Jeffrey Han cd3d53336d A couple of API improvements.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
2015-09-03 22:16:52 -05:00

542 lines
15 KiB

* opsu! - an open-source osu! client
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Jeffrey Han
* opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with opsu!. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ErrorHandler;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.Options;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.Utils;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.MusicController;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.db.BeatmapDB;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Indexed, expanding, doubly-linked list data type for song groups.
public class BeatmapSetList {
/** Song group structure (each group contains a list of beatmaps). */
private static BeatmapSetList list;
/** Search pattern for conditional expressions. */
private static final Pattern SEARCH_CONDITION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
/** List containing all parsed nodes. */
private ArrayList<BeatmapSetNode> parsedNodes;
/** Total number of beatmaps (i.e. Beatmap objects). */
private int mapCount = 0;
/** Current list of nodes (subset of parsedNodes, used for searches). */
private ArrayList<BeatmapSetNode> nodes;
/** Set of all beatmap set IDs for the parsed beatmaps. */
private HashSet<Integer> MSIDdb;
/** Map of all MD5 hashes to beatmaps. */
private HashMap<String, Beatmap> beatmapHashDB;
/** Index of current expanded node (-1 if no node is expanded). */
private int expandedIndex;
/** Start and end nodes of expanded group. */
private BeatmapSetNode expandedStartNode, expandedEndNode;
/** The last search query. */
private String lastQuery;
* Creates a new instance of this class (overwriting any previous instance).
public static void create() { list = new BeatmapSetList(); }
* Returns the single instance of this class.
public static BeatmapSetList get() { return list; }
* Constructor.
private BeatmapSetList() {
parsedNodes = new ArrayList<BeatmapSetNode>();
MSIDdb = new HashSet<Integer>();
beatmapHashDB = new HashMap<String, Beatmap>();
* Resets the list's fields.
* This does not erase any parsed nodes.
public void reset() {
nodes = parsedNodes;
expandedIndex = -1;
expandedStartNode = expandedEndNode = null;
lastQuery = "";
* Returns the number of elements.
public int size() { return nodes.size(); }
* Adds a song group.
* @param beatmaps the list of beatmaps in the group
* @return the new BeatmapSetNode
public BeatmapSetNode addSongGroup(ArrayList<Beatmap> beatmaps) {
BeatmapSet beatmapSet = new BeatmapSet(beatmaps);
BeatmapSetNode node = new BeatmapSetNode(beatmapSet);
mapCount += beatmaps.size();
// add beatmap set ID to set
int msid = beatmaps.get(0).beatmapSetID;
if (msid > 0)
// add MD5 hashes to table
for (Beatmap beatmap : beatmaps) {
if (beatmap.md5Hash != null)
beatmapHashDB.put(beatmap.md5Hash, beatmap);
return node;
* Deletes a song group from the list, and also deletes the beatmap
* directory associated with the node.
* @param node the node containing the song group to delete
* @return true if the song group was deleted, false otherwise
public boolean deleteSongGroup(BeatmapSetNode node) {
if (node == null)
return false;
// re-link base nodes
int index = node.index;
BeatmapSetNode ePrev = getBaseNode(index - 1), eCur = getBaseNode(index), eNext = getBaseNode(index + 1);
if (ePrev != null) {
if (ePrev.index == expandedIndex)
expandedEndNode.next = eNext;
else if (eNext != null && eNext.index == expandedIndex)
ePrev.next = expandedStartNode;
ePrev.next = eNext;
if (eNext != null) {
if (eNext.index == expandedIndex)
expandedStartNode.prev = ePrev;
else if (ePrev != null && ePrev.index == expandedIndex)
eNext.prev = expandedEndNode;
eNext.prev = ePrev;
// remove all node references
BeatmapSet beatmapSet = node.getBeatmapSet();
Beatmap beatmap = beatmapSet.get(0);
mapCount -= beatmapSet.size();
if (beatmap.beatmapSetID > 0)
for (Beatmap bm : beatmapSet) {
if (bm.md5Hash != null)
// reset indices
for (int i = index, size = size(); i < size; i++)
nodes.get(i).index = i;
if (index == expandedIndex) {
expandedIndex = -1;
expandedStartNode = expandedEndNode = null;
} else if (expandedIndex > index) {
BeatmapSetNode expandedNode = expandedStartNode;
for (int i = 0, size = expandedNode.getBeatmapSet().size();
i < size && expandedNode != null;
i++, expandedNode = expandedNode.next)
expandedNode.index = expandedIndex;
// stop playing the track
File dir = beatmap.getFile().getParentFile();
if (MusicController.trackExists() || MusicController.isTrackLoading()) {
File audioFile = MusicController.getBeatmap().audioFilename;
if (audioFile != null && audioFile.equals(beatmap.audioFilename)) {
System.gc(); // TODO: why can't files be deleted without calling this?
// remove entry from cache
// delete the associated directory
BeatmapWatchService ws = (Options.isWatchServiceEnabled()) ? BeatmapWatchService.get() : null;
if (ws != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
ErrorHandler.error("Could not delete song group.", e, true);
if (ws != null)
return true;
* Deletes a song from a song group, and also deletes the beatmap file.
* If this causes the song group to be empty, then the song group and
* beatmap directory will be deleted altogether.
* @param node the node containing the song group to delete (expanded only)
* @return true if the song or song group was deleted, false otherwise
* @see #deleteSongGroup(BeatmapSetNode)
public boolean deleteSong(BeatmapSetNode node) {
if (node == null || node.beatmapIndex == -1 || node.index != expandedIndex)
return false;
// last song in group?
int size = node.getBeatmapSet().size();
if (size == 1)
return deleteSongGroup(node);
// reset indices
BeatmapSetNode expandedNode = node.next;
for (int i = node.beatmapIndex + 1;
i < size && expandedNode != null && expandedNode.index == node.index;
i++, expandedNode = expandedNode.next)
// remove song reference
Beatmap beatmap = node.getBeatmapSet().remove(node.beatmapIndex);
if (beatmap.md5Hash != null)
// re-link nodes
if (node.prev != null)
node.prev.next = node.next;
if (node.next != null)
node.next.prev = node.prev;
// remove entry from cache
File file = beatmap.getFile();
BeatmapDB.delete(file.getParentFile().getName(), file.getName());
// delete the associated file
BeatmapWatchService ws = (Options.isWatchServiceEnabled()) ? BeatmapWatchService.get() : null;
if (ws != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
ErrorHandler.error("Could not delete song.", e, true);
if (ws != null)
return true;
* Returns the total number of parsed maps (i.e. Beatmap objects).
public int getMapCount() { return mapCount; }
* Returns the total number of parsed maps sets.
public int getMapSetCount() { return parsedNodes.size(); }
* Returns the BeatmapSetNode at an index, disregarding expansions.
* @param index the node index
public BeatmapSetNode getBaseNode(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size())
return null;
return nodes.get(index);
* Returns a random base node.
public BeatmapSetNode getRandomNode() {
BeatmapSetNode node = getBaseNode((int) (Math.random() * size()));
if (node != null && node.index == expandedIndex) // don't choose an expanded group node
node = node.next;
return node;
* Returns the BeatmapSetNode a given number of positions forward or backwards.
* @param node the starting node
* @param shift the number of nodes to shift forward (+) or backward (-).
public BeatmapSetNode getNode(BeatmapSetNode node, int shift) {
BeatmapSetNode startNode = node;
if (shift > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < shift && startNode != null; i++)
startNode = startNode.next;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < shift && startNode != null; i++)
startNode = startNode.prev;
return startNode;
* Returns the index of the expanded node (or -1 if nothing is expanded).
public int getExpandedIndex() { return expandedIndex; }
* Expands the node at an index by inserting a new node for each Beatmap
* in that node and hiding the group node.
* @return the first of the newly-inserted nodes
public BeatmapSetNode expand(int index) {
// undo the previous expansion
BeatmapSetNode node = getBaseNode(index);
if (node == null)
return null;
expandedStartNode = expandedEndNode = null;
// create new nodes
BeatmapSet beatmapSet = node.getBeatmapSet();
BeatmapSetNode prevNode = node.prev;
BeatmapSetNode nextNode = node.next;
for (int i = 0, size = beatmapSet.size(); i < size; i++) {
BeatmapSetNode newNode = new BeatmapSetNode(beatmapSet);
newNode.index = index;
newNode.beatmapIndex = i;
newNode.prev = node;
// unlink the group node
if (i == 0) {
expandedStartNode = newNode;
newNode.prev = prevNode;
if (prevNode != null)
prevNode.next = newNode;
node.next = newNode;
node = node.next;
if (nextNode != null) {
node.next = nextNode;
nextNode.prev = node;
expandedEndNode = node;
expandedIndex = index;
return expandedStartNode;
* Undoes the current expansion, if any.
private void unexpand() {
if (expandedIndex < 0 || expandedIndex >= size())
// recreate surrounding links
ePrev = getBaseNode(expandedIndex - 1),
eCur = getBaseNode(expandedIndex),
eNext = getBaseNode(expandedIndex + 1);
if (ePrev != null)
ePrev.next = eCur;
eCur.prev = ePrev;
eCur.index = expandedIndex;
eCur.next = eNext;
if (eNext != null)
eNext.prev = eCur;
expandedIndex = -1;
expandedStartNode = expandedEndNode = null;
* Initializes the links in the list.
public void init() {
if (size() < 1)
// sort the list
Collections.sort(nodes, BeatmapSortOrder.getSort().getComparator());
expandedIndex = -1;
expandedStartNode = expandedEndNode = null;
// create links
BeatmapSetNode lastNode = nodes.get(0);
lastNode.index = 0;
lastNode.prev = null;
for (int i = 1, size = size(); i < size; i++) {
BeatmapSetNode node = nodes.get(i);
lastNode.next = node;
node.index = i;
node.prev = lastNode;
lastNode = node;
lastNode.next = null;
* Creates a new list of song groups in which each group contains a match to a search query.
* @param query the search query (terms separated by spaces)
* @return false if query is the same as the previous one, true otherwise
public boolean search(String query) {
if (query == null)
return false;
// don't redo the same search
query = query.trim().toLowerCase();
if (lastQuery != null && query.equals(lastQuery))
return false;
lastQuery = query;
LinkedList<String> terms = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(query.split("\\s+")));
// if empty query, reset to original list
if (query.isEmpty() || terms.isEmpty()) {
nodes = parsedNodes;
return true;
// find and remove any conditional search terms
LinkedList<String> condType = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> condOperator = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<Float> condValue = new LinkedList<Float>();
Iterator<String> termIter = terms.iterator();
while (termIter.hasNext()) {
String term = termIter.next();
Matcher m = SEARCH_CONDITION_PATTERN.matcher(term);
if (m.find()) {
// build an initial list from first search term
nodes = new ArrayList<BeatmapSetNode>();
if (terms.isEmpty()) {
// conditional term
String type = condType.remove();
String operator = condOperator.remove();
float value = condValue.remove();
for (BeatmapSetNode node : parsedNodes) {
if (node.getBeatmapSet().matches(type, operator, value))
} else {
// normal term
String term = terms.remove();
for (BeatmapSetNode node : parsedNodes) {
if (node.getBeatmapSet().matches(term))
// iterate through remaining normal search terms
while (!terms.isEmpty()) {
if (nodes.isEmpty())
return true;
String term = terms.remove();
// remove nodes from list if they don't match all terms
Iterator<BeatmapSetNode> nodeIter = nodes.iterator();
while (nodeIter.hasNext()) {
BeatmapSetNode node = nodeIter.next();
if (!node.getBeatmapSet().matches(term))
// iterate through remaining conditional terms
while (!condType.isEmpty()) {
if (nodes.isEmpty())
return true;
String type = condType.remove();
String operator = condOperator.remove();
float value = condValue.remove();
// remove nodes from list if they don't match all terms
Iterator<BeatmapSetNode> nodeIter = nodes.iterator();
while (nodeIter.hasNext()) {
BeatmapSetNode node = nodeIter.next();
if (!node.getBeatmapSet().matches(type, operator, value))
return true;
* Returns whether or not the list contains the given beatmap set ID.
* <p>
* Note that IDs for older maps might have been improperly parsed, so
* there is no guarantee that this method will return an accurate value.
* @param id the beatmap set ID to check
* @return true if id is in the list
public boolean containsBeatmapSetID(int id) { return MSIDdb.contains(id); }
* Returns the beatmap associated with the given hash.
* @param beatmapHash the MD5 hash
* @return the associated beatmap, or {@code null} if no match was found
public Beatmap getBeatmapFromHash(String beatmapHash) {
return beatmapHashDB.get(beatmapHash);