Pavel Kolchev f810965921 DT/HF/Playback changes.
Can watch HalfTime on half speed.
Reset pitch on leaving the game state.
Load songInfo when entering select song menu.
Playback button fades in on hover instead of expands.
Reverted spinner changes. It should be fixed separately.
2015-04-03 15:01:18 +03:00

468 lines
13 KiB

* opsu! - an open-source osu! client
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Jeffrey Han
* opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with opsu!. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package itdelatrisu.opsu;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.Input;
* Game mods.
public enum GameMod {
EASY (Category.EASY, 0, GameImage.MOD_EASY, "EZ", 2, Input.KEY_Q, 0.5f,
"Easy", "Reduces overall difficulty - larger circles, more forgiving HP drain, less accuracy required."),
NO_FAIL (Category.EASY, 1, GameImage.MOD_NO_FAIL, "NF", 1, Input.KEY_W, 0.5f,
"NoFail", "You can't fail. No matter what."),
HALF_TIME (Category.EASY, 2, GameImage.MOD_HALF_TIME, "HT", 256, Input.KEY_E, 0.3f,
"HalfTime", "Less zoom."),
HARD_ROCK (Category.HARD, 0, GameImage.MOD_HARD_ROCK, "HR", 16, Input.KEY_A, 1.06f,
"HardRock", "Everything just got a bit harder..."),
SUDDEN_DEATH (Category.HARD, 1, GameImage.MOD_SUDDEN_DEATH, "SD", 32, Input.KEY_S, 1f,
"SuddenDeath", "Miss a note and fail."),
// PERFECT (Category.HARD, 1, GameImage.MOD_PERFECT, "PF", 64, Input.KEY_S, 1f,
// "Perfect", "SS or quit."),
DOUBLE_TIME (Category.HARD, 2, GameImage.MOD_DOUBLE_TIME, "DT", 64, Input.KEY_D, 1.12f,
"DoubleTime", "Zoooooooooom."),
// NIGHTCORE (Category.HARD, 2, GameImage.MOD_NIGHTCORE, "NT", 64, Input.KEY_D, 1.12f,
// "Nightcore", "uguuuuuuuu"),
HIDDEN (Category.HARD, 3, GameImage.MOD_HIDDEN, "HD", 8, Input.KEY_F, 1.06f, false,
"Hidden", "Play with no approach circles and fading notes for a slight score advantage."),
FLASHLIGHT (Category.HARD, 4, GameImage.MOD_FLASHLIGHT, "FL", 1024, Input.KEY_G, 1.12f,
"Flashlight", "Restricted view area."),
RELAX (Category.SPECIAL, 0, GameImage.MOD_RELAX, "RL", 128, Input.KEY_Z, 0f,
"Relax", "You don't need to click.\nGive your clicking/tapping finger a break from the heat of things.\n**UNRANKED**"),
AUTOPILOT (Category.SPECIAL, 1, GameImage.MOD_AUTOPILOT, "AP", 8192, Input.KEY_X, 0f,
"Relax2", "Automatic cursor movement - just follow the rhythm.\n**UNRANKED**"),
SPUN_OUT (Category.SPECIAL, 2, GameImage.MOD_SPUN_OUT, "SO", 4096, Input.KEY_V, 0.9f,
"SpunOut", "Spinners will be automatically completed."),
AUTO (Category.SPECIAL, 3, GameImage.MOD_AUTO, "", 2048, Input.KEY_B, 1f,
"Autoplay", "Watch a perfect automated play through the song.");
/** Mod categories. */
public enum Category {
EASY (0, "Difficulty Reduction", Color.green),
HARD (1, "Difficulty Increase", Color.red),
SPECIAL (2, "Special", Color.white);
/** Drawing index. */
private int index;
/** Category name. */
private String name;
/** Text color. */
private Color color;
/** The coordinates of the category. */
private float x, y;
* Constructor.
* @param index the drawing index
* @param name the category name
* @param color the text color
Category(int index, String name, Color color) {
this.index = index;
this.name = name;
this.color = color;
* Initializes the category.
* @param width the container width
* @param height the container height
public void init(int width, int height) {
float multY = Utils.FONT_LARGE.getLineHeight() * 2 + height * 0.06f;
float offsetY = GameImage.MOD_EASY.getImage().getHeight() * 1.5f;
this.x = width / 30f;
this.y = multY + Utils.FONT_LARGE.getLineHeight() * 3f + offsetY * index;
* Returns the category name.
public String getName() { return name; }
* Returns the text color.
public Color getColor() { return color; }
* Returns the x coordinate of the category.
public float getX() { return x; }
* Returns the y coordinate of the category.
public float getY() { return y; }
/** The category for the mod. */
private Category category;
/** The index in the category (for positioning). */
private int categoryIndex;
/** The file name of the mod image. */
private GameImage image;
/** The abbreviation for the mod. */
private String abbrev;
* Bit value associated with the mod.
* See the osu! API: https://github.com/peppy/osu-api/wiki#mods
private int bit;
/** The shortcut key associated with the mod. */
private int key;
/** The score multiplier. */
private float multiplier;
/** Whether or not the mod is implemented. */
private boolean implemented;
/** The name of the mod. */
private String name;
/** The description of the mod. */
private String description;
/** Whether or not this mod is active. */
private boolean active = false;
/** The button containing the mod image (displayed in OptionsMenu screen). */
private MenuButton button;
/** Total number of mods. */
public static final int SIZE = values().length;
/** Array of GameMod objects in reverse order. */
public static final GameMod[] VALUES_REVERSED;
static {
/** The last calculated score multiplier, or -1f if it must be recalculated. */
private static float scoreMultiplier = -1f;
/** */
private static float speedMultiplier = -1f;
* Initializes the game mods.
* @param width the container width
* @param height the container height
public static void init(int width, int height) {
// initialize categories
for (Category c : Category.values())
c.init(width, height);
// create buttons
float baseX = Category.EASY.getX() + Utils.FONT_LARGE.getWidth(Category.EASY.getName()) * 1.25f;
float offsetX = GameImage.MOD_EASY.getImage().getWidth() * 2.1f;
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.values()) {
Image img = mod.image.getImage();
mod.button = new MenuButton(img,
baseX + (offsetX * mod.categoryIndex) + img.getWidth() / 2f,
// reset state
mod.active = false;
scoreMultiplier = speedMultiplier = -1f;
* Returns the current score multiplier from all active mods.
public static float getScoreMultiplier() {
if (scoreMultiplier < 0f) {
float multiplier = 1f;
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.values()) {
if (mod.isActive())
multiplier *= mod.getMultiplier();
scoreMultiplier = multiplier;
return scoreMultiplier;
public static float getSpeedMultiplier() {
if (speedMultiplier < 0f) {
float multiplier = 1f;
if (DOUBLE_TIME.isActive())
multiplier = 1.5f;
else if (HALF_TIME.isActive())
multiplier = 0.75f;
speedMultiplier = multiplier;
return speedMultiplier;
* Returns the current game mod state (bitwise OR of active mods).
public static int getModState() {
int state = 0;
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.values()) {
if (mod.isActive())
state |= mod.getBit();
return state;
* Sets the active states of all game mods to the given state.
* @param state the state (bitwise OR of active mods)
public static void loadModState(int state) {
scoreMultiplier = speedMultiplier = -1f;
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.values())
mod.active = ((state & mod.getBit()) > 0);
* Returns a comma-separated string of mod names of active mods in the given state.
* @param state the state (bitwise OR of active mods)
public static String getModString(int state) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (GameMod mod : GameMod.values()) {
if ((state & mod.getBit()) > 0) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
return sb.toString();
} else
return "None";
* Constructor.
* @param category the category for the mod
* @param categoryIndex the index in the category
* @param image the GameImage
* @param abbrev the two-letter abbreviation
* @param bit the bit
* @param key the shortcut key
* @param multiplier the score multiplier
* @param name the name
* @param description the description
GameMod(Category category, int categoryIndex, GameImage image, String abbrev,
int bit, int key, float multiplier, String name, String description) {
this(category, categoryIndex, image, abbrev, bit, key, multiplier, true, name, description);
* Constructor.
* @param category the category for the mod
* @param categoryIndex the index in the category
* @param image the GameImage
* @param abbrev the two-letter abbreviation
* @param bit the bit
* @param key the shortcut key
* @param multiplier the score multiplier
* @param implemented whether the mod is implemented
* @param name the name
* @param description the description
GameMod(Category category, int categoryIndex, GameImage image, String abbrev,
int bit, int key, float multiplier, boolean implemented, String name, String description) {
this.category = category;
this.categoryIndex = categoryIndex;
this.image = image;
this.abbrev = abbrev;
this.bit = bit;
this.key = key;
this.multiplier = multiplier;
this.implemented = implemented;
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
* Returns the abbreviated name of the mod.
* @return the two-letter abbreviation
public String getAbbreviation() { return abbrev; }
* Returns the bit associated with the mod.
* @return the bit
public int getBit() { return bit; }
* Returns the shortcut key for the mod.
* @return the key
* @see org.newdawn.slick.Input
public int getKey() { return key; }
* Returns the score multiplier for the mod.
* @return the multiplier
public float getMultiplier() { return multiplier; }
* Returns the name of the mod.
* @return the name
public String getName() { return name; }
* Returns a description of the mod.
* @return the description
public String getDescription() { return description; }
* Returns whether or not the mod is implemented.
* @return true if implemented
public boolean isImplemented() { return implemented; }
* Toggles the active status of the mod.
* @param checkInverse if true, perform checks for mutual exclusivity
public void toggle(boolean checkInverse) {
if (!implemented)
active = !active;
scoreMultiplier = speedMultiplier = -1f;
if (checkInverse) {
if (AUTO.isActive()) {
if (this == AUTO) {
SPUN_OUT.active = false;
SUDDEN_DEATH.active = false;
RELAX.active = false;
AUTOPILOT.active = false;
} else if (this == SPUN_OUT || this == SUDDEN_DEATH || this == RELAX || this == AUTOPILOT)
this.active = false;
if (active && (this == SUDDEN_DEATH || this == NO_FAIL || this == RELAX || this == AUTOPILOT)) {
SUDDEN_DEATH.active = false;
NO_FAIL.active = false;
RELAX.active = false;
AUTOPILOT.active = false;
active = true;
if (AUTOPILOT.isActive() && SPUN_OUT.isActive()) {
if (this == AUTOPILOT)
SPUN_OUT.active = false;
AUTOPILOT.active = false;
if (EASY.isActive() && HARD_ROCK.isActive()) {
if (this == EASY)
HARD_ROCK.active = false;
EASY.active = false;
if (HALF_TIME.isActive() && DOUBLE_TIME.isActive()) {
if (this == HALF_TIME)
DOUBLE_TIME.active = false;
HALF_TIME.active = false;
* Returns whether or not the mod is active.
* @return true if active
public boolean isActive() { return active; }
* Returns the image associated with the mod.
* @return the associated image
public Image getImage() { return image.getImage(); }
* Draws the game mod.
public void draw() {
if (!implemented) {
} else
* Checks if the coordinates are within the image bounds.
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @return true if within bounds
public boolean contains(float x, float y) { return button.contains(x, y); }
* Resets the hover fields for the button.
public void resetHover() { button.resetHover(); }
* Updates the scale of the button depending on whether or not the cursor
* is hovering over the button.
* @param delta the delta interval
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
public void hoverUpdate(int delta, float x, float y) { button.hoverUpdate(delta, x, y); }
* Updates the scale of the button depending on whether or not the cursor
* is hovering over the button.
* @param delta the delta interval
* @param isHover true if the cursor is currently hovering over the button
public void hoverUpdate(int delta, boolean isHover) { button.hoverUpdate(delta, isHover); }