from typing import List, Optional, Type, Union import pytest from sampy.raknet.bitstream import Bitstream, get_bit_length @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ b"", b"A", b"AB", b"\xFF\x00\xAA\x55", ], ) def test_from_bytes(value: bytes): bitstream = Bitstream.from_bytes(value) assert len(bitstream) == (len(value) << 3) assert bytes(bitstream) == value @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value,length,expected", [ (0b0, 0, None), (0b1, 1, None), (0b0, 1, None), (0b1011, 4, None), (0b10111011, 8, None), (0b10111011, 7, 0b0111011), # -> 0b0111011 ], ) def test_from_int(value: int, length: int, expected: int): bitstream = Bitstream.from_int(value, length) assert len(bitstream) == length assert len(bytes(bitstream)) == ((length + 7) >> 3) assert bitstream.bits == [bool(value & (1 << i)) for i in range(length - 1, -1, -1)] if expected is not None: expected_bitstream = Bitstream.from_int(expected, length) assert bitstream.bits == expected_bitstream.bits assert bytes(bitstream) == bytes(expected_bitstream) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "values", [ [True, False, False, True, True], [[True], [False, True], [False, False]], [b"a", b"bc"], [b"aa", b"b"], [ Bitstream.from_bytes(b"A"), Bitstream.from_int(0b1011, 4), Bitstream.from_bytes(b"B"), ], [True, b"A", b"B", [False, True], Bitstream.from_int(0b10110, 5), False], ], ) def test_init(values: List[Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]]): bitstream = Bitstream(*values) for item in values: bit_length = get_bit_length(item) if type(item) is bool: item = [item] read_type = bool if type(item) is list else type(item) value =, bit_length) assert value == item def test_getitem(): sample_values = [True, False, False, True, False, True, True, True, True, False] for length in range(1, len(sample_values)): values = sample_values[:length] bitstream = Bitstream(values) for i in range(length): assert bitstream[i] == values[i] assert bitstream[-i - 1] == values[-i - 1] # For inverse lookup def test_getitem_index_error(): bitstream = Bitstream(True) with pytest.raises(IndexError): bitstream[1] with pytest.raises(IndexError): bitstream[-2] # Inverse IndexError @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value", [ True, [True, True], b"A", Bitstream(True, b"C"), ], ) def test_setitem(value: Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]): bit_length = get_bit_length(value) read_type = bool if type(value) is list else type(value) for length in range(10): for i in range(length - bit_length + 1): bitstream = Bitstream([False] * length) bitstream[i] = value assert, bit_length, i) == ( value if type(value) is not bool else [value] ) assert len(bitstream) == length @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value,equals,not_equals", [ ([], [[]], [[True], [False]]), (True, [[True]], [[False], [True, False], b"A"]), ([True, False], [[True, False]], [[False], [False, False], b"A"]), ( b"A", [b"A", b"A", Bitstream.from_bytes(b"A"), Bitstream.from_bytes(b"A").bits], [ [], [False], b"B", b"B", Bitstream.from_bytes(b"B"), Bitstream.from_bytes(b"B").bits, ], ), (b"ABC", [b"ABC"], [[], [False], b"A"]), ], ) def test_eq( value: Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], equals: List[Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]], not_equals: List[Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]], ): bitstream = Bitstream(value) for equal in equals: assert bitstream == equal for not_equal in not_equals: assert bitstream != not_equal @pytest.mark.parametrize( "values,number,expected", [ ([], 2, []), ([True, False], 2, [True, False, True, False]), (b"A", 2, b"AA"), ([False], 3, [False, False, False]), ], ) def test_mul( values: Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], number: int, expected: Union[List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], ): bitstream = Bitstream(values) assert (bitstream * number) == expected assert bitstream == values bitstream *= number assert bitstream == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "init_values,add_value,expected", [ ([], True, [True]), ([True, False], False, [True, False, False]), (b"A", b"B", b"AB"), ], ) def test_add( init_values: Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], add_value: Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], expected: Union[List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], ): bitstream = Bitstream(init_values) assert (bitstream + add_value) == expected assert len(bitstream) == get_bit_length(init_values) bitstream += add_value assert bitstream == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "init_values", [ [], [True, False], [b"A"], [True, b"B"], ], ) def test_iter(init_values: List[Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]]): bitstream = Bitstream(*init_values) assert len(list(bitstream)) == len(bitstream) for index, bit in enumerate(bitstream): assert bit == bitstream[index] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "init_values,expected", [ ([], b""), ([b"A"], b"A"), ([False], b"\x00"), ([[False] * 6, True], b"\x02"), ([[False] * 7, True], b"\x01"), ], ) def test_bytes( init_values: List[Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]], expected: bytes ): assert bytes(Bitstream(*init_values)) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "init_values,expected", [ ([], []), ([b"\x01"], [False] * 7 + [True]), ([False], [False]), ([False] * 6 + [True], [False] * 6 + [True]), ([False] * 7 + [True], [False] * 7 + [True]), ], ) def test_bits( init_values: List[Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]], expected: List[bool] ): assert Bitstream(*init_values).bits == expected def test_copy(): bitstream = Bitstream(True, False) bitstream_copy = bitstream.copy() assert bitstream == bitstream_copy assert id(bitstream) != id(bitstream.copy) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "lst", [ [False] * 10, [True] * 10, [True, False] * 5, [False, True] * 5, ], ) def test_append(lst: List[bool]): bitstream = Bitstream() for i in range(len(lst)): bitstream.append(lst[i]) assert bitstream[i] == lst[i] assert len(bitstream) == (i + 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "extend_value", [ [True, False, True], b"A", b"BB", Bitstream(True, b"C"), ], ) def test_extend(extend_value: Union[List[bool], bytes, Bitstream]): for i in range(10): bitstream = Bitstream([False] * i) bitstream.extend(extend_value) value = bool if type(extend_value) is list else type(extend_value), get_bit_length(extend_value), i, ) assert value == extend_value def test_extend_error(): bitstream = Bitstream() with pytest.raises(TypeError): bitstream.extend(True) def test_clear(): bitstream = Bitstream(b"A", [True, False, False, True]) bitstream._offset = 3 bitstream.clear() assert len(bitstream) == 0 assert len(bytes(bitstream)) == 0 assert bitstream._offset == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "lst", [ [False] * 10, [True] * 10, [True, False] * 5, [False, True] * 5, ], ) def test_pop(lst: List[bool]): bitstream = Bitstream(lst) for i in range(len(bitstream)): assert bitstream.pop() == lst[-i - 1] with pytest.raises(IndexError): assert bitstream.pop() def test_read(): bitstream = Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False) assert, 1) == [True] assert, 8) == b"A" assert, 3) == 2 assert, len(bitstream) - 1) == Bitstream( True, b"A", False, True ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "bitstream,read_type,bit_length,bit_index,expected", [ (Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False), bool, 1, 0, [True]), ( Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False), bool, 3, 8 + 1, [False, True, False], ), (Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False), bytes, 8, 1, b"A"), ( Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False), Bitstream, 1 + 8 + 3, 0, Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False), ), (Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False), int, 3, 1 + 8, 2), ], ) def test_read_index( bitstream: Bitstream, read_type: Type[Union[bool, bytes, Bitstream, int]], bit_length: int, bit_index: Optional[int], expected: Union[List[bool], bytes, Bitstream, int], ): value =, bit_length, bit_index) if read_type is bool: assert type(value) == list else: assert type(value) == read_type assert value == expected def test_read_error(): bitstream = Bitstream(True, b"A", False, True, False) with pytest.raises(IndexError):, 1, len(bitstream)) with pytest.raises(IndexError):, 1, -1) with pytest.raises(TypeError):, 1, 0) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "bitstream,value,bit_index,current_offset", [ (Bitstream(), True, None, None), (Bitstream(), b"A", None, None), (Bitstream(), True, 0, None), (Bitstream(), True, 3, None), (Bitstream(), True, 7, None), (Bitstream(), True, 8, None), (Bitstream(False), True, None, None), (Bitstream(False), True, 0, None), (Bitstream(False), True, 0, 0), (Bitstream(False), True, None, 0), ], ) def test_write( bitstream: Bitstream, value: Union[bool, List[bool], bytes, Bitstream], bit_index: Optional[int], current_offset: Optional[int], ): if current_offset is not None: bit_length = get_bit_length(value) bitstream.write(value, bit_index) if bit_index is None:, 1) read_value = bool if type(value) is list else type(value), bit_length ) else: read_value = bool if type(value) is list else type(value), bit_length, bit_index ) assert read_value == ([value] if type(value) is bool else value) def test_seek(): bitstream = Bitstream([True] * 8), 0) assert bitstream._offset == 4, 1) assert bitstream._offset == 3, 2) assert bitstream._offset == 7