181 lines
5.3 KiB
181 lines
5.3 KiB
import struct
import string
import lzma
from .helpers import osuModes
from .helpers import osuMods
from .helpers import osuRanks
from .helpers import typeSerializer
from hashlib import md5 as _md5
def md5(str):
return _md5(str.encode("ascii")).hexdigest().encode()
class Replay:
mode = osuModes.STANDARD # Byte
osu_version = 20131216 # Int
beatmap_hash = b"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" # Byte[]
player_name = b"osu!" # Byte[]
score_hash = b"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" # Byte[]
score_300s = 0 # uShort
score_100s = 0 # uShort
score_50s = 0 # uShort
score_gekis = 0 # uShort
score_katus = 0 # uShort
score_miss = 0 # uShort
score = 0 # Int
combo = 0 # uShort
perfect = True # Byte
mods = osuMods.NOMOD # Int
lifebar_graph = b"0|1," # Byte[]
timestamp = 0 # Long
replay_data = b"" # Byte[]
online_score_id = 0 # Long
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
allowed_kwargs = {
"mode": self.set_mode,
"mods": self.set_mods,
"osu_version": self.set_osu_version,
"player_name": self.set_player_name,
"replay_data": self.write
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k in allowed_kwargs.keys():
allowed_kwargs[k](v) # Run callback func
# Set validators -----------------------------------------------------------
def set_mode(self, mode_id):
if mode_id > 3 or mode_id < 0:
raise Exception("Invalid mode")
self.mode_id = mode_id
def set_osu_version(self, osu_version):
if type(osu_version) is not int:
raise Exception("osu! version must be an int")
self.osu_version = osu_version
def set_beatmap_hash(self, md5_hash):
if len(md5_hash) != 32 or len([x for x in md5_hash if x in string.hexdigits]) != 32:
raise Exception("Invalid beatmap hash")
self.beatmap_hash = md5_hash
def set_player_name(self, player_name):
self.player_name = player_name
def set_score_hash(self, md5_hash):
if type(md5_hash) is bytes:
md5_hash = md5_hash.decode()
if len(md5_hash) != 32 or len([x for x in md5_hash if x in string.hexdigits]) != 32:
raise Exception("Invalid replay hash")
self.score_hash = md5_hash.encode()
def set_mods(self, mods):
if mods < 0 or mods > (1 << 30) - 1:
raise Exception("Mods are out of range")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update variables ---------------------------------------------------------
def update_perfect(self):
m = [self.score_100s, self.score_50s, self.score_katus, self.score_miss]
self.perfect = sum(m) == 0
def update_score_hash(self):
md5("%d%s%s%s%d%d" % (
self.combo, "osu", self.player_name,
self.beatmap_hash, self.score, self.get_rank()
def update(self):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get / Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------
def get_hits(self):
return sum([self.score_300s, self.score_100s, self.score_50s])
def get_possible_hits(self):
return self.get_hits() + self.score_miss
def get_rank(self): # We dont give out F ranks around here
hits = self.get_possible_hits()
if hits == 0:
raise Exception("Can not calculate rank without any score data")
r300 = self.score_300s / hits
r50 = self.score_50s / hits
h = osuMods.any_enabled(self.mods, osuMods.HIDDEN | osuMods.FLASHLIGHT)
if r300 == 1:
return osuRanks.SSH if h else osuRanks.SS
if r300 > .9 and r50 <= .01 and self.score_miss == 0:
return osuRanks.SH if h else osuRanks.S
if r300 > .8 and self.score_miss == 0 or r300 > .9:
return osuRanks.A
if r300 > .7 and self.score_miss == 0 or r300 > .8:
return osuRanks.B
if r300 > .6:
return osuRanks.C
return osuRanks.D
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Write replay data --------------------------------------------------------
def write(self, frame):
if type(frame) is list:
for _frame in frame: # (frames)
self.replay_data += bytes(frame)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IO replay data -----------------------------------------------------------
def save(self, filename):
compressed_replay = lzma.compress(self.replay_data + b"-12345|0|0|1337,", format = lzma.FORMAT_ALONE, filters = [
"id": lzma.FILTER_LZMA1,
"preset": lzma.PRESET_DEFAULT,
"dict_size": 1 << 21, # !important
_player_name = bytes([len(self.player_name)]) + self.player_name
_lifebar_graph = bytes([len(self.lifebar_graph)]) + self.lifebar_graph
_compressed_replay = bytes([len(compressed_replay)]) + compressed_replay
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
# Yes... Please never do this
data = struct.pack(b"<BiBB32sB%dsBB32s6HiH?iB%dsQ%dsQ" % (len(_player_name), len(_lifebar_graph), len(_compressed_replay)),
11, len(self.beatmap_hash), self.beatmap_hash,
11, _player_name,
11, len(self.score_hash), self.score_hash,
self.score_300s, self.score_100s, self.score_50s, self.score_gekis, self.score_katus, self.score_miss,
11, _lifebar_graph,