Jeffrey Han 40a800eb76 Changed cached OsuFile loading.
Instead of being loaded individually from the database, OsuFiles are now loaded in batch by traversing the database.  In most cases, this should cause a ~10% loading speed improvement.  Defaults to the previous approach if few OsuFiles are being loaded.

Other changes:
- Don't drop indexes upon batch insertion if few entries are being inserted.
- Trying to increase fetch size with setFetchSize(100).
- Added more parser statuses.

Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
2015-03-07 23:24:19 -05:00

595 lines
19 KiB

* opsu! - an open-source osu! client
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Jeffrey Han
* opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with opsu!. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package itdelatrisu.opsu;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.SoundController;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import org.newdawn.slick.Animation;
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.Input;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.StateBasedGame;
* Class primarily used for drawing UI components.
public class UI {
/** Back button. */
private static MenuButton backButton;
/** Last cursor coordinates. */
private static int lastX = -1, lastY = -1;
/** Cursor rotation angle. */
private static float cursorAngle = 0f;
/** Stores all previous cursor locations to display a trail. */
private static LinkedList<Integer>
cursorX = new LinkedList<Integer>(),
cursorY = new LinkedList<Integer>();
/** Time to show volume image, in milliseconds. */
private static final int VOLUME_DISPLAY_TIME = 1500;
/** Volume display elapsed time. */
private static int volumeDisplay = -1;
/** The current bar notification string. */
private static String barNotif;
/** The current bar notification timer. */
private static int barNotifTimer = -1;
/** Duration, in milliseconds, to display bar notifications. */
private static final int BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME = 1250;
// game-related variables
private static GameContainer container;
private static StateBasedGame game;
private static Input input;
// This class should not be instantiated.
private UI() {}
* Initializes UI data.
* @param container the game container
* @param game the game object
* @throws SlickException
public static void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
throws SlickException {
UI.container = container;
UI.game = game;
UI.input = container.getInput();
// back button
if (GameImage.MENU_BACK.getImages() != null) {
Animation back = GameImage.MENU_BACK.getAnimation(120);
backButton = new MenuButton(back, back.getWidth() / 2f, container.getHeight() - (back.getHeight() / 2f));
} else {
Image back = GameImage.MENU_BACK.getImage();
backButton = new MenuButton(back, back.getWidth() / 2f, container.getHeight() - (back.getHeight() / 2f));
* Updates all UI components by a delta interval.
* @param delta the delta interval since the last call.
public static void update(int delta) {
* Draws the global UI components: cursor, FPS, volume bar, bar notifications.
* @param g the graphics context
public static void draw(Graphics g) {
* Resets the necessary UI components upon entering a state.
public static void enter() {
* Returns the 'menu-back' MenuButton.
public static MenuButton getBackButton() { return backButton; }
* Draws a tab image and text centered at a location.
* @param x the center x coordinate
* @param y the center y coordinate
* @param text the text to draw inside the tab
* @param selected whether the tab is selected (white) or not (red)
* @param isHover whether to include a hover effect (unselected only)
public static void drawTab(float x, float y, String text, boolean selected, boolean isHover) {
Image tabImage = GameImage.MENU_TAB.getImage();
float tabTextX = x - (Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.getWidth(text) / 2);
float tabTextY = y - (tabImage.getHeight() / 2.5f);
Color filter, textColor;
if (selected) {
filter = Color.white;
textColor = Color.black;
} else {
filter = (isHover) ? Utils.COLOR_RED_HOVER : Color.red;
textColor = Color.white;
tabImage.drawCentered(x, y, filter);
Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.drawString(tabTextX, tabTextY, text, textColor);
* Draws the cursor.
public static void drawCursor() {
// determine correct cursor image
// TODO: most beatmaps don't skin CURSOR_MIDDLE, so how to determine style?
Image cursor = null, cursorMiddle = null, cursorTrail = null;
boolean skinned = GameImage.CURSOR.hasSkinImage();
boolean newStyle = (skinned) ? true : Options.isNewCursorEnabled();
if (skinned || newStyle) {
cursor = GameImage.CURSOR.getImage();
cursorTrail = GameImage.CURSOR_TRAIL.getImage();
} else {
cursor = GameImage.CURSOR_OLD.getImage();
cursorTrail = GameImage.CURSOR_TRAIL_OLD.getImage();
if (newStyle)
cursorMiddle = GameImage.CURSOR_MIDDLE.getImage();
int mouseX = input.getMouseX(), mouseY = input.getMouseY();
int removeCount = 0;
int FPSmod = (Options.getTargetFPS() / 60);
// TODO: use an image buffer
if (newStyle) {
// new style: add all points between cursor movements
if (lastX < 0) {
lastX = mouseX;
lastY = mouseY;
addCursorPoints(lastX, lastY, mouseX, mouseY);
lastX = mouseX;
lastY = mouseY;
removeCount = (cursorX.size() / (6 * FPSmod)) + 1;
} else {
// old style: sample one point at a time
int max = 10 * FPSmod;
if (cursorX.size() > max)
removeCount = cursorX.size() - max;
// remove points from the lists
for (int i = 0; i < removeCount && !cursorX.isEmpty(); i++) {
// draw a fading trail
float alpha = 0f;
float t = 2f / cursorX.size();
Iterator<Integer> iterX = cursorX.iterator();
Iterator<Integer> iterY = cursorY.iterator();
while (iterX.hasNext()) {
int cx = iterX.next();
int cy = iterY.next();
alpha += t;
// if (cx != x || cy != y)
cursorTrail.drawCentered(cx, cy);
cursorTrail.drawCentered(mouseX, mouseY);
// increase the cursor size if pressed
final float scale = 1.25f;
int state = game.getCurrentStateID();
if (((state == Opsu.STATE_GAME || state == Opsu.STATE_GAMEPAUSEMENU) && Utils.isGameKeyPressed()) ||
((input.isMouseButtonDown(Input.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) || input.isMouseButtonDown(Input.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) &&
!(state == Opsu.STATE_GAME && Options.isMouseDisabled()))) {
cursor = cursor.getScaledCopy(scale);
if (newStyle)
cursorMiddle = cursorMiddle.getScaledCopy(scale);
// draw the other components
if (newStyle)
cursor.drawCentered(mouseX, mouseY);
if (newStyle)
cursorMiddle.drawCentered(mouseX, mouseY);
* Adds all points between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) to the cursor point lists.
* @author http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham's_line_algorithm#Java
private static void addCursorPoints(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
// delta of exact value and rounded value of the dependent variable
int d = 0;
int dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1);
int dx = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
int dy2 = (dy << 1); // slope scaling factors to avoid floating
int dx2 = (dx << 1); // point
int ix = x1 < x2 ? 1 : -1; // increment direction
int iy = y1 < y2 ? 1 : -1;
int k = 5; // sample size
if (dy <= dx) {
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
if (i == k) {
i = 0;
if (x1 == x2)
x1 += ix;
d += dy2;
if (d > dx) {
y1 += iy;
d -= dx2;
} else {
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
if (i == k) {
i = 0;
if (y1 == y2)
y1 += iy;
d += dx2;
if (d > dy) {
x1 += ix;
d -= dy2;
* Rotates the cursor by a degree determined by a delta interval.
* If the old style cursor is being used, this will do nothing.
* @param delta the delta interval since the last call
private static void updateCursor(int delta) {
cursorAngle += delta / 40f;
cursorAngle %= 360;
* Resets all cursor data and skins.
public static void resetCursor() {
cursorAngle = 0f;
lastX = lastY = -1;
* Draws the FPS at the bottom-right corner of the game container.
* If the option is not activated, this will do nothing.
public static void drawFPS() {
if (!Options.isFPSCounterEnabled())
String fps = String.format("%dFPS", container.getFPS());
container.getWidth() * 0.997f - Utils.FONT_BOLD.getWidth(fps),
container.getHeight() * 0.997f - Utils.FONT_BOLD.getHeight(fps),
Integer.toString(container.getFPS()), Color.white
container.getWidth() * 0.997f - Utils.FONT_BOLD.getWidth("FPS"),
container.getHeight() * 0.997f - Utils.FONT_BOLD.getHeight("FPS"),
"FPS", Color.white
* Draws the volume bar on the middle right-hand side of the game container.
* Only draws if the volume has recently been changed using with {@link #changeVolume(int)}.
* @param g the graphics context
public static void drawVolume(Graphics g) {
if (volumeDisplay == -1)
int width = container.getWidth(), height = container.getHeight();
Image img = GameImage.VOLUME.getImage();
// move image in/out
float xOffset = 0;
float ratio = (float) volumeDisplay / VOLUME_DISPLAY_TIME;
if (ratio <= 0.1f)
xOffset = img.getWidth() * (1 - (ratio * 10f));
else if (ratio >= 0.9f)
xOffset = img.getWidth() * (1 - ((1 - ratio) * 10f));
img.drawCentered(width - img.getWidth() / 2f + xOffset, height / 2f);
float barHeight = img.getHeight() * 0.9f;
float volume = Options.getMasterVolume();
width - (img.getWidth() * 0.368f) + xOffset,
(height / 2f) - (img.getHeight() * 0.47f) + (barHeight * (1 - volume)),
img.getWidth() * 0.15f, barHeight * volume, 3
* Updates volume display by a delta interval.
* @param delta the delta interval since the last call
private static void updateVolumeDisplay(int delta) {
if (volumeDisplay == -1)
volumeDisplay += delta;
if (volumeDisplay > VOLUME_DISPLAY_TIME)
volumeDisplay = -1;
* Changes the master volume by a unit (positive or negative).
* @param units the number of units
public static void changeVolume(int units) {
final float UNIT_OFFSET = 0.05f;
Options.setMasterVolume(container, Utils.getBoundedValue(Options.getMasterVolume(), UNIT_OFFSET * units, 0f, 1f));
if (volumeDisplay == -1)
volumeDisplay = 0;
else if (volumeDisplay >= VOLUME_DISPLAY_TIME / 10)
volumeDisplay = VOLUME_DISPLAY_TIME / 10;
* Draws loading progress (OSZ unpacking, OsuFile parsing, sound loading)
* at the bottom of the screen.
public static void drawLoadingProgress(Graphics g) {
String text, file;
int progress;
// determine current action
if ((file = OszUnpacker.getCurrentFileName()) != null) {
text = "Unpacking new beatmaps...";
progress = OszUnpacker.getUnpackerProgress();
} else if ((file = OsuParser.getCurrentFileName()) != null) {
text = (OsuParser.getStatus() == OsuParser.Status.INSERTING) ?
"Updating database..." : "Loading beatmaps...";
progress = OsuParser.getParserProgress();
} else if ((file = SoundController.getCurrentFileName()) != null) {
text = "Loading sounds...";
progress = SoundController.getLoadingProgress();
} else
// draw loading info
float marginX = container.getWidth() * 0.02f, marginY = container.getHeight() * 0.02f;
float lineY = container.getHeight() - marginY;
int lineOffsetY = Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.getLineHeight();
if (Options.isLoadVerbose()) {
// verbose: display percentages and file names
marginX, lineY - (lineOffsetY * 2),
String.format("%s (%d%%)", text, progress), Color.white);
Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.drawString(marginX, lineY - lineOffsetY, file, Color.white);
} else {
// draw loading bar
Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.drawString(marginX, lineY - (lineOffsetY * 2), text, Color.white);
g.fillRoundRect(marginX, lineY - (lineOffsetY / 2f),
(container.getWidth() - (marginX * 2f)) * progress / 100f, lineOffsetY / 4f, 4
* Draws a scroll bar.
* @param g the graphics context
* @param unitIndex the unit index
* @param totalUnits the total number of units
* @param maxShown the maximum number of units shown at one time
* @param unitBaseX the base x coordinate of the units
* @param unitBaseY the base y coordinate of the units
* @param unitWidth the width of a unit
* @param unitHeight the height of a unit
* @param unitOffsetY the y offset between units
* @param bgColor the scroll bar area background color (null if none)
* @param scrollbarColor the scroll bar color
* @param right whether or not to place the scroll bar on the right side of the unit
public static void drawScrollbar(
Graphics g, int unitIndex, int totalUnits, int maxShown,
float unitBaseX, float unitBaseY, float unitWidth, float unitHeight, float unitOffsetY,
Color bgColor, Color scrollbarColor, boolean right
) {
float scrollbarWidth = container.getWidth() * 0.00347f;
float heightRatio = (float) (2.6701f * Math.exp(-0.81 * Math.log(totalUnits)));
float scrollbarHeight = container.getHeight() * heightRatio;
float scrollAreaHeight = unitHeight + unitOffsetY * (maxShown - 1);
float offsetY = (scrollAreaHeight - scrollbarHeight) * ((float) unitIndex / (totalUnits - maxShown));
float scrollbarX = unitBaseX + unitWidth - ((right) ? scrollbarWidth : 0);
if (bgColor != null) {
g.fillRect(scrollbarX, unitBaseY, scrollbarWidth, scrollAreaHeight);
g.fillRect(scrollbarX, unitBaseY + offsetY, scrollbarWidth, scrollbarHeight);
* Draws a tooltip near the current mouse coordinates, bounded by the
* container dimensions.
* @param g the graphics context
* @param text the tooltip text
* @param newlines whether to check for line breaks ('\n')
public static void drawTooltip(Graphics g, String text, boolean newlines) {
int containerWidth = container.getWidth(), containerHeight = container.getHeight();
int margin = containerWidth / 100, textMarginX = 2;
int offset = GameImage.CURSOR_MIDDLE.getImage().getWidth() / 2;
int lineHeight = Utils.FONT_SMALL.getLineHeight();
int textWidth = textMarginX * 2, textHeight = lineHeight;
if (newlines) {
String[] lines = text.split("\\n");
int maxWidth = Utils.FONT_SMALL.getWidth(lines[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
int w = Utils.FONT_SMALL.getWidth(lines[i]);
if (w > maxWidth)
maxWidth = w;
textWidth += maxWidth;
textHeight += lineHeight * (lines.length - 1);
} else
textWidth += Utils.FONT_SMALL.getWidth(text);
// get drawing coordinates
int x = input.getMouseX() + offset, y = input.getMouseY() + offset;
if (x + textWidth > containerWidth - margin)
x = containerWidth - margin - textWidth;
else if (x < margin)
x = margin;
if (y + textHeight > containerHeight - margin)
y = containerHeight - margin - textHeight;
else if (y < margin)
y = margin;
// draw tooltip text inside a filled rectangle
g.fillRect(x, y, textWidth, textHeight);
g.drawRect(x, y, textWidth, textHeight);
Utils.FONT_SMALL.drawString(x + textMarginX, y, text, Color.white);
* Submits a bar notification for drawing.
* Must be called with {@link #drawBarNotification(Graphics)}.
* @param s the notification string
public static void sendBarNotification(String s) {
if (s != null) {
barNotif = s;
barNotifTimer = 0;
* Updates the bar notification by a delta interval.
* @param delta the delta interval since the last call
private static void updateBarNotification(int delta) {
if (barNotifTimer > -1 && barNotifTimer < BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME) {
barNotifTimer += delta;
if (barNotifTimer > BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME)
* Resets the bar notification.
public static void resetBarNotification() {
barNotifTimer = -1;
barNotif = null;
* Draws the notification sent from {@link #sendBarNotification(String)}.
* @param g the graphics context
public static void drawBarNotification(Graphics g) {
if (barNotifTimer == -1 || barNotifTimer >= BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME)
float alpha = 1f;
if (barNotifTimer >= BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME * 0.9f)
alpha -= 1 - ((BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME - barNotifTimer) / (BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME * 0.1f));
int midX = container.getWidth() / 2, midY = container.getHeight() / 2;
float barHeight = Utils.FONT_LARGE.getLineHeight() * (1f + 0.6f * Math.min(barNotifTimer * 15f / BAR_NOTIFICATION_TIME, 1f));
float oldAlphaB = Utils.COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA.a, oldAlphaW = Utils.COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA.a;
Utils.COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA.a *= alpha;
Utils.COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA.a = alpha;
g.fillRect(0, midY - barHeight / 2f, container.getWidth(), barHeight);
midX - Utils.FONT_LARGE.getWidth(barNotif) / 2f,
midY - Utils.FONT_LARGE.getLineHeight() / 2.2f,
barNotif, Utils.COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA);
Utils.COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA.a = oldAlphaB;
Utils.COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA.a = oldAlphaW;
* Shows a confirmation dialog (used before exiting the game).
* @param message the message to display
* @return true if user selects "yes", false otherwise
public static boolean showExitConfirmation(String message) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorHandler.error("Could not set system look and feel for exit confirmation.", e, true);
int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message, "Warning",
return (n != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);