/* * opsu! - an open-source osu! client * Copyright (C) 2014 Jeffrey Han * * opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with opsu!. If not, see . */ package itdelatrisu.opsu.objects; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameImage; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameMod; import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameScore; import itdelatrisu.opsu.MusicController; import itdelatrisu.opsu.OsuFile; import itdelatrisu.opsu.OsuHitObject; import itdelatrisu.opsu.Utils; import itdelatrisu.opsu.states.Game; import java.io.File; import org.newdawn.slick.Animation; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; /** * Data type representing a slider object. */ public class Slider { /** * Slider ball animation. */ private static Animation sliderBall; /** * Slider movement speed multiplier. */ private static float sliderMultiplier = 1.0f; /** * Rate at which slider ticks are placed. */ private static float sliderTickRate = 1.0f; /** * The associated OsuHitObject. */ private OsuHitObject hitObject; /** * The associated Game object. */ private Game game; /** * The associated GameScore object. */ private GameScore score; /** * The color of this slider. */ private Color color; /** * The underlying Bezier object. */ private Bezier bezier; /** * The time duration of the slider, in milliseconds. */ private float sliderTime = 0f; /** * The time duration of the slider including repeats, in milliseconds. */ private float sliderTimeTotal = 0f; /** * Whether or not the result of the initial hit circle has been processed. */ private boolean sliderClicked = false; /** * Whether or not to show the follow circle. */ private boolean followCircleActive = false; /** * Whether or not the slider result ends the combo streak. */ private boolean comboEnd; /** * The number of repeats that have passed so far. */ private int currentRepeats = 0; /** * The t values of the slider ticks. */ private float[] ticksT; /** * The tick index in the ticksT[] array. */ private int tickIndex = 0; /** * Number of ticks hit and tick intervals so far. */ private int ticksHit = 0, tickIntervals = 1; /** * Representation of a Bezier curve, the main component of a slider. * * @author Alex Gheorghiu (http://html5tutorial.com/how-to-draw-n-grade-bezier-curve-with-canvas-api/) * @author pictuga (https://github.com/pictuga/osu-web) */ private class Bezier { /** * The order of the Bezier curve. */ private int order; /** * The step size (used for drawing), */ private float step; /** * The curve points for drawing with step size given by 'step'. */ private float[] curveX, curveY; /** * The angles of the first and last control points. */ private float startAngle, endAngle; /** * Constructor. */ public Bezier() { this.order = hitObject.getSliderX().length + 1; this.step = 5 / hitObject.getPixelLength(); // calculate curve points for drawing int N = (int) (1 / step); this.curveX = new float[N + 1]; this.curveY = new float[N + 1]; float t = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, t += step) { float[] c = pointAt(t); curveX[i] = c[0]; curveY[i] = c[1]; } curveX[N] = getX(order - 1); curveY[N] = getY(order - 1); // calculate angles (if needed) if (hitObject.getRepeatCount() > 1) { float[] c1 = pointAt(0f); float[] c2 = pointAt(step); startAngle = (float) (Math.atan2(c2[1] - c1[1], c2[0] - c1[0]) * 180 / Math.PI); c1 = pointAt(1f); c2 = pointAt(1f - step); endAngle = (float) (Math.atan2(c2[1] - c1[1], c2[0] - c1[0]) * 180 / Math.PI); } } /** * Returns the x coordinate of the control point at index i. */ private float getX(int i) { return (i == 0) ? hitObject.getX() : hitObject.getSliderX()[i - 1]; } /** * Returns the y coordinate of the control point at index i. */ private float getY(int i) { return (i == 0) ? hitObject.getY() : hitObject.getSliderY()[i - 1]; } /** * Returns the angle of the first control point. */ private float getStartAngle() { return startAngle; } /** * Returns the angle of the last control point. */ private float getEndAngle() { return endAngle; } /** * Calculates the factorial of a number. */ private long factorial(int n) { return (n <= 1 || n > 20) ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1); } /** * Calculates the Bernstein polynomial. * @param i the index * @param n the degree of the polynomial (i.e. number of points) * @param t the t value [0, 1] */ private double bernstein(int i, int n, float t) { return factorial(n) / (factorial(i) * factorial(n-i)) * Math.pow(t, i) * Math.pow(1-t, n-i); } /** * Returns the point on the Bezier curve at a value t. * For curves of order greater than 4, points will be generated along * a path of overlapping cubic (at most) Beziers. * @param t the t value [0, 1] * @return the point [x, y] */ public float[] pointAt(float t) { float[] c = { 0f, 0f }; int n = order - 1; if (n < 4) { // normal curve for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { c[0] += getX(i) * bernstein(i, n, t); c[1] += getY(i) * bernstein(i, n, t); } } else { // split curve into path // TODO: this is probably wrong... int segmentCount = (n / 3) + 1; int segment = (int) Math.floor(t * segmentCount); int startIndex = 3 * segment; int segmentOrder = Math.min(startIndex + 3, n) - startIndex; float segmentT = (t * segmentCount) - segment; for (int i = 0; i <= segmentOrder; i++) { c[0] += getX(i + startIndex) * bernstein(i, segmentOrder, segmentT); c[1] += getY(i + startIndex) * bernstein(i, segmentOrder, segmentT); } } return c; } /** * Draws the full Bezier curve to the graphics context. */ public void draw() { Image hitCircle = GameImage.HITCIRCLE.getImage(); Image hitCircleOverlay = GameImage.HITCIRCLE_OVERLAY.getImage(); // draw overlay and hit circle for (int i = curveX.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) Utils.drawCentered(hitCircleOverlay, curveX[i], curveY[i], Color.white); for (int i = curveX.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) Utils.drawCentered(hitCircle, curveX[i], curveY[i], color); } } /** * Initializes the Slider data type with images and dimensions. * @param container the game container * @param circleSize the map's circleSize value * @param osu the associated OsuFile object * @throws SlickException */ public static void init(GameContainer container, float circleSize, OsuFile osu) throws SlickException { int diameter = (int) (96 - (circleSize * 8)); diameter = diameter * container.getWidth() / 640; // convert from Osupixels (640x480) // slider ball if (sliderBall != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sliderBall.getFrameCount(); i++) { Image img = sliderBall.getImage(i); if (!img.isDestroyed()) img.destroy(); } } sliderBall = new Animation(); String sliderFormat = "sliderb%d.png"; int sliderIndex = 0; File dir = MusicController.getOsuFile().getFile().getParentFile(); File slider = new File(dir, String.format(sliderFormat, sliderIndex)); if (slider.isFile()) { do { sliderBall.addFrame(new Image(slider.getAbsolutePath()).getScaledCopy(diameter * 118 / 128, diameter * 118 / 128), 60); slider = new File(dir, String.format(sliderFormat, ++sliderIndex)); } while (slider.isFile()); } else { while (true) { try { Image sliderFrame = new Image(String.format(sliderFormat, sliderIndex++)); sliderBall.addFrame(sliderFrame.getScaledCopy(diameter * 118 / 128, diameter * 118 / 128), 60); } catch (Exception e) { break; } } } GameImage.SLIDER_FOLLOWCIRCLE.setImage(GameImage.SLIDER_FOLLOWCIRCLE.getImage().getScaledCopy(diameter * 259 / 128, diameter * 259 / 128)); GameImage.REVERSEARROW.setImage(GameImage.REVERSEARROW.getImage().getScaledCopy(diameter, diameter)); GameImage.SLIDER_TICK.setImage(GameImage.SLIDER_TICK.getImage().getScaledCopy(diameter / 4, diameter / 4)); sliderMultiplier = osu.sliderMultiplier; sliderTickRate = osu.sliderTickRate; } /** * Constructor. * @param hitObject the associated OsuHitObject * @param game the associated Game object * @param score the associated GameScore object * @param color the color of this circle * @param comboEnd true if this is the last hit object in the combo */ public Slider(OsuHitObject hitObject, Game game, GameScore score, Color color, boolean comboEnd) { this.hitObject = hitObject; this.game = game; this.score = score; this.color = color; this.comboEnd = comboEnd; this.bezier = new Bezier(); } /** * Draws the slider to the graphics context. * @param trackPosition the current track position * @param currentObject true if this is the current hit object */ public void draw(int trackPosition, boolean currentObject) { float x = hitObject.getX(), y = hitObject.getY(); float[] sliderX = hitObject.getSliderX(), sliderY = hitObject.getSliderY(); int timeDiff = hitObject.getTime() - trackPosition; Image hitCircleOverlay = GameImage.HITCIRCLE_OVERLAY.getImage(); Image hitCircle = GameImage.HITCIRCLE.getImage(); // bezier bezier.draw(); // ticks if (currentObject && ticksT != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ticksT.length; i++) { float[] c = bezier.pointAt(ticksT[i]); GameImage.SLIDER_TICK.getImage().drawCentered(c[0], c[1]); } } // end circle int lastIndex = sliderX.length - 1; Utils.drawCentered(hitCircleOverlay, sliderX[lastIndex], sliderY[lastIndex], Color.white); Utils.drawCentered(hitCircle, sliderX[lastIndex], sliderY[lastIndex], color); // start circle Utils.drawCentered(hitCircleOverlay, x, y, Color.white); Utils.drawCentered(hitCircle, x, y, color); if (sliderClicked) ; // don't draw current combo number if already clicked else score.drawSymbolNumber(hitObject.getComboNumber(), x, y, hitCircle.getWidth() * 0.40f / score.getDefaultSymbolImage(0).getHeight()); // repeats if (hitObject.getRepeatCount() - 1 > currentRepeats) { Image arrow = GameImage.REVERSEARROW.getImage(); if (currentRepeats % 2 == 0) { // last circle arrow.setRotation(bezier.getEndAngle()); arrow.drawCentered(sliderX[lastIndex], sliderY[lastIndex]); } else { // first circle arrow.setRotation(bezier.getStartAngle()); arrow.drawCentered(x, y); } } if (timeDiff >= 0) { // approach circle float approachScale = 1 + (timeDiff * 2f / game.getApproachTime()); Utils.drawCentered(GameImage.APPROACHCIRCLE.getImage().getScaledCopy(approachScale), x, y, color); } else { float[] c = bezier.pointAt(getT(trackPosition, false)); // slider ball Utils.drawCentered(sliderBall, c[0], c[1]); // follow circle if (followCircleActive) GameImage.SLIDER_FOLLOWCIRCLE.getImage().drawCentered(c[0], c[1]); } } /** * Calculates the slider hit result. * @param time the hit object time (difference between track time) * @param lastCircleHit true if the cursor was held within the last circle * @return the hit result (GameScore.HIT_* constants) */ public int hitResult() { int lastIndex = hitObject.getSliderX().length - 1; float tickRatio = (float) ticksHit / tickIntervals; int result; if (tickRatio >= 1.0f) result = GameScore.HIT_300; else if (tickRatio >= 0.5f) result = GameScore.HIT_100; else if (tickRatio > 0f) result = GameScore.HIT_50; else result = GameScore.HIT_MISS; if (currentRepeats % 2 == 0) // last circle score.hitResult(hitObject.getTime() + (int) sliderTimeTotal, result, hitObject.getSliderX()[lastIndex], hitObject.getSliderY()[lastIndex], color, comboEnd, hitObject.getHitSoundType()); else // first circle score.hitResult(hitObject.getTime() + (int) sliderTimeTotal, result, hitObject.getX(), hitObject.getY(), color, comboEnd, hitObject.getHitSoundType()); return result; } /** * Processes a mouse click. * @param x the x coordinate of the mouse * @param y the y coordinate of the mouse * @param comboEnd if this is the last object in the combo * @return true if a hit result was processed */ public boolean mousePressed(int x, int y) { if (sliderClicked) // first circle already processed return false; double distance = Math.hypot(hitObject.getX() - x, hitObject.getY() - y); int circleRadius = GameImage.HITCIRCLE.getImage().getWidth() / 2; if (distance < circleRadius) { int trackPosition = MusicController.getPosition(); int timeDiff = Math.abs(trackPosition - hitObject.getTime()); int[] hitResultOffset = game.getHitResultOffsets(); int result = -1; if (timeDiff < hitResultOffset[GameScore.HIT_50]) { result = GameScore.HIT_SLIDER30; ticksHit++; } else if (timeDiff < hitResultOffset[GameScore.HIT_MISS]) result = GameScore.HIT_MISS; //else not a hit if (result > -1) { sliderClicked = true; score.sliderTickResult(hitObject.getTime(), result, hitObject.getX(), hitObject.getY(), hitObject.getHitSoundType()); return true; } } return false; } /** * Updates the slider object. * @param overlap true if the next object's start time has already passed * @param delta the delta interval since the last call * @param mouseX the x coordinate of the mouse * @param mouseY the y coordinate of the mouse * @return true if slider ended */ public boolean update(boolean overlap, int delta, int mouseX, int mouseY) { int repeatCount = hitObject.getRepeatCount(); // slider time and tick calculations if (sliderTimeTotal == 0f) { // slider time this.sliderTime = game.getBeatLength() * (hitObject.getPixelLength() / sliderMultiplier) / 100f; this.sliderTimeTotal = sliderTime * repeatCount; // ticks float tickLengthDiv = 100f * sliderMultiplier / sliderTickRate / game.getTimingPointMultiplier(); int tickCount = (int) Math.ceil(hitObject.getPixelLength() / tickLengthDiv) - 1; if (tickCount > 0) { this.ticksT = new float[tickCount]; float tickTOffset = 1f / (tickCount + 1); float t = tickTOffset; for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++, t += tickTOffset) ticksT[i] = t; } } byte hitSound = hitObject.getHitSoundType(); int trackPosition = MusicController.getPosition(); int[] hitResultOffset = game.getHitResultOffsets(); int lastIndex = hitObject.getSliderX().length - 1; boolean isAutoMod = GameMod.AUTO.isActive(); if (!sliderClicked) { int time = hitObject.getTime(); // start circle time passed if (trackPosition > time + hitResultOffset[GameScore.HIT_50]) { sliderClicked = true; if (isAutoMod) { // "auto" mod: catch any missed notes due to lag ticksHit++; score.sliderTickResult(time, GameScore.HIT_SLIDER30, hitObject.getX(), hitObject.getY(), hitSound); } else score.sliderTickResult(time, GameScore.HIT_MISS, hitObject.getX(), hitObject.getY(), hitSound); } // "auto" mod: send a perfect hit result else if (isAutoMod) { if (Math.abs(trackPosition - time) < hitResultOffset[GameScore.HIT_300]) { ticksHit++; sliderClicked = true; score.sliderTickResult(time, GameScore.HIT_SLIDER30, hitObject.getX(), hitObject.getY(), hitSound); } } } // end of slider if (overlap || trackPosition > hitObject.getTime() + sliderTimeTotal) { tickIntervals++; // "auto" mod: send a perfect hit result if (isAutoMod) ticksHit++; // check if cursor pressed and within end circle else if (Utils.isGameKeyPressed()) { double distance = Math.hypot(hitObject.getSliderX()[lastIndex] - mouseX, hitObject.getSliderY()[lastIndex] - mouseY); int followCircleRadius = GameImage.SLIDER_FOLLOWCIRCLE.getImage().getWidth() / 2; if (distance < followCircleRadius) ticksHit++; } // calculate and send slider result hitResult(); return true; } // repeats boolean isNewRepeat = false; if (repeatCount - 1 > currentRepeats) { float t = getT(trackPosition, true); if (Math.floor(t) > currentRepeats) { currentRepeats++; tickIntervals++; isNewRepeat = true; } } // ticks boolean isNewTick = false; if (ticksT != null && tickIntervals < (ticksT.length * (currentRepeats + 1)) + repeatCount && tickIntervals < (ticksT.length * repeatCount) + repeatCount) { float t = getT(trackPosition, true); if (t - Math.floor(t) >= ticksT[tickIndex]) { tickIntervals++; tickIndex = (tickIndex + 1) % ticksT.length; isNewTick = true; } } // holding slider... float[] c = bezier.pointAt(getT(trackPosition, false)); double distance = Math.hypot(c[0] - mouseX, c[1] - mouseY); int followCircleRadius = GameImage.SLIDER_FOLLOWCIRCLE.getImage().getWidth() / 2; if ((Utils.isGameKeyPressed() && distance < followCircleRadius) || isAutoMod) { // mouse pressed and within follow circle followCircleActive = true; score.changeHealth(delta * GameScore.HP_DRAIN_MULTIPLIER); // held during new repeat if (isNewRepeat) { ticksHit++; if (currentRepeats % 2 > 0) // last circle score.sliderTickResult(trackPosition, GameScore.HIT_SLIDER30, hitObject.getSliderX()[lastIndex], hitObject.getSliderY()[lastIndex], hitSound); else // first circle score.sliderTickResult(trackPosition, GameScore.HIT_SLIDER30, c[0], c[1], hitSound); } // held during new tick if (isNewTick) { ticksHit++; score.sliderTickResult(trackPosition, GameScore.HIT_SLIDER10, c[0], c[1], (byte) -1); } } else { followCircleActive = false; if (isNewRepeat) score.sliderTickResult(trackPosition, GameScore.HIT_MISS, 0, 0, hitSound); if (isNewTick) score.sliderTickResult(trackPosition, GameScore.HIT_MISS, 0, 0, (byte) -1); } return false; } /** * Returns the t value based on the given track position. * @param trackPosition the current track position * @param raw if false, ensures that the value lies within [0, 1] by looping repeats * @return the t value: raw [0, repeats] or looped [0, 1] */ public float getT(int trackPosition, boolean raw) { float t = (trackPosition - hitObject.getTime()) / sliderTime; if (raw) return t; else { float floor = (float) Math.floor(t); return (floor % 2 == 0) ? t - floor : floor + 1 - t; } } }