Interface ControlledInputReciever

All Known Subinterfaces:
ControllerListener, GameState, InputListener, KeyListener, MouseListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComponent, AlphaMapTest, AnimationTest, AntiAliasTest, BasicComponent, BasicGame, BasicGameState, BigImageTest, BigSpriteSheetTest, CachedRenderTest, CanvasContainerTest, CanvasSizeTest, ClipTest, CopyAreaAlphaTest, CurveTest, DeferredLoadingTest, DistanceFieldTest, DoubleClickTest, DuplicateEmitterTest, FlashTest, FontPerformanceTest, FontTest, GeomAccuracyTest, GeomTest, GeomUtilTest, GeomUtilTileTest, GradientImageTest, GradientTest, GraphicsTest, GUITest, ImageBufferEndianTest, ImageBufferTest, ImageCornerTest, ImageGraphicsTest, ImageMemTest, ImageOutTest, ImageReadTest, ImageTest, InkscapeTest, InputAdapter, InputProviderTest, InputTest, IsoTiledTest, KeyRepeatTest, LameTest, LineRenderTest, MorphShapeTest, MorphSVGTest, MouseOverArea, MusicListenerTest, NavMeshTest, PackedSheetTest, ParticleTest, PedigreeTest, PolygonTest, PureFontTest, SavedStateTest, ScalableTest, ShapeTest, SlickCallableTest, SoundPositionTest, SoundTest, SoundURLTest, SpriteSheetFontTest, StateBasedGame, StateBasedTest, TestBox, TestState1, TestState2, TestState3, TextField, TexturePaintTest, TileMapTest, TransformTest, TransformTest2, TransitionTest, TransparentColorTest, TrueTypeFontPerformanceTest, UnicodeFontTest

public interface ControlledInputReciever

Description of any class capable of recieving and controlling it's own reception of input You'll shouldn't really need to implement this one for your self, use one of the sub-interfaces: InputListener MouseListener KeyListener ControllerListener


Method Summary
 void inputEnded()
          Notification that all input events have been sent for this frame
 void inputStarted()
          Notification that input is about to be processed
 boolean isAcceptingInput()
          Check if this input listener is accepting input
 void setInput(Input input)
          Set the input that events are being sent from

Method Detail


void setInput(Input input)
Set the input that events are being sent from

input - The input instance sending events


boolean isAcceptingInput()
Check if this input listener is accepting input

True if the input listener should recieve events


void inputEnded()
Notification that all input events have been sent for this frame


void inputStarted()
Notification that input is about to be processed

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