Unscaled coordinates will be used in a future commit (hopefully).
Added a normalize() method to Vec2f.
Throw RuntimeExceptions for any Curve initialization errors; the game would crash anyway, and this way the objects can be substituted for DummyObjects for a graceful failure.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
Attempts to eliminate any confusion between OsuHitObject (raw, parsed hit objects) and HitObject (interface for game object types).
- Renamed "HitObject" interface to "GameObject", since these objects are specific to gameplay.
- Renamed "OsuHitObject" to "HitObject", since these objects are primarily containers for parsed data.
Sorry if the name-swapping is confusing; these should be better names in the long run.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Renamed "OsuFile" to "Beatmap". All related variables and methods with "osu" have also been renamed to "beatmap" (or variants of each).
- Renamed "OsuGroupNode" to "BeatmapSetNode". Avoids confusion since groups are identified by a "set ID", not a "group ID".
- Renamed "OsuGroupList" to "BeatmapSetList", for the same reason as above.
- Renamed "OsuDB" to "BeatmapDB", for the same reason as above.
- Moved classes directly related to parsed beatmaps (Beatmap, BeatmapSetList, BeatmapSetNode, OsuHitObject, and TimingPoint) into a new "beatmap" package.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Fixed a major bug where two hit result calculations were being performed for each slider.
- Fixed a bug where hit circles/sliders were being drawn for a miss.
- Sliders now only expand when held to the end (as in osu!).
- Use the track position as the hit result start time for circles (instead of the object time).
- Added a 'color' parameter to Curve.draw(), rather than keeping an extra reference to the slider Color object.
- Renamed HitResultType enum to HitObjectType, and moved it into GameData.
- Removed some overloaded methods (not really necessary...).
- Other style changes.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- The MenuButton class now fully supports hover effects (scale, fade, rotate) for Animations.
- Used a fixed location for the selection buttons in the song menu (previously based on the "back" button width, which varies widely in different skins).
- Added hover effects for "retry" and "exit" buttons in the ranking screen.
- Changed animation speed of back/skip buttons.
- Fixed a bug where main menu showed the incorrect number of songs loaded during searches.
- Removed unneeded draw() methods in Utils for color filters (since 69f5aa5).
- Moved Utils.drawCentered(Image, ...) into the Image class.
- Added overwritten Image class to Maven excludes.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Draw the playfield background in the song menu if a background cannot be drawn for the focused beatmap.
- Added ScoreDB.deleteScore() method to delete a score from the database.
- Added @author tags for curve-related classes (by fluddokt, #12).
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Moved all curve-related classes into a new package.
- Added some fields and methods to Curve abstract class.
- Removed the old (no longer used) Bezier subclass.
- Changed Error throwing to ErrorHandler.error() calls.
- Formatted code.
Also fixed a crash when reaching the ranking screen with the "Auto" mod active.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>