select a beatmap to play, view previous scores, choose game mods, * manage beatmaps, or change game options from this state. */ public class SongMenu extends BasicGameState { /** The max number of song buttons to be shown on each screen. */ public static final int MAX_SONG_BUTTONS = 6; /** The max number of score buttons to be shown at a time. */ public static final int MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS = 7; /** Delay time, in milliseconds, between each search. */ private static final int SEARCH_DELAY = 500; /** Delay time, in milliseconds, before moving to the beatmap menu after a right click. */ private static final int BEATMAP_MENU_DELAY = 600; /** Maximum x offset of song buttons for mouse hover, in pixels. */ private static final float MAX_HOVER_OFFSET = 30f; /** Time, in milliseconds, for the search bar to fade in or out. */ private static final int SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME = 250; /** Line width of the header/footer divider. */ private static final int DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH = 4; /** Song node class representing an BeatmapSetNode and file index. */ private static class SongNode { /** Song node. */ private BeatmapSetNode node; /** File index. */ private int index; /** * Constructor. * @param node the BeatmapSetNode * @param index the file index */ public SongNode(BeatmapSetNode node, int index) { this.node = node; this.index = index; } /** * Returns the associated BeatmapSetNode. */ public BeatmapSetNode getNode() { return node; } /** * Returns the associated file index. */ public int getIndex() { return index; } } /** Current start node (topmost menu entry). */ private BeatmapSetNode startNode; /** The first node is about this high above the header. */ private KineticScrolling songScrolling = new KineticScrolling(); /** The number of Nodes to offset from the top to the startNode. */ private int startNodeOffset; /** Current focused (selected) node. */ private BeatmapSetNode focusNode; /** The base node of the previous focus node. */ private SongNode oldFocusNode = null; /** Stack of previous "random" (F2) focus nodes. */ private Stack randomStack = new Stack(); /** Current focus node's song information. */ private String[] songInfo; /** Button coordinate values. */ private float buttonX, buttonY, buttonOffset, buttonWidth, buttonHeight; /** Horizontal offset of song buttons for mouse hover, in pixels. */ private AnimatedValue hoverOffset = new AnimatedValue(250, 0, MAX_HOVER_OFFSET, AnimationEquation.OUT_QUART); /** Current index of hovered song button. */ private BeatmapSetNode hoverIndex = null; /** The selection buttons. */ private MenuButton selectModsButton, selectRandomButton, selectMapOptionsButton, selectOptionsButton; /** The search textfield. */ private TextField search; /** * Delay timer, in milliseconds, before running another search. * This is overridden by character entry (reset) and 'esc' (immediate search). */ private int searchTimer = 0; /** Information text to display based on the search query. */ private String searchResultString = null; /** Loader animation. */ private Animation loader; /** Whether or not to reset game data upon entering the state. */ private boolean resetGame = false; /** Whether or not to reset music track upon entering the state. */ private boolean resetTrack = false; /** If non-null, determines the action to perform upon entering the state. */ private MenuState stateAction; /** If non-null, the node that stateAction acts upon. */ private BeatmapSetNode stateActionNode; /** If non-null, the score data that stateAction acts upon. */ private ScoreData stateActionScore; /** Timer before moving to the beatmap menu with the current focus node. */ private int beatmapMenuTimer = -1; /** Beatmap reloading thread. */ private BeatmapReloadThread reloadThread; /** Thread for reloading beatmaps. */ private class BeatmapReloadThread extends Thread { /** If true, also clear the beatmap cache and invoke the unpacker. */ private final boolean fullReload; /** Whether this thread has completed execution. */ private boolean finished = false; /** Returns true only if this thread has completed execution. */ public boolean isFinished() { return finished; } /** * Constructor. * @param fullReload if true, also clear the beatmap cache and invoke the unpacker */ public BeatmapReloadThread(boolean fullReload) { this.fullReload = fullReload; } @Override public void run() { try { reloadBeatmaps(); } finally { finished = true; } }; /** Reloads all beatmaps. */ private void reloadBeatmaps() { File beatmapDir = Options.getBeatmapDir(); if (fullReload) { // clear the beatmap cache BeatmapDB.clearDatabase(); // invoke unpacker OszUnpacker.unpackAllFiles(Options.getOSZDir(), beatmapDir); } // invoke parser BeatmapParser.parseAllFiles(beatmapDir); } } /** Current map of scores (Version, ScoreData[]). */ private Map scoreMap; /** Scores for the current focus node. */ private ScoreData[] focusScores; /** Current start score (topmost score entry). */ private KineticScrolling startScorePos = new KineticScrolling(); /** Header and footer end and start y coordinates, respectively. */ private float headerY, footerY; /** Time, in milliseconds, for fading the search bar. */ private int searchTransitionTimer = SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME; /** The text length of the last string in the search TextField. */ private int lastSearchTextLength = -1; /** Whether the song folder changed (notified via the watch service). */ private boolean songFolderChanged = false; /** The last background image. */ private File lastBackgroundImage; /** Background alpha level (for fade-in effect). */ private AnimatedValue bgAlpha = new AnimatedValue(800, 0f, 1f, AnimationEquation.OUT_QUAD); /** Timer for animations when a new song node is selected. */ private AnimatedValue songChangeTimer = new AnimatedValue(900, 0f, 1f, AnimationEquation.LINEAR); /** Timer for the music icon animation when a new song node is selected. */ private AnimatedValue musicIconBounceTimer = new AnimatedValue(350, 0f, 1f, AnimationEquation.LINEAR); /** * Beatmaps whose difficulties were recently computed (if flag is non-null). * Unless the Boolean flag is null, then upon removal, the beatmap's objects will * be cleared (to be garbage collected). If the flag is true, also clear the * beatmap's array fields (timing points, etc.). */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") private LRUCache beatmapsCalculated = new LRUCache(12) { @Override public void eldestRemoved(Map.Entry eldest) { Boolean b = eldest.getValue(); if (b != null) { Beatmap beatmap = eldest.getKey(); beatmap.objects = null; if (b) { beatmap.timingPoints = null; beatmap.breaks = null; beatmap.combo = null; } } } }; /** The star stream. */ private StarStream starStream; /** Whether the menu is currently scrolling to the focus node (blocks other actions). */ private boolean isScrollingToFocusNode = false; // game-related variables private GameContainer container; private StateBasedGame game; private Input input; private final int state; public SongMenu(int state) { this.state = state; } @Override public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { this.container = container; this.game = game; this.input = container.getInput(); int width = container.getWidth(); int height = container.getHeight(); // header/footer coordinates headerY = height * 0.0075f + GameImage.MENU_MUSICNOTE.getImage().getHeight() + Fonts.BOLD.getLineHeight() + Fonts.DEFAULT.getLineHeight() + Fonts.SMALL.getLineHeight(); footerY = height - GameImage.SELECTION_MODS.getImage().getHeight(); // initialize sorts for (BeatmapSortOrder sort : BeatmapSortOrder.values()) sort.init(width, headerY - SongMenu.DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH / 2); // initialize score data buttons ScoreData.init(width, headerY + height * 0.01f); // song button background & graphics context Image menuBackground = GameImage.MENU_BUTTON_BG.getImage(); // song button coordinates buttonX = width * 0.6f; //buttonY = headerY; buttonWidth = menuBackground.getWidth(); buttonHeight = menuBackground.getHeight(); buttonOffset = (footerY - headerY - DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH) / MAX_SONG_BUTTONS; // search int textFieldX = (int) (width * 0.7125f + Fonts.BOLD.getWidth("Search: ")); int textFieldY = (int) (headerY + Fonts.BOLD.getLineHeight() / 2); search = new TextField( container, Fonts.BOLD, textFieldX, textFieldY, (int) (width * 0.99f) - textFieldX, Fonts.BOLD.getLineHeight() ); search.setBackgroundColor(Color.transparent); search.setBorderColor(Color.transparent); search.setTextColor(Color.white); search.setConsumeEvents(false); search.setMaxLength(60); // selection buttons Image selectionMods = GameImage.SELECTION_MODS.getImage(); float selectX = width * 0.183f + selectionMods.getWidth() / 2f; float selectY = height - selectionMods.getHeight() / 2f; float selectOffset = selectionMods.getWidth() * 1.05f; selectModsButton = new MenuButton(GameImage.SELECTION_MODS_OVERLAY.getImage(), selectX, selectY); selectRandomButton = new MenuButton(GameImage.SELECTION_RANDOM_OVERLAY.getImage(), selectX + selectOffset, selectY); selectMapOptionsButton = new MenuButton(GameImage.SELECTION_OPTIONS_OVERLAY.getImage(), selectX + selectOffset * 2f, selectY); selectOptionsButton = new MenuButton(GameImage.SELECTION_OTHER_OPTIONS_OVERLAY.getImage(), selectX + selectOffset * 3f, selectY); selectModsButton.setHoverFade(0f); selectRandomButton.setHoverFade(0f); selectMapOptionsButton.setHoverFade(0f); selectOptionsButton.setHoverFade(0f); // loader int loaderDim = GameImage.MENU_MUSICNOTE.getImage().getWidth(); SpriteSheet spr = new SpriteSheet(GameImage.MENU_LOADER.getImage(), loaderDim, loaderDim); loader = new Animation(spr, 50); // beatmap watch service listener final StateBasedGame game_ = game; BeatmapWatchService.addListener(new BeatmapWatchServiceListener() { @Override public void eventReceived(Kind kind, Path child) { if (!songFolderChanged && kind != StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY) { songFolderChanged = true; if (game_.getCurrentStateID() == Opsu.STATE_SONGMENU) UI.sendBarNotification("Changes in Songs folder detected. Hit F5 to refresh."); } } }); // star stream starStream = new StarStream(width, height); } @Override public void render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException { g.setBackground(Color.black); int width = container.getWidth(); int height = container.getHeight(); int mouseX = input.getMouseX(), mouseY = input.getMouseY(); // background if (focusNode != null) { Beatmap focusNodeBeatmap = focusNode.getSelectedBeatmap(); if (!focusNodeBeatmap.drawBackground(width, height, bgAlpha.getValue(), true)) GameImage.PLAYFIELD.getImage().draw(); } // star stream starStream.draw(); // song buttons BeatmapSetNode node = startNode; int songButtonIndex = 0; if (node != null && node.prev != null) { node = node.prev; songButtonIndex = -1; } g.setClip(0, (int) (headerY + DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH / 2), width, (int) (footerY - headerY)); for (int i = startNodeOffset + songButtonIndex; i < MAX_SONG_BUTTONS + 1 && node != null; i++, node = node.next) { // draw the node float offset = (node == hoverIndex) ? hoverOffset.getValue() : 0f; float ypos = buttonY + (i * buttonOffset); float mid = (height / 2) - ypos - (buttonOffset / 2); final float circleRadi = 700 * GameImage.getUIscale(); //finds points along a very large circle (x^2 = h^2 - y^2) float t = circleRadi * circleRadi - (mid * mid); float xpos = (float) ((t > 0) ? Math.sqrt(t) : 0) - circleRadi + 50 * GameImage.getUIscale(); ScoreData[] scores = getScoreDataForNode(node, false); node.draw(buttonX - offset - xpos, ypos, (scores == null) ? Grade.NULL : scores[0].getGrade(), (node == focusNode)); } g.clearClip(); // scroll bar if (focusNode != null && startNode != null) { int focusNodes = focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size(); int totalNodes = BeatmapSetList.get().size() + focusNodes - 1; if (totalNodes > MAX_SONG_BUTTONS) { UI.drawScrollbar(g, songScrolling.getPosition(), totalNodes * buttonOffset, MAX_SONG_BUTTONS * buttonOffset, width, headerY + DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH / 2, 0, MAX_SONG_BUTTONS * buttonOffset, Colors.BLACK_ALPHA, Color.white, true); } } // score buttons if (focusScores != null) { ScoreData.clipToArea(g); int startScore = (int) (startScorePos.getPosition() / ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); int offset = (int) (-startScorePos.getPosition() + startScore * ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); int scoreButtons = Math.min(focusScores.length - startScore, MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS + 1); float timerScale = 1f - (1 / 3f) * ((MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS - scoreButtons) / (float) (MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS - 1)); int duration = (int) (songChangeTimer.getDuration() * timerScale); int segmentDuration = (int) ((2 / 3f) * songChangeTimer.getDuration()); int time = songChangeTimer.getTime(); for (int i = 0, rank = startScore; i < scoreButtons; i++, rank++) { if (rank < 0) continue; long prevScore = (rank + 1 < focusScores.length) ? focusScores[rank + 1].score : -1; float t = Utils.clamp((time - (i * (duration - segmentDuration) / scoreButtons)) / (float) segmentDuration, 0f, 1f); boolean focus = (t >= 0.9999f && ScoreData.buttonContains(mouseX, mouseY - offset, i)); focusScores[rank].draw(g, offset + i * ScoreData.getButtonOffset(), rank, prevScore, focus, t); } g.clearClip(); // scroll bar if (focusScores.length > MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS && ScoreData.areaContains(mouseX, mouseY)) ScoreData.drawScrollbar(g, startScorePos.getPosition(), focusScores.length * ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); } // top/bottom bars g.setColor(Colors.BLACK_ALPHA); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, headerY); g.fillRect(0, footerY, width, height - footerY); g.setColor(Colors.BLUE_DIVIDER); g.setLineWidth(DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH); g.drawLine(0, headerY, width, headerY); g.drawLine(0, footerY, width, footerY); g.resetLineWidth(); // opsu logo in bottom bar float footerHeight = height - footerY; Image logo = GameImage.MENU_LOGO.getImage(); float logoSize = footerHeight * 3.25f; logo = logo.getScaledCopy(logoSize / logo.getWidth()); Float position = MusicController.getBeatProgress(); if (position == null) { position = System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000 / 1000f; } float x = width - footerHeight * 0.8f; float y = height - footerHeight * 0.65f; Image ghostLogo = logo.getScaledCopy((float) (1 - (0 - position) * 0.15)); logo = logo.getScaledCopy((float) (1 - (position) * 0.15)); logoSize = logo.getWidth(); logo.draw(x - logoSize / 2, y - logoSize / 2); logoSize = ghostLogo.getWidth(); float a = Colors.GHOST_LOGO.a; Colors.GHOST_LOGO.a *= (1f - position); ghostLogo.draw(x - logoSize / 2, y - logoSize / 2, Colors.GHOST_LOGO); Colors.GHOST_LOGO.a = a; // header if (focusNode != null) { // music/loader icon float marginX = width * 0.005f, marginY = height * 0.005f; Image musicNote = GameImage.MENU_MUSICNOTE.getImage(); if (MusicController.isTrackLoading()) loader.draw(marginX, marginY); else { float t = musicIconBounceTimer.getValue() * 2f; if (t > 1) t = 2f - t; float musicNoteScale = 1f + 0.3f * t; musicNote.getScaledCopy(musicNoteScale).drawCentered(marginX + musicNote.getWidth() / 2f, marginY + musicNote.getHeight() / 2f); } int iconWidth = musicNote.getWidth(); // song info text if (songInfo == null) { songInfo = focusNode.getInfo(); if (Options.useUnicodeMetadata()) { // load glyphs Beatmap beatmap = focusNode.getBeatmapSet().get(0); Fonts.loadGlyphs(Fonts.LARGE, beatmap.titleUnicode); Fonts.loadGlyphs(Fonts.LARGE, beatmap.artistUnicode); } } marginX += 5; Color c = Colors.WHITE_FADE; float oldAlpha = c.a; float t = AnimationEquation.OUT_QUAD.calc(songChangeTimer.getValue()); float headerTextY = marginY * 0.2f; c.a = Math.min(t * songInfo.length / 1.5f, 1f); if (c.a > 0) Fonts.LARGE.drawString(marginX + iconWidth * 1.05f, headerTextY, songInfo[0], c); headerTextY += Fonts.LARGE.getLineHeight() - 6; c.a = Math.min((t - 1f / (songInfo.length * 1.5f)) * songInfo.length / 1.5f, 1f); if (c.a > 0) Fonts.DEFAULT.drawString(marginX + iconWidth * 1.05f, headerTextY, songInfo[1], c); headerTextY += Fonts.DEFAULT.getLineHeight() - 2; c.a = Math.min((t - 2f / (songInfo.length * 1.5f)) * songInfo.length / 1.5f, 1f); if (c.a > 0) { float speedModifier = GameMod.getSpeedMultiplier(); Color color2 = (speedModifier == 1f) ? c : (speedModifier > 1f) ? Colors.RED_HIGHLIGHT : Colors.BLUE_HIGHLIGHT; float oldAlpha2 = color2.a; color2.a = c.a; Fonts.BOLD.drawString(marginX, headerTextY, songInfo[2], color2); color2.a = oldAlpha2; } headerTextY += Fonts.BOLD.getLineHeight() - 4; c.a = Math.min((t - 3f / (songInfo.length * 1.5f)) * songInfo.length / 1.5f, 1f); if (c.a > 0) Fonts.DEFAULT.drawString(marginX, headerTextY, songInfo[3], c); headerTextY += Fonts.DEFAULT.getLineHeight() - 4; c.a = Math.min((t - 4f / (songInfo.length * 1.5f)) * songInfo.length / 1.5f, 1f); if (c.a > 0) { float multiplier = GameMod.getDifficultyMultiplier(); Color color4 = (multiplier == 1f) ? c : (multiplier > 1f) ? Colors.RED_HIGHLIGHT : Colors.BLUE_HIGHLIGHT; float oldAlpha4 = color4.a; color4.a = c.a; Fonts.SMALL.drawString(marginX, headerTextY, songInfo[4], color4); color4.a = oldAlpha4; } c.a = oldAlpha; } // selection buttons GameImage.SELECTION_MODS.getImage().drawCentered(selectModsButton.getX(), selectModsButton.getY()); selectModsButton.draw(); GameImage.SELECTION_RANDOM.getImage().drawCentered(selectRandomButton.getX(), selectRandomButton.getY()); selectRandomButton.draw(); GameImage.SELECTION_OPTIONS.getImage().drawCentered(selectMapOptionsButton.getX(), selectMapOptionsButton.getY()); selectMapOptionsButton.draw(); GameImage.SELECTION_OTHER_OPTIONS.getImage().drawCentered(selectOptionsButton.getX(), selectOptionsButton.getY()); selectOptionsButton.draw(); // sorting tabs BeatmapSortOrder currentSort = BeatmapSortOrder.getSort(); BeatmapSortOrder hoverSort = null; for (BeatmapSortOrder sort : BeatmapSortOrder.values()) { if (sort.contains(mouseX, mouseY)) { hoverSort = sort; break; } } for (BeatmapSortOrder sort : BeatmapSortOrder.VALUES_REVERSED) { if (sort != currentSort) sort.draw(false, sort == hoverSort); } currentSort.draw(true, false); // search boolean searchEmpty = search.getText().isEmpty(); int searchX = search.getX(), searchY = search.getY(); float searchBaseX = width * 0.7f; float searchTextX = width * 0.7125f; float searchRectHeight = Fonts.BOLD.getLineHeight() * 2; float searchExtraHeight = Fonts.DEFAULT.getLineHeight() * 0.7f; float searchProgress = (searchTransitionTimer < SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME) ? ((float) searchTransitionTimer / SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME) : 1f; float oldAlpha = Colors.BLACK_ALPHA.a; if (searchEmpty) { searchRectHeight += (1f - searchProgress) * searchExtraHeight; Colors.BLACK_ALPHA.a = 0.5f - searchProgress * 0.3f; } else { searchRectHeight += searchProgress * searchExtraHeight; Colors.BLACK_ALPHA.a = 0.2f + searchProgress * 0.3f; } g.setColor(Colors.BLACK_ALPHA); g.fillRect(searchBaseX, headerY + DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH / 2, width - searchBaseX, searchRectHeight); Colors.BLACK_ALPHA.a = oldAlpha; Fonts.BOLD.drawString(searchTextX, searchY, "Search:", Colors.GREEN_SEARCH); if (searchEmpty) Fonts.BOLD.drawString(searchX, searchY, "Type to search!", Color.white); else { g.setColor(Color.white); // TODO: why is this needed to correctly position the TextField? search.setLocation(searchX - 3, searchY - 1); search.render(container, g); search.setLocation(searchX, searchY); Fonts.DEFAULT.drawString(searchTextX, searchY + Fonts.BOLD.getLineHeight(), (searchResultString == null) ? "Searching..." : searchResultString, Color.white); } // reloading beatmaps if (reloadThread != null) { // darken the screen g.setColor(Colors.BLACK_ALPHA); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); UI.drawLoadingProgress(g); } // back button else UI.getBackButton().draw(); UI.draw(g); } @Override public void update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta) throws SlickException { UI.update(delta); if (reloadThread == null) MusicController.loopTrackIfEnded(true); else if (reloadThread.isFinished()) { if (BeatmapSetList.get().size() > 0) { // initialize song list BeatmapSetList.get().init(); setFocus(BeatmapSetList.get().getRandomNode(), -1, true, true); } else MusicController.playThemeSong(); reloadThread = null; } int mouseX = input.getMouseX(), mouseY = input.getMouseY(); UI.getBackButton().hoverUpdate(delta, mouseX, mouseY); selectModsButton.hoverUpdate(delta, mouseX, mouseY); selectRandomButton.hoverUpdate(delta, mouseX, mouseY); selectMapOptionsButton.hoverUpdate(delta, mouseX, mouseY); selectOptionsButton.hoverUpdate(delta, mouseX, mouseY); // beatmap menu timer if (beatmapMenuTimer > -1) { beatmapMenuTimer += delta; if (beatmapMenuTimer >= BEATMAP_MENU_DELAY) { beatmapMenuTimer = -1; if (focusNode != null) { ((ButtonMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU)).setMenuState(MenuState.BEATMAP, focusNode); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU); } return; } } if (focusNode != null) { // fade in background Beatmap focusNodeBeatmap = focusNode.getSelectedBeatmap(); if (!focusNodeBeatmap.isBackgroundLoading()) bgAlpha.update(delta); // song change timers songChangeTimer.update(delta); if (!MusicController.isTrackLoading()) musicIconBounceTimer.update(delta); } // star stream starStream.update(delta); // search search.setFocus(true); searchTimer += delta; if (searchTimer >= SEARCH_DELAY && reloadThread == null && beatmapMenuTimer == -1) { searchTimer = 0; // store the start/focus nodes if (focusNode != null) oldFocusNode = new SongNode(BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(focusNode.index), focusNode.beatmapIndex); if (BeatmapSetList.get().search(search.getText())) { // reset song stack randomStack = new Stack(); // empty search if (search.getText().isEmpty()) searchResultString = null; // search produced new list: re-initialize it startNode = focusNode = null; scoreMap = null; focusScores = null; if (BeatmapSetList.get().size() > 0) { BeatmapSetList.get().init(); if (search.getText().isEmpty()) { // cleared search // use previous start/focus if possible if (oldFocusNode != null) setFocus(oldFocusNode.getNode(), oldFocusNode.getIndex(), true, true); else setFocus(BeatmapSetList.get().getRandomNode(), -1, true, true); } else { int size = BeatmapSetList.get().size(); searchResultString = String.format("%d match%s found!", size, (size == 1) ? "" : "es"); setFocus(BeatmapSetList.get().getRandomNode(), -1, true, true); } oldFocusNode = null; } else if (!search.getText().isEmpty()) searchResultString = "No matches found. Hit ESC to reset."; } } if (searchTransitionTimer < SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME) { searchTransitionTimer += delta; if (searchTransitionTimer > SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME) searchTransitionTimer = SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME; } // scores if (focusScores != null) { startScorePos.setMinMax(0, (focusScores.length - MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS) * ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); startScorePos.update(delta); } // scrolling songScrolling.update(delta); if (isScrollingToFocusNode) { float distanceDiff = Math.abs(songScrolling.getPosition() - songScrolling.getTargetPosition()); if (distanceDiff <= buttonOffset / 8f) { // close enough, stop blocking input songScrolling.scrollToPosition(songScrolling.getTargetPosition()); songScrolling.setSpeedMultiplier(1f); isScrollingToFocusNode = false; } } updateDrawnSongPosition(); // mouse hover BeatmapSetNode node = getNodeAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY); if (node != null) { if (node == hoverIndex) hoverOffset.update(delta); else { hoverIndex = node; hoverOffset.setTime(0); } return; } else { // not hovered hoverOffset.setTime(0); hoverIndex = null; } // tooltips if (focusScores != null && ScoreData.areaContains(mouseX, mouseY)) { int startScore = (int) (startScorePos.getPosition() / ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); int offset = (int) (-startScorePos.getPosition() + startScore * ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); int scoreButtons = Math.min(focusScores.length - startScore, MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS); for (int i = 0, rank = startScore; i < scoreButtons; i++, rank++) { if (rank < 0) continue; if (ScoreData.buttonContains(mouseX, mouseY - offset, i)) { UI.updateTooltip(delta, focusScores[rank].getTooltipString(), true); break; } } } } @Override public int getID() { return state; } @Override public void mousePressed(int button, int x, int y) { // check mouse button if (button == Input.MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON) return; if (isScrollingToFocusNode) return; songScrolling.pressed(); startScorePos.pressed(); } @Override public void mouseReleased(int button, int x, int y) { // check mouse button if (button == Input.MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON) return; if (isScrollingToFocusNode) return; songScrolling.released(); startScorePos.released(); } @Override public void mouseClicked(int button, int x, int y, int clickCount) { // check mouse button if (button == Input.MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON) return; // block input if (isInputBlocked()) return; // back if (UI.getBackButton().contains(x, y)) { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUBACK); ((MainMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_MAINMENU)).reset(); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_MAINMENU, new EasedFadeOutTransition(), new FadeInTransition()); return; } // selection buttons if (selectModsButton.contains(x, y)) { this.keyPressed(Input.KEY_F1, '\0'); return; } else if (selectRandomButton.contains(x, y)) { this.keyPressed(Input.KEY_F2, '\0'); return; } else if (selectMapOptionsButton.contains(x, y)) { this.keyPressed(Input.KEY_F3, '\0'); return; } else if (selectOptionsButton.contains(x, y)) { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_OPTIONSMENU, new EmptyTransition(), new FadeInTransition()); return; } if (focusNode == null) return; // sorting buttons for (BeatmapSortOrder sort : BeatmapSortOrder.values()) { if (sort.contains(x, y)) { if (sort != BeatmapSortOrder.getSort()) { BeatmapSortOrder.setSort(sort); SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUCLICK); BeatmapSetNode oldFocusBase = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(focusNode.index); int oldFocusFileIndex = focusNode.beatmapIndex; focusNode = null; BeatmapSetList.get().init(); setFocus(oldFocusBase, oldFocusFileIndex, true, true); } return; } } // song buttons BeatmapSetNode node = getNodeAtPosition(x, y); if (node != null) { int expandedIndex = BeatmapSetList.get().getExpandedIndex(); int oldHoverOffsetTime = hoverOffset.getTime(); BeatmapSetNode oldHoverIndex = hoverIndex; // clicked node is already expanded if (node.index == expandedIndex) { if (node.beatmapIndex == focusNode.beatmapIndex) { // if already focused, load the beatmap if (button != Input.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON) startGame(); else SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUCLICK); } else { // focus the node SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUCLICK); setFocus(node, 0, false, true); } } // clicked node is a new group else { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUCLICK); setFocus(node, -1, false, true); } // restore hover data hoverOffset.setTime(oldHoverOffsetTime); hoverIndex = oldHoverIndex; // open beatmap menu if (button == Input.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON) beatmapMenuTimer = (node.index == expandedIndex) ? BEATMAP_MENU_DELAY * 4 / 5 : 0; return; } // score buttons if (focusScores != null && ScoreData.areaContains(x, y)) { int startScore = (int) (startScorePos.getPosition() / ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); int offset = (int) (-startScorePos.getPosition() + startScore * ScoreData.getButtonOffset()); int scoreButtons = Math.min(focusScores.length - startScore, MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS); for (int i = 0, rank = startScore; i < scoreButtons; i++, rank++) { if (ScoreData.buttonContains(x, y - offset, i)) { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); if (button != Input.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON) { // view score GameData data = new GameData(focusScores[rank], container.getWidth(), container.getHeight()); ((GameRanking) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_GAMERANKING)).setGameData(data); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_GAMERANKING, new EasedFadeOutTransition(), new FadeInTransition()); } else { // score management ((ButtonMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU)).setMenuState(MenuState.SCORE, focusScores[rank]); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU); } return; } } } } @Override public void keyPressed(int key, char c) { // block input if ((reloadThread != null && !(key == Input.KEY_ESCAPE || key == Input.KEY_F12)) || beatmapMenuTimer > -1 || isScrollingToFocusNode) return; switch (key) { case Input.KEY_ESCAPE: if (reloadThread != null) { // beatmap reloading: stop parsing beatmaps by sending interrupt to BeatmapParser reloadThread.interrupt(); } else if (!search.getText().isEmpty()) { // clear search text search.setText(""); searchTimer = SEARCH_DELAY; searchTransitionTimer = 0; } else { // return to main menu SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUBACK); ((MainMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_MAINMENU)).reset(); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_MAINMENU, new EasedFadeOutTransition(), new FadeInTransition()); } break; case Input.KEY_F1: SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); ((ButtonMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU)).setMenuState(MenuState.MODS); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU); break; case Input.KEY_F2: if (focusNode == null) break; SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RSHIFT) || input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LSHIFT)) { // shift key: previous random track SongNode prev; if (randomStack.isEmpty() || (prev = randomStack.pop()) == null) break; setFocus(prev.getNode(), prev.getIndex(), true, true); } else { // random track, add previous to stack randomStack.push(new SongNode(BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(focusNode.index), focusNode.beatmapIndex)); setFocus(BeatmapSetList.get().getRandomNode(), -1, true, true); } break; case Input.KEY_F3: if (focusNode == null) break; SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); ((ButtonMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU)).setMenuState(MenuState.BEATMAP, focusNode); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU); break; case Input.KEY_F5: SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); if (songFolderChanged) reloadBeatmaps(false); else { ((ButtonMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU)).setMenuState(MenuState.RELOAD); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU); } break; case Input.KEY_DELETE: if (focusNode == null) break; if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RSHIFT) || input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LSHIFT)) { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); MenuState ms = (focusNode.beatmapIndex == -1 || focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size() == 1) ? MenuState.BEATMAP_DELETE_CONFIRM : MenuState.BEATMAP_DELETE_SELECT; ((ButtonMenu) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU)).setMenuState(ms, focusNode); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_BUTTONMENU); } break; case Input.KEY_F7: Options.setNextFPS(container); break; case Input.KEY_F10: Options.toggleMouseDisabled(); break; case Input.KEY_F12: Utils.takeScreenShot(); break; case Input.KEY_ENTER: if (focusNode == null) break; if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RCONTROL) || input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LCONTROL)) { // turn on "auto" mod if (!GameMod.AUTO.isActive()) GameMod.AUTO.toggle(true); } startGame(); break; case Input.KEY_DOWN: changeIndex(1); break; case Input.KEY_UP: changeIndex(-1); break; case Input.KEY_RIGHT: if (focusNode == null) break; BeatmapSetNode next = focusNode.next; if (next != null) { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUCLICK); BeatmapSetNode oldStartNode = startNode; int oldHoverOffsetTime = hoverOffset.getTime(); BeatmapSetNode oldHoverIndex = hoverIndex; setFocus(next, 0, false, true); if (startNode == oldStartNode) { hoverOffset.setTime(oldHoverOffsetTime); hoverIndex = oldHoverIndex; } } break; case Input.KEY_LEFT: if (focusNode == null) break; BeatmapSetNode prev = focusNode.prev; if (prev != null) { SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUCLICK); BeatmapSetNode oldStartNode = startNode; int oldHoverOffsetTime = hoverOffset.getTime(); BeatmapSetNode oldHoverIndex = hoverIndex; setFocus(prev, (prev.index == focusNode.index) ? 0 : prev.getBeatmapSet().size() - 1, false, true); if (startNode == oldStartNode) { hoverOffset.setTime(oldHoverOffsetTime); hoverIndex = oldHoverIndex; } } break; case Input.KEY_NEXT: changeIndex(MAX_SONG_BUTTONS); break; case Input.KEY_PRIOR: changeIndex(-MAX_SONG_BUTTONS); break; default: // wait for user to finish typing // TODO: accept all characters (current conditions are from TextField class) if ((c > 31 && c < 127) || key == Input.KEY_BACK) { searchTimer = 0; int textLength = search.getText().length(); if (lastSearchTextLength != textLength) { if (key == Input.KEY_BACK) { if (textLength == 0) searchTransitionTimer = 0; } else if (textLength == 1) searchTransitionTimer = 0; lastSearchTextLength = textLength; } } break; } } @Override public void mouseDragged(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) { // block input if (isInputBlocked()) return; int diff = newy - oldy; if (diff == 0) return; // check mouse button (right click scrolls faster on songs) int multiplier; if (input.isMouseButtonDown(Input.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) multiplier = 10; else if (input.isMouseButtonDown(Input.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) multiplier = 1; else return; // score buttons if (focusScores != null && focusScores.length >= MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS && ScoreData.areaContains(oldx, oldy)) startScorePos.dragged(-diff * multiplier); // song buttons else songScrolling.dragged(-diff * multiplier); } @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(int newValue) { // change volume if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LALT) || input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RALT)) { UI.changeVolume((newValue < 0) ? -1 : 1); return; } // block input if (isInputBlocked()) return; int shift = (newValue < 0) ? 1 : -1; int mouseX = input.getMouseX(), mouseY = input.getMouseY(); // score buttons if (focusScores != null && focusScores.length >= MAX_SCORE_BUTTONS && ScoreData.areaContains(mouseX, mouseY)) startScorePos.scrollOffset(ScoreData.getButtonOffset() * shift); // song buttons else changeIndex(shift); } @Override public void enter(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { UI.enter(); Display.setTitle(game.getTitle()); selectModsButton.resetHover(); selectRandomButton.resetHover(); selectMapOptionsButton.resetHover(); selectOptionsButton.resetHover(); hoverOffset.setTime(0); hoverIndex = null; isScrollingToFocusNode = false; songScrolling.released(); songScrolling.setSpeedMultiplier(1f); startScorePos.setPosition(0); beatmapMenuTimer = -1; searchTransitionTimer = SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME; songInfo = null; bgAlpha.setTime(bgAlpha.getDuration()); songChangeTimer.setTime(songChangeTimer.getDuration()); musicIconBounceTimer.setTime(musicIconBounceTimer.getDuration()); starStream.clear(); // reset song stack randomStack = new Stack(); // reload beatmaps if song folder changed if (songFolderChanged && stateAction != MenuState.RELOAD) reloadBeatmaps(false); // set focus node if not set (e.g. theme song playing) else if (focusNode == null && BeatmapSetList.get().size() > 0) setFocus(BeatmapSetList.get().getRandomNode(), -1, true, true); // reset music track else if (resetTrack) { MusicController.pause(); MusicController.playAt(MusicController.getBeatmap().previewTime, true); MusicController.setPitch(1.0f); resetTrack = false; } // unpause track else if (MusicController.isPaused()) MusicController.resume(); // undim track if (MusicController.isTrackDimmed()) MusicController.toggleTrackDimmed(1f); // reset game data if (resetGame) { ((Game) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_GAME)).resetGameData(); // destroy extra Clips MultiClip.destroyExtraClips(); // destroy skin images, if any for (GameImage img : GameImage.values()) { if (img.isBeatmapSkinnable()) img.destroyBeatmapSkinImage(); } // reload scores if (focusNode != null) { scoreMap = ScoreDB.getMapSetScores(focusNode.getSelectedBeatmap()); focusScores = getScoreDataForNode(focusNode, true); } resetGame = false; } // state-based action if (stateAction != null) { switch (stateAction) { case BEATMAP: // clear all scores if (stateActionNode == null || stateActionNode.beatmapIndex == -1) break; Beatmap beatmap = stateActionNode.getSelectedBeatmap(); ScoreDB.deleteScore(beatmap); if (stateActionNode == focusNode) { focusScores = null; scoreMap.remove(beatmap.version); } break; case SCORE: // clear single score if (stateActionScore == null) break; ScoreDB.deleteScore(stateActionScore); scoreMap = ScoreDB.getMapSetScores(focusNode.getSelectedBeatmap()); focusScores = getScoreDataForNode(focusNode, true); startScorePos.setPosition(0); break; case BEATMAP_DELETE_CONFIRM: // delete song group if (stateActionNode == null) break; BeatmapSetNode prev = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(stateActionNode.index - 1), next = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(stateActionNode.index + 1); int oldIndex = stateActionNode.index, focusNodeIndex = focusNode.index, startNodeIndex = startNode.index; BeatmapSetList.get().deleteSongGroup(stateActionNode); if (oldIndex == focusNodeIndex) { if (prev != null) setFocus(prev, -1, true, true); else if (next != null) setFocus(next, -1, true, true); else { startNode = focusNode = null; oldFocusNode = null; randomStack = new Stack(); songInfo = null; scoreMap = null; focusScores = null; } } else if (oldIndex == startNodeIndex) { if (startNode.prev != null) startNode = startNode.prev; else if (startNode.next != null) startNode = startNode.next; else { startNode = null; songInfo = null; } } break; case BEATMAP_DELETE_SELECT: // delete single song if (stateActionNode == null) break; int index = stateActionNode.index; BeatmapSetList.get().deleteSong(stateActionNode); if (stateActionNode == focusNode) { if (stateActionNode.prev != null && !(stateActionNode.next != null && stateActionNode.next.index == index)) { if (stateActionNode.prev.index == index) setFocus(stateActionNode.prev, 0, true, true); else setFocus(stateActionNode.prev, -1, true, true); } else if (stateActionNode.next != null) { if (stateActionNode.next.index == index) setFocus(stateActionNode.next, 0, true, true); else setFocus(stateActionNode.next, -1, true, true); } } else if (stateActionNode == startNode) { if (startNode.prev != null) startNode = startNode.prev; else if (startNode.next != null) startNode = startNode.next; } break; case RELOAD: // reload beatmaps reloadBeatmaps(true); break; default: break; } stateAction = null; stateActionNode = null; stateActionScore = null; } } @Override public void leave(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { search.setFocus(false); } /** * Shifts the startNode forward (+) or backwards (-) by a given number of nodes. * Initiates sliding "animation" by shifting the button Y position. * @param shift the number of nodes to shift */ private void changeIndex(int shift) { if (shift == 0) return; songScrolling.scrollOffset(shift * buttonOffset); } /** * Updates the song list data required for drawing. */ private void updateDrawnSongPosition() { float songNodePosDrawn = songScrolling.getPosition(); int startNodeIndex = (int) (songNodePosDrawn / buttonOffset); buttonY = -songNodePosDrawn + buttonOffset * startNodeIndex + headerY - DIVIDER_LINE_WIDTH; float max = (BeatmapSetList.get().size() + (focusNode != null ? focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size() : 0)); songScrolling.setMinMax(0 - buttonOffset * 2, (max - MAX_SONG_BUTTONS - 1 + 2) * buttonOffset); // negative startNodeIndex means the first Node is below the header so offset it. if (startNodeIndex <= 0) { startNodeOffset = -startNodeIndex; startNodeIndex = 0; } else { startNodeOffset = 0; } // Finds the start node with the expanded focus node in mind. if (focusNode != null && startNodeIndex >= focusNode.index) { // below the focus node. if (startNodeIndex <= focusNode.index + focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size()) { // inside the focus nodes expanded nodes. int nodeIndex = startNodeIndex - focusNode.index; startNode = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(focusNode.index); startNode = startNode.next; for (int i = 0; i < nodeIndex; i++) startNode = startNode.next; } else { startNodeIndex -= focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size() - 1; startNode = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(startNodeIndex); } } else startNode = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(startNodeIndex); } /** * Sets a new focus node. * @param node the base node; it will be expanded if it isn't already * @param beatmapIndex the beatmap element to focus; if out of bounds, it will be randomly chosen * @param changeStartNode if true, startNode will be set to the first node in the group * @param preview whether to start at the preview time (true) or beginning (false) * @return the old focus node */ public BeatmapSetNode setFocus(BeatmapSetNode node, int beatmapIndex, boolean changeStartNode, boolean preview) { if (node == null) return null; hoverOffset.setTime(0); hoverIndex = null; songInfo = null; songChangeTimer.setTime(0); musicIconBounceTimer.setTime(0); BeatmapSetNode oldFocus = focusNode; // expand node before focusing it int expandedIndex = BeatmapSetList.get().getExpandedIndex(); if (node.index != expandedIndex) { node = BeatmapSetList.get().expand(node.index); // calculate difficulties calculateStarRatings(node.getBeatmapSet()); // if start node was previously expanded, move it if (startNode != null && startNode.index == expandedIndex) startNode = BeatmapSetList.get().getBaseNode(startNode.index); } // check beatmapIndex bounds int length = node.getBeatmapSet().size(); if (beatmapIndex < 0 || beatmapIndex > length - 1) // set a random index beatmapIndex = (int) (Math.random() * length); focusNode = BeatmapSetList.get().getNode(node, beatmapIndex); Beatmap beatmap = focusNode.getSelectedBeatmap(); if (beatmap.timingPoints == null) { // parse the timingpoints so we can pulse the main menu logo and bottom right logo in songmenu BeatmapParser.parseOnlyTimingPoints(beatmap); } MusicController.play(beatmap, false, preview); // load scores scoreMap = ScoreDB.getMapSetScores(beatmap); focusScores = getScoreDataForNode(focusNode, true); startScorePos.setPosition(0); if (oldFocus != null && oldFocus.getBeatmapSet() != node.getBeatmapSet()) { // close previous node if (node.index > oldFocus.index) { float offset = (oldFocus.getBeatmapSet().size() - 1) * buttonOffset; songScrolling.addOffset(-offset); } if (Math.abs(node.index - oldFocus.index) > MAX_SONG_BUTTONS) { // open from the middle float offset = ((node.getBeatmapSet().size() - 1) * buttonOffset) / 2f; songScrolling.addOffset(offset); } else if (node.index > oldFocus.index) { // open from the bottom float offset = (node.getBeatmapSet().size() - 1) * buttonOffset; songScrolling.addOffset(offset); } else { // open from the top } } // change the focus node if (changeStartNode || (startNode.index == 0 && startNode.beatmapIndex == -1 && startNode.prev == null)) { if (startNode == null || game.getCurrentStateID() != Opsu.STATE_SONGMENU) songScrolling.setPosition((node.index - 1) * buttonOffset); else { isScrollingToFocusNode = true; songScrolling.setSpeedMultiplier(2f); songScrolling.released(); } } updateDrawnSongPosition(); // make sure focusNode is on the screen int val = focusNode.index + focusNode.beatmapIndex; if (val * buttonOffset <= songScrolling.getPosition()) songScrolling.scrollToPosition(val * buttonOffset); else if (val * buttonOffset - (footerY - headerY - buttonOffset) >= songScrolling.getPosition()) songScrolling.scrollToPosition(val * buttonOffset - (footerY - headerY - buttonOffset)); /* // Centers selected node int val = focusNode.index + focusNode.beatmapIndex - MAX_SONG_BUTTONS/2; songScrolling.scrollToPosition(val * buttonOffset); //*/ /* // Attempts to make all nodes in the set at least visible if( focusNode.index * buttonOffset < songScrolling.getPosition()) songScrolling.scrollToPosition(focusNode.index * buttonOffset); if ( ( focusNode.index + focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size() ) * buttonOffset > songScrolling.getPosition() + footerY - headerY) songScrolling.scrollToPosition((focusNode.index + focusNode.getBeatmapSet().size() ) * buttonOffset - (footerY - headerY)); //*/ // load background image beatmap.loadBackground(); boolean isBgNull = lastBackgroundImage == null || beatmap.bg == null; if ((isBgNull && lastBackgroundImage != beatmap.bg) || (!isBgNull && !beatmap.bg.equals(lastBackgroundImage))) { bgAlpha.setTime(0); lastBackgroundImage = beatmap.bg; } return oldFocus; } /** * Triggers a reset of game data upon entering this state. */ public void resetGameDataOnLoad() { resetGame = true; } /** * Triggers a reset of the music track upon entering this state. */ public void resetTrackOnLoad() { resetTrack = true; } /** * Performs an action based on a menu state upon entering this state. * @param menuState the menu state determining the action */ public void doStateActionOnLoad(MenuState menuState) { doStateActionOnLoad(menuState, null, null); } /** * Performs an action based on a menu state upon entering this state. * @param menuState the menu state determining the action * @param node the song node to perform the action on */ public void doStateActionOnLoad(MenuState menuState, BeatmapSetNode node) { doStateActionOnLoad(menuState, node, null); } /** * Performs an action based on a menu state upon entering this state. * @param menuState the menu state determining the action * @param scoreData the score data to perform the action on */ public void doStateActionOnLoad(MenuState menuState, ScoreData scoreData) { doStateActionOnLoad(menuState, null, scoreData); } /** * Performs an action based on a menu state upon entering this state. * @param menuState the menu state determining the action * @param node the song node to perform the action on * @param scoreData the score data to perform the action on */ private void doStateActionOnLoad(MenuState menuState, BeatmapSetNode node, ScoreData scoreData) { stateAction = menuState; stateActionNode = node; stateActionScore = scoreData; } /** * Returns all the score data for an BeatmapSetNode from scoreMap. * If no score data is available for the node, return null. * @param node the BeatmapSetNode * @param setTimeSince whether or not to set the "time since" field for the scores * @return the ScoreData array */ private ScoreData[] getScoreDataForNode(BeatmapSetNode node, boolean setTimeSince) { if (scoreMap == null || scoreMap.isEmpty() || node.beatmapIndex == -1) // node not expanded return null; Beatmap beatmap = node.getSelectedBeatmap(); ScoreData[] scores = scoreMap.get(beatmap.version); if (scores == null || scores.length < 1) // no scores return null; ScoreData s = scores[0]; if (beatmap.beatmapID == s.MID && beatmap.beatmapSetID == s.MSID && beatmap.title.equals(s.title) && beatmap.artist.equals(s.artist) && beatmap.creator.equals(s.creator)) { if (setTimeSince) { for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) scores[i].getTimeSince(); } return scores; } else return null; // incorrect map } /** * Reloads all beatmaps. * @param fullReload if true, also clear the beatmap cache and invoke the unpacker */ private void reloadBeatmaps(final boolean fullReload) { songFolderChanged = false; // reset state and node references MusicController.reset(); startNode = focusNode = null; scoreMap = null; focusScores = null; oldFocusNode = null; randomStack = new Stack(); songInfo = null; hoverOffset.setTime(0); hoverIndex = null; search.setText(""); searchTimer = SEARCH_DELAY; searchTransitionTimer = SEARCH_TRANSITION_TIME; searchResultString = null; lastBackgroundImage = null; // reload songs in new thread reloadThread = new BeatmapReloadThread(fullReload); reloadThread.start(); } /** * Returns whether a delayed/animated event is currently blocking user input. * @return true if blocking input */ private boolean isInputBlocked() { return (reloadThread != null || beatmapMenuTimer > -1 || isScrollingToFocusNode); } /** * Returns the beatmap node at the given location. * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate * @return the node, or {@code null} if none */ private BeatmapSetNode getNodeAtPosition(int x, int y) { if (y <= headerY || y >= footerY) return null; int expandedIndex = BeatmapSetList.get().getExpandedIndex(); BeatmapSetNode node = startNode; for (int i = startNodeOffset; i < MAX_SONG_BUTTONS + 1 && node != null; i++, node = node.next) { float cx = (node.index == expandedIndex) ? buttonX * 0.9f : buttonX; if ((x > cx && x < cx + buttonWidth) && (y > buttonY + (i * buttonOffset) && y < buttonY + (i * buttonOffset) + buttonHeight)) return node; } return null; } /** * Calculates all star ratings for a beatmap set. * @param beatmapSet the set of beatmaps */ private void calculateStarRatings(BeatmapSet beatmapSet) { for (Beatmap beatmap : beatmapSet) { if (beatmap.starRating >= 0) { // already calculated beatmapsCalculated.put(beatmap, beatmapsCalculated.get(beatmap)); continue; } // if timing points are already loaded before this (for whatever reason), // don't clear the array fields to be safe boolean hasTimingPoints = (beatmap.timingPoints != null); BeatmapDifficultyCalculator diffCalc = new BeatmapDifficultyCalculator(beatmap); diffCalc.calculate(); if (diffCalc.getStarRating() == -1) continue; // calculations failed // save star rating beatmap.starRating = diffCalc.getStarRating(); BeatmapDB.setStars(beatmap); beatmapsCalculated.put(beatmap, !hasTimingPoints); } } /** * Starts the game. */ private void startGame() { if (MusicController.isTrackLoading()) return; SoundController.playSound(SoundEffect.MENUHIT); Beatmap beatmap = MusicController.getBeatmap(); if (focusNode == null || beatmap != focusNode.getSelectedBeatmap()) { UI.sendBarNotification("Unable to load the beatmap audio."); return; } MultiClip.destroyExtraClips(); Game gameState = (Game) game.getState(Opsu.STATE_GAME); gameState.loadBeatmap(beatmap); gameState.setRestart(Game.Restart.NEW); gameState.setReplay(null); game.enterState(Opsu.STATE_GAME, new EasedFadeOutTransition(), new FadeInTransition()); } }