Class Layer

  extended by org.newdawn.slick.tiled.Layer

public class Layer
extends java.lang.Object

A layer of tiles on the map


Field Summary
 int[][][] data
          The tile data representing this data, index 0 = tileset, index 1 = tile id
 int height
          The height of this layer
 int index
          The index of this layer
 java.lang.String name
          The name of this layer - read from the XML
 java.util.Properties props
          the properties of this layer
 int width
          The width of this layer
Constructor Summary
Layer(TiledMap map, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Create a new layer based on the XML definition
Method Summary
 int getTileID(int x, int y)
          Get the gloal ID of the tile at the specified location in this layer
 void render(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int width, int ty, boolean lineByLine, int mapTileWidth, int mapTileHeight)
          Render a section of this layer
 void setTileID(int x, int y, int tile)
          Set the global tile ID at a specified location
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int index
The index of this layer


public java.lang.String name
The name of this layer - read from the XML


public int[][][] data
The tile data representing this data, index 0 = tileset, index 1 = tile id


public int width
The width of this layer


public int height
The height of this layer


public java.util.Properties props
the properties of this layer

Constructor Detail


public Layer(TiledMap map,
             org.w3c.dom.Element element)
      throws SlickException
Create a new layer based on the XML definition

element - The XML element describing the layer
map - The map this layer is part of
SlickException - Indicates a failure to parse the XML layer
Method Detail


public int getTileID(int x,
                     int y)
Get the gloal ID of the tile at the specified location in this layer

x - The x coorindate of the tile
y - The y coorindate of the tile
The global ID of the tile


public void setTileID(int x,
                      int y,
                      int tile)
Set the global tile ID at a specified location

x - The x location to set
y - The y location to set
tile - The tile value to set


public void render(int x,
                   int y,
                   int sx,
                   int sy,
                   int width,
                   int ty,
                   boolean lineByLine,
                   int mapTileWidth,
                   int mapTileHeight)
Render a section of this layer

x - The x location to render at
y - The y location to render at
sx - The x tile location to start rendering
sy - The y tile location to start rendering
width - The number of tiles across to render
ty - The line of tiles to render
lineByLine - True if we should render line by line, i.e. giving us a chance to render something else between lines
mapTileWidth - the tile width specified in the map file
mapTileHeight - the tile height specified in the map file

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