Class GradientFill

  extended by org.newdawn.slick.fills.GradientFill
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GradientFill
extends java.lang.Object
implements ShapeFill

A fill effect used to define gradients when filling and drawing shapes. A gradient is defined by two control points. Each point that is rendered is coloured based on it's proximity to the points. Note that the points are defined relative to the center of the shape being drawn. This is with the intention that the gradient fills can be used and do not need to be updated when the geometry is moved


Constructor Summary
GradientFill(float sx, float sy, Color startCol, float ex, float ey, Color endCol)
          Create a gradient fill
GradientFill(float sx, float sy, Color startCol, float ex, float ey, Color endCol, boolean local)
          Create a gradient fill
GradientFill(Vector2f start, Color startCol, Vector2f end, Color endCol, boolean local)
          Create a gradient fill
Method Summary
 Color colorAt(float x, float y)
          Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location
 Color colorAt(Shape shape, float x, float y)
          Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location
 Vector2f getEnd()
          Get the position of the end control point
 Color getEndColor()
          Get the colour at the end control point
 GradientFill getInvertedCopy()
          Get an inverted copy of the gradient
 Vector2f getOffsetAt(Shape shape, float x, float y)
          Get the offset for a vertex at a given location based on it's shape
 Vector2f getStart()
          Get the position of the start control point
 Color getStartColor()
          Get the colour at the start control point
 void setEnd(float x, float y)
          Set the end control point's position
 void setEnd(Vector2f end)
          Set the end control point's position
 void setEndColor(Color color)
          Set the colour to apply at the end control's position
 void setLocal(boolean local)
          Indicate if the gradient is defined in shape local coordinates
 void setStart(float x, float y)
          Set the start point's position
 void setStart(Vector2f start)
          Set the start control point's position
 void setStartColor(Color color)
          Set the colour to apply at the start control's position
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GradientFill(float sx,
                    float sy,
                    Color startCol,
                    float ex,
                    float ey,
                    Color endCol)
Create a gradient fill

sx - The x coordinate of the starting control point
sy - The y coordinate of the starting control point
startCol - The colour to apply at the starting control point
ex - The x coordinate of the ending control point
ey - The y coordinate of the ending control point
endCol - The colour to apply at the ending control point


public GradientFill(float sx,
                    float sy,
                    Color startCol,
                    float ex,
                    float ey,
                    Color endCol,
                    boolean local)
Create a gradient fill

sx - The x coordinate of the starting control point
sy - The y coordinate of the starting control point
startCol - The colour to apply at the starting control point
ex - The x coordinate of the ending control point
ey - The y coordinate of the ending control point
endCol - The colour to apply at the ending control point
local - True if the gradient is defined in local shape coordinates


public GradientFill(Vector2f start,
                    Color startCol,
                    Vector2f end,
                    Color endCol,
                    boolean local)
Create a gradient fill

start - The position of the starting control point
startCol - The colour to apply at the starting control point
end - The position of the ending control point
endCol - The colour to apply at the ending control point
local - True if the gradient is defined in local shape coordinates
Method Detail


public GradientFill getInvertedCopy()
Get an inverted copy of the gradient

The copy with the colours inverted


public void setLocal(boolean local)
Indicate if the gradient is defined in shape local coordinates

local - True if the gradient is defined in shape local coordinates


public Vector2f getStart()
Get the position of the start control point

The position of the start control point


public Vector2f getEnd()
Get the position of the end control point

The position of the end control point


public Color getStartColor()
Get the colour at the start control point

The color at the start control point


public Color getEndColor()
Get the colour at the end control point

The color at the end control point


public void setStart(float x,
                     float y)
Set the start point's position

x - The x coordinate of the start control point
y - The y coordinate of the start control point


public void setStart(Vector2f start)
Set the start control point's position

start - The new poisition for the start point


public void setEnd(float x,
                   float y)
Set the end control point's position

x - The x coordinate of the end control point
y - The y coordinate of the end control point


public void setEnd(Vector2f end)
Set the end control point's position

end - The new position for the end point


public void setStartColor(Color color)
Set the colour to apply at the start control's position

color - The colour to apply at the start control point


public void setEndColor(Color color)
Set the colour to apply at the end control's position

color - The colour to apply at the end control point


public Color colorAt(Shape shape,
                     float x,
                     float y)
Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location

Specified by:
colorAt in interface ShapeFill
shape - The shape being filled
x - The x coordinate of the point being coloured
y - The y coordinate of the point being coloured
The colour that should be applied based on the control points of this gradient


public Color colorAt(float x,
                     float y)
Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location

x - The x coordinate of the point being coloured
y - The y coordinate of the point being coloured
The colour that should be applied based on the control points of this gradient


public Vector2f getOffsetAt(Shape shape,
                            float x,
                            float y)
Description copied from interface: ShapeFill
Get the offset for a vertex at a given location based on it's shape

Specified by:
getOffsetAt in interface ShapeFill
shape - The shape being filled
x - The x coordinate of the point being drawn
y - The y coordinate of the point being drawn
The offset to apply to this vertex
See Also:
ShapeFill.getOffsetAt(org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape, float, float)

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