Pavel Kolchev 87667c5dab Correct circle and slider fade in.
Match osu! behaviour. Fadein time is static and doesn't scale with approach rate. Circles, numbers, arrows and ticks alpha is the same.
2015-03-30 17:06:16 +03:00

1298 lines
41 KiB

* opsu! - an open-source osu! client
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Jeffrey Han
* opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with opsu!. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package itdelatrisu.opsu;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.HitSound;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.MusicController;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.SoundController;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.SoundEffect;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.downloads.Updater;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.replay.Replay;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.replay.ReplayFrame;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import org.newdawn.slick.Animation;
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
* Holds game data and renders all related elements.
public class GameData {
/** Delta multiplier for steady HP drain. */
public static final float HP_DRAIN_MULTIPLIER = 1 / 200f;
/** Time, in milliseconds, for a hit result to fade. */
public static final int HITRESULT_FADE_TIME = 500;
/** Duration, in milliseconds, of a combo pop effect. */
private static final int COMBO_POP_TIME = 250;
/** Time, in milliseconds, for a hit error tick to fade. */
private static final int HIT_ERROR_FADE_TIME = 5000;
/** Letter grades. */
public enum Grade {
NULL (null, null),
SSH (GameImage.RANKING_SSH, GameImage.RANKING_SSH_SMALL), // silver
SH (GameImage.RANKING_SH, GameImage.RANKING_SH_SMALL), // silver
/** GameImages associated with this grade (large and small sizes). */
private GameImage large, small;
/** Large-size image scaled for use in song menu. */
private Image menuImage;
* Clears all image references.
* This does NOT destroy images, so be careful of memory leaks!
public static void clearReferences() {
for (Grade grade : Grade.values())
grade.menuImage = null;
* Constructor.
* @param large the large size image
* @param small the small size image
Grade(GameImage large, GameImage small) {
this.large = large;
this.small = small;
* Returns the large size grade image.
public Image getLargeImage() { return large.getImage(); }
* Returns the small size grade image.
public Image getSmallImage() { return small.getImage(); }
* Returns the large size grade image scaled for song menu use.
public Image getMenuImage() {
if (menuImage != null)
return menuImage;
Image img = getSmallImage();
if (!small.hasSkinImage()) // save default image only
this.menuImage = img;
return img;
/** Hit result types. */
public static final int
HIT_50 = 1,
HIT_100 = 2,
HIT_300 = 3,
HIT_100K = 4, // 100-Katu
HIT_300K = 5, // 300-Katu
HIT_300G = 6, // Geki
HIT_MAX = 9; // not a hit result
/** Hit result-related images (indexed by HIT_* constants). */
private Image[] hitResults;
/** Counts of each hit result so far. */
private int[] hitResultCount;
/** Total objects including slider hits/ticks (for determining Full Combo status). */
private int fullObjectCount;
/** The current combo streak. */
private int combo;
/** The max combo streak obtained. */
private int comboMax;
/** The current combo pop timer, in milliseconds. */
private int comboPopTime;
* Hit result types accumulated this streak (bitmask), for Katu/Geki status.
* <ul>
* <li>&1: 100
* <li>&2: 50/Miss
* </ul>
private byte comboEnd;
/** Combo burst images. */
private Image[] comboBurstImages;
/** Index of the current combo burst image. */
private int comboBurstIndex;
/** Alpha level of the current combo burst image (for fade out). */
private float comboBurstAlpha;
/** Current x coordinate of the combo burst image (for sliding animation). */
private float comboBurstX;
/** Time offsets for obtaining each hit result (indexed by HIT_* constants). */
private int[] hitResultOffset;
/** List of hit result objects associated with hit objects. */
private LinkedBlockingDeque<OsuHitObjectResult> hitResultList;
* Class to store hit error information.
* @author fluddokt
private class HitErrorInfo {
/** The correct hit time. */
private int time;
/** The coordinates of the hit. */
private int x, y;
/** The difference between the correct and actual hit times. */
private int timeDiff;
* Constructor.
* @param time the correct hit time
* @param x the x coordinate of the hit
* @param y the y coordinate of the hit
* @param timeDiff the difference between the correct and actual hit times
public HitErrorInfo(int time, int x, int y, int timeDiff) {
this.time = time;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.timeDiff = timeDiff;
/** List containing recent hit error information. */
private LinkedBlockingDeque<HitErrorInfo> hitErrorList;
* Hit result helper class.
private class OsuHitObjectResult {
/** Object start time. */
public int time;
/** Hit result. */
public int result;
/** Object coordinates. */
public float x, y;
/** Combo color. */
public Color color;
/** Whether the hit object was a spinner. */
public boolean isSpinner;
/** Alpha level (for fading out). */
public float alpha = 1f;
* Constructor.
* @param time the result's starting track position
* @param result the hit result (HIT_* constants)
* @param x the center x coordinate
* @param y the center y coordinate
* @param color the color of the hit object
* @param isSpinner whether the hit object was a spinner
public OsuHitObjectResult(int time, int result, float x, float y, Color color, boolean isSpinner) {
this.time = time;
this.result = result;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.color = color;
this.isSpinner = isSpinner;
/** Current game score. */
private long score;
/** Displayed game score (for animation, slightly behind score). */
private long scoreDisplay;
/** Displayed game score percent (for animation, slightly behind score percent). */
private float scorePercentDisplay;
/** Current health bar percentage. */
private float health;
/** Displayed health (for animation, slightly behind health). */
private float healthDisplay;
/** Beatmap HPDrainRate value. (0:easy ~ 10:hard) */
private float drainRate = 5f;
/** Beatmap OverallDifficulty value. (0:easy ~ 10:hard) */
private float difficulty = 5f;
/** Default text symbol images. */
private Image[] defaultSymbols;
/** Score text symbol images. */
private HashMap<Character, Image> scoreSymbols;
/** Scorebar animation. */
private Animation scorebarColour;
/** The associated score data. */
private ScoreData scoreData;
/** The associated replay. */
private Replay replay;
/** Whether this object is used for gameplay (true) or score viewing (false). */
private boolean gameplay;
/** Container dimensions. */
private int width, height;
* Constructor for gameplay.
* @param width container width
* @param height container height
public GameData(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.gameplay = true;
* Constructor for score viewing.
* This will initialize all parameters and images needed for the
* {@link #drawRankingElements(Graphics, OsuFile)} method.
* @param s the ScoreData object
* @param width container width
* @param height container height
public GameData(ScoreData s, int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.gameplay = false;
this.scoreData = s;
this.score = s.score;
this.comboMax = s.combo;
this.fullObjectCount = (s.perfect) ? s.combo : -1;
this.hitResultCount = new int[HIT_MAX];
hitResultCount[HIT_300] = s.hit300;
hitResultCount[HIT_100] = s.hit100;
hitResultCount[HIT_50] = s.hit50;
hitResultCount[HIT_300G] = s.geki;
hitResultCount[HIT_300K] = 0;
hitResultCount[HIT_100K] = s.katu;
hitResultCount[HIT_MISS] = s.miss;
this.replay = (s.replayString == null) ? null :
new Replay(new File(Options.getReplayDir(), String.format("%s.osr", s.replayString)));
* Clears all data and re-initializes object.
public void clear() {
score = 0;
scoreDisplay = 0;
scorePercentDisplay = 0f;
health = 100f;
healthDisplay = 100f;
hitResultCount = new int[HIT_MAX];
hitResultList = new LinkedBlockingDeque<OsuHitObjectResult>();
hitErrorList = new LinkedBlockingDeque<HitErrorInfo>();
fullObjectCount = 0;
combo = 0;
comboMax = 0;
comboPopTime = COMBO_POP_TIME;
comboEnd = 0;
comboBurstIndex = -1;
scoreData = null;
* Loads all game score images.
public void loadImages() {
// gameplay-specific images
if (isGameplay()) {
// combo burst images
if (GameImage.COMBO_BURST.hasSkinImages() ||
(!GameImage.COMBO_BURST.hasSkinImage() && GameImage.COMBO_BURST.getImages() != null))
comboBurstImages = GameImage.COMBO_BURST.getImages();
comboBurstImages = new Image[]{ GameImage.COMBO_BURST.getImage() };
// scorebar-colour animation
Image[] scorebar = GameImage.SCOREBAR_COLOUR.getImages();
scorebarColour = (scorebar != null) ? new Animation(scorebar, 60) : null;
// default symbol images
defaultSymbols = new Image[10];
defaultSymbols[0] = GameImage.DEFAULT_0.getImage();
defaultSymbols[1] = GameImage.DEFAULT_1.getImage();
defaultSymbols[2] = GameImage.DEFAULT_2.getImage();
defaultSymbols[3] = GameImage.DEFAULT_3.getImage();
defaultSymbols[4] = GameImage.DEFAULT_4.getImage();
defaultSymbols[5] = GameImage.DEFAULT_5.getImage();
defaultSymbols[6] = GameImage.DEFAULT_6.getImage();
defaultSymbols[7] = GameImage.DEFAULT_7.getImage();
defaultSymbols[8] = GameImage.DEFAULT_8.getImage();
defaultSymbols[9] = GameImage.DEFAULT_9.getImage();
// score symbol images
scoreSymbols = new HashMap<Character, Image>(14);
scoreSymbols.put('0', GameImage.SCORE_0.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('1', GameImage.SCORE_1.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('2', GameImage.SCORE_2.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('3', GameImage.SCORE_3.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('4', GameImage.SCORE_4.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('5', GameImage.SCORE_5.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('6', GameImage.SCORE_6.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('7', GameImage.SCORE_7.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('8', GameImage.SCORE_8.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('9', GameImage.SCORE_9.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put(',', GameImage.SCORE_COMMA.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('.', GameImage.SCORE_DOT.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('%', GameImage.SCORE_PERCENT.getImage());
scoreSymbols.put('x', GameImage.SCORE_X.getImage());
// hit result images
hitResults = new Image[HIT_MAX];
hitResults[HIT_MISS] = GameImage.HIT_MISS.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_50] = GameImage.HIT_50.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_100] = GameImage.HIT_100.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_300] = GameImage.HIT_300.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_100K] = GameImage.HIT_100K.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_300K] = GameImage.HIT_300K.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_300G] = GameImage.HIT_300G.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_SLIDER10] = GameImage.HIT_SLIDER10.getImage();
hitResults[HIT_SLIDER30] = GameImage.HIT_SLIDER30.getImage();
* Returns a default/score text symbol image for a character.
public Image getDefaultSymbolImage(int i) { return defaultSymbols[i]; }
public Image getScoreSymbolImage(char c) { return scoreSymbols.get(c); }
* Sets or returns the health drain rate.
public void setDrainRate(float drainRate) { this.drainRate = drainRate; }
public float getDrainRate() { return drainRate; }
* Sets or returns the difficulty.
public void setDifficulty(float difficulty) { this.difficulty = difficulty; }
public float getDifficulty() { return difficulty; }
* Sets the array of hit result offsets.
public void setHitResultOffset(int[] hitResultOffset) { this.hitResultOffset = hitResultOffset; }
* Draws a number with defaultSymbols.
* @param n the number to draw
* @param x the center x coordinate
* @param y the center y coordinate
* @param scale the scale to apply
public void drawSymbolNumber(int n, float x, float y, float scale, Color color) {
int length = (int) (Math.log10(n) + 1);
float digitWidth = getDefaultSymbolImage(0).getWidth() * scale;
float cx = x + ((length - 1) * (digitWidth / 2));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getDefaultSymbolImage(n % 10).getScaledCopy(scale).drawCentered(cx, y, color);
cx -= digitWidth;
n /= 10;
* Draws a string of scoreSymbols.
* @param str the string to draw
* @param x the starting x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @param scale the scale to apply
* @param alpha the alpha level
* @param rightAlign align right (true) or left (false)
public void drawSymbolString(String str, float x, float y, float scale, float alpha, boolean rightAlign) {
char[] c = str.toCharArray();
float cx = x;
if (rightAlign) {
for (int i = c.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Image digit = getScoreSymbolImage(c[i]);
if (scale != 1.0f)
digit = digit.getScaledCopy(scale);
cx -= digit.getWidth();
digit.draw(cx, y);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
Image digit = getScoreSymbolImage(c[i]);
if (scale != 1.0f)
digit = digit.getScaledCopy(scale);
digit.draw(cx, y);
cx += digit.getWidth();
* Draws a string of scoreSymbols of fixed width.
* @param str the string to draw
* @param x the starting x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @param scale the scale to apply
* @param fixedsize the width to use for all symbols
* @param rightAlign align right (true) or left (false)
public void drawFixedSizeSymbolString(String str, float x, float y, float scale, float fixedsize, boolean rightAlign) {
char[] c = str.toCharArray();
float cx = x;
if (rightAlign) {
for (int i = c.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Image digit = getScoreSymbolImage(c[i]);
if (scale != 1.0f)
digit = digit.getScaledCopy(scale);
cx -= fixedsize;
digit.draw(cx + (fixedsize - digit.getWidth()) / 2, y);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
Image digit = getScoreSymbolImage(c[i]);
if (scale != 1.0f)
digit = digit.getScaledCopy(scale);
digit.draw(cx + (fixedsize - digit.getWidth()) / 2, y);
cx += fixedsize;
* Draws game elements:
* scorebar, score, score percentage, map progress circle,
* mod icons, combo count, combo burst, hit error bar, and grade.
* @param g the graphics context
* @param breakPeriod if true, will not draw scorebar and combo elements, and will draw grade
* @param firstObject true if the first hit object's start time has not yet passed
public void drawGameElements(Graphics g, boolean breakPeriod, boolean firstObject) {
boolean relaxAutoPilot = (GameMod.RELAX.isActive() || GameMod.AUTOPILOT.isActive());
int margin = (int) (width * 0.008f);
float uiScale = GameImage.getUIscale();
// score
if (!relaxAutoPilot)
drawFixedSizeSymbolString((scoreDisplay < 100000000) ? String.format("%08d", scoreDisplay) : Long.toString(scoreDisplay),
width - margin, 0, 1.0f, getScoreSymbolImage('0').getWidth() - 2, true);
// score percentage
int symbolHeight = getScoreSymbolImage('0').getHeight();
if (!relaxAutoPilot)
String.format((scorePercentDisplay < 10f) ? "0%.2f%%" : "%.2f%%", scorePercentDisplay),
width - margin, symbolHeight, 0.60f, 1f, true);
// map progress circle
OsuFile osu = MusicController.getOsuFile();
int firstObjectTime = osu.objects[0].getTime();
int trackPosition = MusicController.getPosition();
float circleDiameter = symbolHeight * 0.60f;
int circleX = (int) (width - margin - ( // max width: "100.00%"
getScoreSymbolImage('1').getWidth() +
getScoreSymbolImage('0').getWidth() * 4 +
getScoreSymbolImage('.').getWidth() +
) * 0.60f - circleDiameter);
if (!relaxAutoPilot) {
g.drawOval(circleX, symbolHeight, circleDiameter, circleDiameter);
if (trackPosition > firstObjectTime) {
// map progress (white)
g.fillArc(circleX, symbolHeight, circleDiameter, circleDiameter,
-90, -90 + (int) (360f * (trackPosition - firstObjectTime) / (osu.endTime - firstObjectTime))
} else {
// lead-in time (yellow)
g.fillArc(circleX, symbolHeight, circleDiameter, circleDiameter,
-90 + (int) (360f * trackPosition / firstObjectTime), -90
// mod icons
if ((firstObject && trackPosition < firstObjectTime) || GameMod.AUTO.isActive()) {
int modWidth = GameMod.AUTO.getImage().getWidth();
float modX = (width * 0.98f) - modWidth;
int modCount = 0;
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.VALUES_REVERSED) {
if (mod.isActive()) {
modX - (modCount * (modWidth / 2f)),
symbolHeight + circleDiameter + 10
// hit error bar
if (Options.isHitErrorBarEnabled() && !hitErrorList.isEmpty()) {
// fade out with last tick
float hitErrorAlpha = 1f;
Color white = new Color(Color.white);
if (trackPosition - hitErrorList.getFirst().time > HIT_ERROR_FADE_TIME * 0.9f)
hitErrorAlpha = (HIT_ERROR_FADE_TIME - (trackPosition - hitErrorList.getFirst().time)) / (HIT_ERROR_FADE_TIME * 0.1f);
// draw bar
float hitErrorX = width / uiScale / 2;
float hitErrorY = height / uiScale - margin - 10;
float barY = (hitErrorY - 3) * uiScale, barHeight = 6 * uiScale;
float tickY = (hitErrorY - 10) * uiScale, tickHeight = 20 * uiScale;
float oldAlphaBlack = Utils.COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA.a;
Utils.COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA.a = hitErrorAlpha;
g.fillRect((hitErrorX - 3 - hitResultOffset[HIT_50]) * uiScale, tickY,
(hitResultOffset[HIT_50] * 2) * uiScale, tickHeight);
Utils.COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA.a = oldAlphaBlack;
Utils.COLOR_LIGHT_ORANGE.a = hitErrorAlpha;
g.fillRect((hitErrorX - 3 - hitResultOffset[HIT_50]) * uiScale, barY,
(hitResultOffset[HIT_50] * 2) * uiScale, barHeight);
Utils.COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN.a = hitErrorAlpha;
g.fillRect((hitErrorX - 3 - hitResultOffset[HIT_100]) * uiScale, barY,
(hitResultOffset[HIT_100] * 2) * uiScale, barHeight);
Utils.COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE.a = hitErrorAlpha;
g.fillRect((hitErrorX - 3 - hitResultOffset[HIT_300]) * uiScale, barY,
(hitResultOffset[HIT_300] * 2) * uiScale, barHeight);
Utils.COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE.a = 1f;
white.a = hitErrorAlpha;
g.fillRect((hitErrorX - 1.5f) * uiScale, tickY, 3 * uiScale, tickHeight);
// draw ticks
float tickWidth = 2 * uiScale;
for (HitErrorInfo info : hitErrorList) {
int time = info.time;
float alpha = 1 - ((float) (trackPosition - time) / HIT_ERROR_FADE_TIME);
white.a = alpha * hitErrorAlpha;
g.fillRect((hitErrorX + info.timeDiff - 1) * uiScale, tickY, tickWidth, tickHeight);
if (!breakPeriod && !relaxAutoPilot) {
// scorebar
float healthRatio = healthDisplay / 100f;
if (firstObject) { // gradually move ki before map begins
if (firstObjectTime >= 1500 && trackPosition < firstObjectTime - 500)
healthRatio = (float) trackPosition / (firstObjectTime - 500);
Image scorebar = GameImage.SCOREBAR_BG.getImage();
Image colour;
if (scorebarColour != null) {
scorebarColour.updateNoDraw(); // TODO deprecated method
colour = scorebarColour.getCurrentFrame();
} else
colour = GameImage.SCOREBAR_COLOUR.getImage();
float colourX = 4 * uiScale, colourY = 15 * uiScale;
Image colourCropped = colour.getSubImage(0, 0, (int) (645 * uiScale * healthRatio), colour.getHeight());
scorebar.draw(0, 0);
colourCropped.draw(colourX, colourY);
Image ki = null;
if (health >= 50f)
ki = GameImage.SCOREBAR_KI.getImage();
else if (health >= 25f)
ki = GameImage.SCOREBAR_KI_DANGER.getImage();
ki = GameImage.SCOREBAR_KI_DANGER2.getImage();
if (comboPopTime < COMBO_POP_TIME)
ki = ki.getScaledCopy(1f + (0.45f * (1f - (float) comboPopTime / COMBO_POP_TIME)));
ki.drawCentered(colourX + colourCropped.getWidth(), colourY);
// combo burst
if (comboBurstIndex != -1 && comboBurstAlpha > 0f) {
Image comboBurst = comboBurstImages[comboBurstIndex];
comboBurstImages[comboBurstIndex].draw(comboBurstX, height - comboBurst.getHeight());
// combo count
if (combo > 0) {
float comboPop = 1 - ((float) comboPopTime / COMBO_POP_TIME);
float comboPopBack = 1 + comboPop * 0.45f;
float comboPopFront = 1 + comboPop * 0.08f;
String comboString = String.format("%dx", combo);
if (comboPopTime != COMBO_POP_TIME)
drawSymbolString(comboString, margin, height - margin - (symbolHeight * comboPopBack), comboPopBack, 0.5f, false);
drawSymbolString(comboString, margin, height - margin - (symbolHeight * comboPopFront), comboPopFront, 1f, false);
} else if (!relaxAutoPilot) {
// grade
Grade grade = getGrade();
if (grade != Grade.NULL) {
Image gradeImage = grade.getSmallImage();
float gradeScale = symbolHeight * 0.75f / gradeImage.getHeight();
circleX - gradeImage.getWidth(), symbolHeight
* Draws ranking elements: score, results, ranking, game mods.
* @param g the graphics context
* @param osu the OsuFile
public void drawRankingElements(Graphics g, OsuFile osu) {
// TODO Version 2 skins
float rankingHeight = 75;
float scoreTextScale = 1.0f;
float symbolTextScale = 1.15f;
float rankResultScale = 0.5f;
float uiScale = GameImage.getUIscale();
// ranking panel
GameImage.RANKING_PANEL.getImage().draw(0, (int) (rankingHeight * uiScale));
// score
(score < 100000000) ? String.format("%08d", score) : Long.toString(score),
210 * uiScale, (rankingHeight + 50) * uiScale,
scoreTextScale, getScoreSymbolImage('0').getWidth() * scoreTextScale - 2, false
// result counts
float resultInitialX = 130;
float resultInitialY = rankingHeight + 140;
float resultHitInitialX = 65;
float resultHitInitialY = rankingHeight + 182;
float resultOffsetX = 320;
float resultOffsetY = 96;
int[] rankDrawOrder = { HIT_300, HIT_300G, HIT_100, HIT_100K, HIT_50, HIT_MISS };
int[] rankResultOrder = {
hitResultCount[HIT_300], hitResultCount[HIT_300G],
hitResultCount[HIT_100], hitResultCount[HIT_100K] + hitResultCount[HIT_300K],
hitResultCount[HIT_50], hitResultCount[HIT_MISS]
for (int i = 0; i < rankDrawOrder.length; i += 2) {
resultHitInitialX * uiScale,
(resultHitInitialY + (resultOffsetY * (i / 2))) * uiScale);
(resultHitInitialX + resultOffsetX) * uiScale,
(resultHitInitialY + (resultOffsetY * (i / 2))) * uiScale);
drawSymbolString(String.format("%dx", rankResultOrder[i]),
resultInitialX * uiScale,
(resultInitialY + (resultOffsetY * (i / 2))) * uiScale,
symbolTextScale, 1f, false);
drawSymbolString(String.format("%dx", rankResultOrder[i+1]),
(resultInitialX + resultOffsetX) * uiScale,
(resultInitialY + (resultOffsetY * (i / 2))) * uiScale,
symbolTextScale, 1f, false);
// combo and accuracy
float accuracyX = 295;
float textY = rankingHeight + 425;
float numbersY = textY + 30;
drawSymbolString(String.format("%dx", comboMax),
25 * uiScale, numbersY * uiScale, symbolTextScale, 1f, false);
drawSymbolString(String.format("%02.2f%%", getScorePercent()),
(accuracyX + 20) * uiScale, numbersY * uiScale, symbolTextScale, 1f, false);
GameImage.RANKING_MAXCOMBO.getImage().draw(10 * uiScale, textY * uiScale);
GameImage.RANKING_ACCURACY.getImage().draw(accuracyX * uiScale, textY * uiScale);
// full combo
if (comboMax == fullObjectCount) {
width * 0.08f,
(height * 0.99f) - GameImage.RANKING_PERFECT.getImage().getHeight()
// grade
Grade grade = getGrade();
if (grade != Grade.NULL)
grade.getLargeImage().draw(width - grade.getLargeImage().getWidth(), rankingHeight);
// header
Image rankingTitle = GameImage.RANKING_TITLE.getImage();
g.fillRect(0, 0, width, 100 * uiScale);
rankingTitle.draw((width * 0.97f) - rankingTitle.getWidth(), 0);
float c = width * 0.01f;
Utils.FONT_LARGE.drawString(c, c,
String.format("%s - %s [%s]", osu.getArtist(), osu.getTitle(), osu.version), Color.white);
Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.drawString(c, c + Utils.FONT_LARGE.getLineHeight() - 6,
String.format("Beatmap by %s", osu.creator), Color.white);
c, c + Utils.FONT_LARGE.getLineHeight() + Utils.FONT_MEDIUM.getLineHeight() - 10,
String.format("Played on %s.", scoreData.getTimeString()), Color.white);
// mod icons
int modWidth = GameMod.AUTO.getImage().getWidth();
float modX = (width * 0.98f) - modWidth;
int modCount = 0;
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.VALUES_REVERSED) {
if ((mod.getBit() & scoreData.mods) > 0) {
mod.getImage().draw(modX - (modCount * (modWidth / 2f)), height / 2f);
* Draws stored hit results and removes them from the list as necessary.
* @param trackPosition the current track position
public void drawHitResults(int trackPosition) {
Iterator<OsuHitObjectResult> iter = hitResultList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
OsuHitObjectResult hitResult = iter.next();
if (hitResult.time + HITRESULT_FADE_TIME > trackPosition) {
// hit result
hitResults[hitResult.result].drawCentered(hitResult.x, hitResult.y);
// spinner
if (hitResult.isSpinner && hitResult.result != HIT_MISS) {
Image spinnerOsu = GameImage.SPINNER_OSU.getImage();
spinnerOsu.drawCentered(width / 2, height / 4);
// hit lighting
else if (Options.isHitLightingEnabled() && hitResult.result != HIT_MISS &&
hitResult.result != HIT_SLIDER30 && hitResult.result != HIT_SLIDER10) {
float scale = 1f + ((trackPosition - hitResult.time) / (float) HITRESULT_FADE_TIME);
Image scaledLighting = GameImage.LIGHTING.getImage().getScaledCopy(scale);
Image scaledLighting1 = GameImage.LIGHTING1.getImage().getScaledCopy(scale);
scaledLighting.draw(hitResult.x - (scaledLighting.getWidth() / 2f),
hitResult.y - (scaledLighting.getHeight() / 2f), hitResult.color);
scaledLighting1.draw(hitResult.x - (scaledLighting1.getWidth() / 2f),
hitResult.y - (scaledLighting1.getHeight() / 2f), hitResult.color);
hitResult.alpha = 1 - ((float) (trackPosition - hitResult.time) / HITRESULT_FADE_TIME);
} else
* Changes health by a given percentage, modified by drainRate.
public void changeHealth(float percent) {
// TODO: drainRate formula
health += percent;
if (health > 100f)
health = 100f;
else if (health < 0f)
health = 0f;
* Returns health percentage.
public float getHealth() { return health; }
* Returns false if health is zero.
* If "No Fail" or "Auto" mods are active, this will always return true.
public boolean isAlive() {
return (health > 0f || GameMod.NO_FAIL.isActive() || GameMod.AUTO.isActive() ||
GameMod.RELAX.isActive() || GameMod.AUTOPILOT.isActive());
* Changes score by a raw value (not affected by other modifiers).
public void changeScore(int value) { score += value; }
* Returns the raw score percentage.
* @param hit300 the number of 300s
* @param hit100 the number of 100s
* @param hit50 the number of 50s
* @param miss the number of misses
* @return the percentage
public static float getScorePercent(int hit300, int hit100, int hit50, int miss) {
float percent = 0;
int objectCount = hit300 + hit100 + hit50 + miss;
if (objectCount > 0)
percent = (hit300 * 300 + hit100 * 100 + hit50 * 50) / (objectCount * 300f) * 100f;
return percent;
* Returns the raw score percentage.
private float getScorePercent() {
return getScorePercent(
hitResultCount[HIT_300], hitResultCount[HIT_100],
hitResultCount[HIT_50], hitResultCount[HIT_MISS]
* Returns letter grade based on score data,
* or Grade.NULL if no objects have been processed.
* @param hit300 the number of 300s
* @param hit100 the number of 100s
* @param hit50 the number of 50s
* @param miss the number of misses
* @param silver whether or not a silver SS/S should be awarded (if applicable)
* @return the current Grade
public static Grade getGrade(int hit300, int hit100, int hit50, int miss, boolean silver) {
int objectCount = hit300 + hit100 + hit50 + miss;
if (objectCount < 1) // avoid division by zero
return Grade.NULL;
float percent = getScorePercent(hit300, hit100, hit50, miss);
float hit300ratio = hit300 * 100f / objectCount;
float hit50ratio = hit50 * 100f / objectCount;
boolean noMiss = (miss == 0);
if (percent >= 100f)
return (silver) ? Grade.SSH : Grade.SS;
else if (hit300ratio >= 90f && hit50ratio < 1.0f && noMiss)
return (silver) ? Grade.SH : Grade.S;
else if ((hit300ratio >= 80f && noMiss) || hit300ratio >= 90f)
return Grade.A;
else if ((hit300ratio >= 70f && noMiss) || hit300ratio >= 80f)
return Grade.B;
else if (hit300ratio >= 60f)
return Grade.C;
return Grade.D;
* Returns letter grade based on score data,
* or Grade.NULL if no objects have been processed.
private Grade getGrade() {
return getGrade(
hitResultCount[HIT_300], hitResultCount[HIT_100],
hitResultCount[HIT_50], hitResultCount[HIT_MISS],
(GameMod.HIDDEN.isActive() || GameMod.FLASHLIGHT.isActive())
* Updates displayed elements based on a delta value.
* @param delta the delta interval since the last call
public void updateDisplays(int delta) {
// score display
if (scoreDisplay < score) {
scoreDisplay += (score - scoreDisplay) * delta / 50 + 1;
if (scoreDisplay > score)
scoreDisplay = score;
// score percent display
float scorePercent = getScorePercent();
if (scorePercentDisplay != scorePercent) {
if (scorePercentDisplay < scorePercent) {
scorePercentDisplay += (scorePercent - scorePercentDisplay) * delta / 50f + 0.01f;
if (scorePercentDisplay > scorePercent)
scorePercentDisplay = scorePercent;
} else {
scorePercentDisplay -= (scorePercentDisplay - scorePercent) * delta / 50f + 0.01f;
if (scorePercentDisplay < scorePercent)
scorePercentDisplay = scorePercent;
// health display
if (healthDisplay != health) {
float shift = delta / 15f;
if (healthDisplay < health) {
healthDisplay += shift;
if (healthDisplay > health)
healthDisplay = health;
} else {
healthDisplay -= shift;
if (healthDisplay < health)
healthDisplay = health;
// combo burst
if (comboBurstIndex > -1 && Options.isComboBurstEnabled()) {
int leftX = 0;
int rightX = width - comboBurstImages[comboBurstIndex].getWidth();
if (comboBurstX < leftX) {
comboBurstX += (delta / 2f) * GameImage.getUIscale();
if (comboBurstX > leftX)
comboBurstX = leftX;
} else if (comboBurstX > rightX) {
comboBurstX -= (delta / 2f) * GameImage.getUIscale();
if (comboBurstX < rightX)
comboBurstX = rightX;
} else if (comboBurstAlpha > 0f) {
comboBurstAlpha -= (delta / 1200f);
if (comboBurstAlpha < 0f)
comboBurstAlpha = 0f;
// combo pop
comboPopTime += delta;
if (comboPopTime > COMBO_POP_TIME)
comboPopTime = COMBO_POP_TIME;
// hit error bar
if (Options.isHitErrorBarEnabled()) {
int trackPosition = MusicController.getPosition();
Iterator<HitErrorInfo> iter = hitErrorList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
HitErrorInfo info = iter.next();
if (Math.abs(info.timeDiff) >= hitResultOffset[GameData.HIT_50] ||
info.time + HIT_ERROR_FADE_TIME <= trackPosition)
* Returns the current combo streak.
public int getComboStreak() { return combo; }
* Increases the combo streak by one.
private void incrementComboStreak() {
comboPopTime = 0;
if (combo > comboMax)
comboMax = combo;
// combo bursts (at 30, 60, 100+50x)
if (Options.isComboBurstEnabled() &&
(combo == 30 || combo == 60 || (combo >= 100 && combo % 50 == 0))) {
if (combo == 30)
comboBurstIndex = 0;
comboBurstIndex = (comboBurstIndex + 1) % comboBurstImages.length;
comboBurstAlpha = 0.8f;
if ((comboBurstIndex % 2) == 0)
comboBurstX = width;
comboBurstX = comboBurstImages[0].getWidth() * -1;
* Resets the combo streak to zero.
private void resetComboStreak() {
if (combo >= 20 && !(GameMod.RELAX.isActive() || GameMod.AUTOPILOT.isActive()))
combo = 0;
if (GameMod.SUDDEN_DEATH.isActive())
health = 0f;
* Handles a slider tick result.
* @param time the tick start time
* @param result the hit result (HIT_* constants)
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @param hitObject the hit object
* @param repeat the current repeat number
public void sliderTickResult(int time, int result, float x, float y, OsuHitObject hitObject, int repeat) {
int hitValue = 0;
switch (result) {
case HIT_SLIDER30:
hitValue = 30;
case HIT_SLIDER10:
hitValue = 10;
case HIT_MISS:
if (hitValue > 0) {
score += hitValue;
if (!Options.isPerfectHitBurstEnabled())
; // hide perfect hit results
hitResultList.add(new OsuHitObjectResult(time, result, x, y, null, false));
* Handles a hit result.
* @param time the object start time
* @param result the hit result (HIT_* constants)
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @param color the combo color
* @param end true if this is the last hit object in the combo
* @param hitObject the hit object
* @param repeat the current repeat number (for sliders, or 0 otherwise)
public void hitResult(int time, int result, float x, float y, Color color,
boolean end, OsuHitObject hitObject, int repeat) {
int hitValue = 0;
boolean perfectHit = false;
switch (result) {
case HIT_300:
perfectHit = true;
hitValue = 300;
case HIT_100:
hitValue = 100;
comboEnd |= 1;
case HIT_50:
hitValue = 50;
comboEnd |= 2;
case HIT_MISS:
hitValue = 0;
comboEnd |= 2;
if (hitValue > 0) {
* Score = Hit Value + Hit Value * (Combo * Difficulty * Mod) / 25
* - Hit Value: hit result (50, 100, 300), slider ticks, spinner bonus
* - Combo: combo before this hit - 1 (minimum 0)
* - Difficulty: the beatmap difficulty
* - Mod: mod multipliers
score += (hitValue + (hitValue * (Math.max(combo - 1, 0) * difficulty * GameMod.getScoreMultiplier()) / 25));
// last element in combo: check for Geki/Katu
if (end) {
if (comboEnd == 0) {
result = HIT_300G;
} else if ((comboEnd & 2) == 0) {
if (result == HIT_100) {
result = HIT_100K;
} else if (result == HIT_300) {
result = HIT_300K;
comboEnd = 0;
if (perfectHit && !Options.isPerfectHitBurstEnabled())
; // hide perfect hit results
else if (result == HIT_MISS && (GameMod.RELAX.isActive() || GameMod.AUTOPILOT.isActive()))
; // "relax" and "autopilot" mods: hide misses
hitResultList.add(new OsuHitObjectResult(time, result, x, y, color, hitObject.isSpinner()));
* Returns a ScoreData object encapsulating all game data.
* If score data already exists, the existing object will be returned
* (i.e. this will not overwrite existing data).
* @param osu the OsuFile
* @return the ScoreData object
public ScoreData getScoreData(OsuFile osu) {
if (scoreData != null)
return scoreData;
scoreData = new ScoreData();
scoreData.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L;
scoreData.MID = osu.beatmapID;
scoreData.MSID = osu.beatmapSetID;
scoreData.title = osu.title;
scoreData.artist = osu.artist;
scoreData.creator = osu.creator;
scoreData.version = osu.version;
scoreData.hit300 = hitResultCount[HIT_300];
scoreData.hit100 = hitResultCount[HIT_100];
scoreData.hit50 = hitResultCount[HIT_50];
scoreData.geki = hitResultCount[HIT_300G];
scoreData.katu = hitResultCount[HIT_300K] + hitResultCount[HIT_100K];
scoreData.miss = hitResultCount[HIT_MISS];
scoreData.score = score;
scoreData.combo = comboMax;
scoreData.perfect = (comboMax == fullObjectCount);
scoreData.mods = GameMod.getModState();
scoreData.replayString = (replay == null) ? null : replay.getReplayFilename();
return scoreData;
* Returns a Replay object encapsulating all game data.
* If a replay already exists and frames is null, the existing object will be returned.
* @param frames the replay frames
* @param osu the associated OsuFile
* @return the Replay object, or null if none exists and frames is null
public Replay getReplay(ReplayFrame[] frames, OsuFile osu) {
if (replay != null && frames == null)
return replay;
if (frames == null)
return null;
replay = new Replay();
replay.mode = OsuFile.MODE_OSU;
replay.version = Updater.get().getBuildDate();
replay.beatmapHash = (osu == null) ? "" : Utils.getMD5(osu.getFile());
replay.playerName = ""; // TODO
replay.replayHash = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); // TODO
replay.hit300 = (short) hitResultCount[HIT_300];
replay.hit100 = (short) hitResultCount[HIT_100];
replay.hit50 = (short) hitResultCount[HIT_50];
replay.geki = (short) hitResultCount[HIT_300G];
replay.katu = (short) (hitResultCount[HIT_300K] + hitResultCount[HIT_100K]);
replay.miss = (short) hitResultCount[HIT_MISS];
replay.score = (int) score;
replay.combo = (short) comboMax;
replay.perfect = (comboMax == fullObjectCount);
replay.mods = GameMod.getModState();
replay.lifeFrames = null; // TODO
replay.timestamp = new Date();
replay.frames = frames;
replay.seed = 0; // TODO
replay.loaded = true;
return replay;
* Sets the replay object.
public void setReplay(Replay replay) { this.replay = replay; }
* Returns whether or not this object is used for gameplay.
* @return true if gameplay, false if score viewing
public boolean isGameplay() { return gameplay; }
* Adds the hit into the list of hit error information.
* @param time the correct hit time
* @param x the x coordinate of the hit
* @param y the y coordinate of the hit
* @param timeDiff the difference between the correct and actual hit times
public void addHitError(int time, int x, int y, int timeDiff) {
hitErrorList.addFirst(new HitErrorInfo(time, x, y, timeDiff));