from datetime import datetime from . import glob from helpers.uuid import generate as generate_uuid class Display: def __init__(self, uuid): if uuid in glob.displays.keys(): raise Exception("Display with this UUID already exists!") glob.displays[uuid] = self self.uuid = uuid self.connections = set() # maybe set()? = [] # maybe set()? self.title = None self.start_time = int( ) self.kill_time = self.start_time + glob.config["display"]["timeout"] def attach(self, sid): self.connections.add(sid) glob.connections[sid].add(self) self.kill_time = None def detach(self, sid): self.connections.remove(sid) glob.connections[sid].remove(self) if len(self.connections) == 0: self.kill_time = int( ) + glob.config["display"]["timeout"] def serialize(self): return { "uuid": self.uuid, "connections": len(self.connections), "title": self.title, "start_time": self.start_time, "kill_time": self.kill_time } def __str__(self): return self.uuid @staticmethod def generate(): while True: uuid = generate_uuid() if uuid not in glob.displays.keys(): break return Display(uuid) class Window: def __init__(self, uuid, title = "__unnamed__", grid_column = (0, 0), grid_row = (0, 0)): if uuid in raise Exception("Window with this UUID already exists!")[uuid] = self self.uuid = uuid self.title = title self.grid_column = grid_column self.grid_row = grid_row self.parents = set() self.tabs = [] # Maybe set()? def set_title(self, title): self.title = title # TODO: PUSH TITLE CHANGE def set_grid_column(self, grid_column): self.grid_column = grid_column # TODO: PUSH CHANGE def set_grid_row(self, grid_row): self.grid_row = grid_row # TODO: PUSH CHANGE def add_tab(self, tab): self.tabs.append(tab) # TODO: PUSH CHANGE def remove_tab(self, tab): self.tabs.remove(tab) # TODO: CHECK REF COUNT AND FREE IF 0 # TODO: PUSH CHANGE class Tab: def __init__(self, uuid, title = "__unnamed__"): if uuid in glob.tabs.keys(): raise Exception("Tab with this UUID already exists!") glob.tabs[uuid] = self self.uuid = uuid self.content = "" def clear(self): self.content = "" # TODO: PUSH CHANGE def write_ln(self, data): self.write(data + "\n") def write(self, data): self.content += data # TODO: PUSH CHANGE def write_index(self, data, cursor): # Maybe also send snippet of before and after incase of multiedit? self.content = self.content[:cursor] + data + self.content[cursor:] # TODO: PUSH CHANGE