Uses of Class

Packages that use ZipException

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.core

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.core that throw ZipException
 void ZipFile.addFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters)
          Adds input source file to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.addFiles(ArrayList sourceFileList, ZipParameters parameters)
          Adds the list of input files to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.addFolder(File path, ZipParameters parameters)
          Adds the folder in the given file object to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.addFolder(String path, ZipParameters parameters)
          Adds the folder in the given path to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.addStream(InputStream inputStream, ZipParameters parameters)
          Creates a new entry in the zip file and adds the content of the inputstream to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.createZipFile(ArrayList sourceFileList, ZipParameters parameters)
          Creates a zip file and adds the list of source file(s) to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.createZipFile(ArrayList sourceFileList, ZipParameters parameters, boolean splitArchive, long splitLength)
          Creates a zip file and adds the list of source file(s) to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.createZipFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters)
          Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.createZipFile(File sourceFile, ZipParameters parameters, boolean splitArchive, long splitLength)
          Creates a zip file and adds the source file to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.createZipFileFromFolder(File folderToAdd, ZipParameters parameters, boolean splitArchive, long splitLength)
          Creates a zip file and adds the files/folders from the specified folder to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.createZipFileFromFolder(String folderToAdd, ZipParameters parameters, boolean splitArchive, long splitLength)
          Creates a zip file and adds the files/folders from the specified folder to the zip file.
 void ZipFile.extractAll(String destPath)
          Extracts all the files in the given zip file to the input destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractAll(String destPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
          Extracts all the files in the given zip file to the input destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractFile(FileHeader fileHeader, String destPath)
          Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractFile(FileHeader fileHeader, String destPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
          Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractFile(FileHeader fileHeader, String destPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters, String newFileName)
          Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractFile(String fileName, String destPath)
          Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractFile(String fileName, String destPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
          Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path.
 void ZipFile.extractFile(String fileName, String destPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters, String newFileName)
          Extracts a specific file from the zip file to the destination path.
 void HeaderWriter.finalizeZipFile(ZipModel zipModel, OutputStream outputStream)
          Processes zip header data and writes this data to the zip file
 void HeaderWriter.finalizeZipFileWithoutValidations(ZipModel zipModel, OutputStream outputStream)
          Processes zip header data and writes this data to the zip file without any validations.
 String ZipFile.getComment()
          Returns the comment set for the Zip file
 String ZipFile.getComment(String encoding)
          Returns the comment set for the Zip file in the input encoding
 FileHeader ZipFile.getFileHeader(String fileName)
          Returns FileHeader if a file header with the given fileHeader string exists in the zip model: If not returns null
 List ZipFile.getFileHeaders()
          Returns the list of file headers in the zip file.
 ZipInputStream ZipFile.getInputStream(FileHeader fileHeader)
          Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the Zip file corresponding to the input FileHeader.
 ArrayList ZipFile.getSplitZipFiles()
          Returns the full file path+names of all split zip files in an ArrayList.
 boolean ZipFile.isEncrypted()
          Checks to see if the zip file is encrypted
 boolean ZipFile.isSplitArchive()
          Checks if the zip file is a split archive
 void ZipFile.mergeSplitFiles(File outputZipFile)
          Merges split zip files into a single zip file without the need to extract the files in the archive
 ZipModel HeaderReader.readAllHeaders()
          Reads all the header information for the zip file.
 ZipModel HeaderReader.readAllHeaders(String fileNameCharset)
          Reads all the header information for the zip file.
 LocalFileHeader HeaderReader.readLocalFileHeader(FileHeader fileHeader)
          Reads local file header for the given file header
 void ZipFile.removeFile(FileHeader fileHeader)
          Removes the file provided in the input file header from the zip file.
 void ZipFile.removeFile(String fileName)
          Removes the file provided in the input paramters from the zip file.
 void ZipFile.setComment(String comment)
          Sets comment for the Zip file
 void ZipFile.setFileNameCharset(String charsetName)
          Zip4j will encode all the file names with the input charset.
 void ZipFile.setPassword(char[] password)
          Sets the password for the zip file
 void ZipFile.setPassword(String password)
          Sets the password for the zip file.
Note: For security reasons, usage of this method is discouraged.
 void HeaderWriter.updateLocalFileHeader(LocalFileHeader localFileHeader, long offset, int toUpdate, ZipModel zipModel, byte[] bytesToWrite, int noOfDisk, SplitOutputStream outputStream)
 int HeaderWriter.writeExtendedLocalHeader(LocalFileHeader localFileHeader, OutputStream outputStream)
 int HeaderWriter.writeLocalFileHeader(ZipModel zipModel, LocalFileHeader localFileHeader, OutputStream outputStream)

Constructors in net.lingala.zip4j.core that throw ZipException
ZipFile(File zipFile)
          Creates a new Zip File Object with the input file.
ZipFile(String zipFile)
          Creates a new Zip File Object with the given zip file path.

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.crypto

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.crypto that throw ZipException
 int StandardDecrypter.decryptData(byte[] buff)
 int IDecrypter.decryptData(byte[] buff)
 int AESDecrypter.decryptData(byte[] buff)
 int StandardDecrypter.decryptData(byte[] buff, int start, int len)
 int IDecrypter.decryptData(byte[] buff, int start, int len)
 int AESDecrypter.decryptData(byte[] buff, int start, int len)
 int StandardEncrypter.encryptData(byte[] buff)
 int IEncrypter.encryptData(byte[] buff)
 int AESEncrpyter.encryptData(byte[] buff)
 int StandardEncrypter.encryptData(byte[] buff, int start, int len)
 int IEncrypter.encryptData(byte[] buff, int start, int len)
 int AESEncrpyter.encryptData(byte[] buff, int start, int len)
protected  byte[] StandardEncrypter.generateRandomBytes(int size)
 void StandardDecrypter.init(byte[] headerBytes)

Constructors in net.lingala.zip4j.crypto that throw ZipException
AESDecrypter(LocalFileHeader localFileHeader, byte[] salt, byte[] passwordVerifier)
AESEncrpyter(char[] password, int keyStrength)
StandardDecrypter(FileHeader fileHeader, byte[] headerBytes)
StandardEncrypter(char[] password, int crc)

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.crypto.engine

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.crypto.engine that throw ZipException
 void AESEngine.init(byte[] key)
 int AESEngine.processBlock(byte[] in, byte[] out)
 int AESEngine.processBlock(byte[] in, int inOff, byte[] out, int outOff)

Constructors in net.lingala.zip4j.crypto.engine that throw ZipException
AESEngine(byte[] key)

Uses of ZipException in

Methods in that throw ZipException
 boolean SplitOutputStream.checkBuffSizeAndStartNextSplitFile(int bufferSize)
          Checks if the buffer size is sufficient for the current split file.
 void DeflaterOutputStream.closeEntry()
 void CipherOutputStream.closeEntry()
 void DeflaterOutputStream.finish()
 void CipherOutputStream.finish()
 boolean SplitOutputStream.isBuffSizeFitForCurrSplitFile(int bufferSize)
          Checks if the given buffer size will be fit in the current split file.
 void DeflaterOutputStream.putNextEntry(File file, ZipParameters zipParameters)
 void CipherOutputStream.putNextEntry(File file, ZipParameters zipParameters)

Constructors in that throw ZipException
SplitOutputStream(File file)
SplitOutputStream(File file, long splitLength)
SplitOutputStream(String name)
SplitOutputStream(String name, long splitLength)

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.model

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.model that throw ZipException
 void FileHeader.extractFile(ZipModel zipModel, String outPath, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
          Extracts file to the specified directory
 void FileHeader.extractFile(ZipModel zipModel, String outPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
          Extracts file to the specified directory using any user defined parameters in UnzipParameters
 void FileHeader.extractFile(ZipModel zipModel, String outPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters, String newFileName, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
          Extracts file to the specified directory using any user defined parameters in UnzipParameters.

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.progress

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.progress that throw ZipException
 void ProgressMonitor.endProgressMonitorError(Throwable e)
 void ProgressMonitor.endProgressMonitorSuccess()

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.unzip

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.unzip that throw ZipException
static void UnzipUtil.applyFileAttributes(FileHeader fileHeader, File file)
static void UnzipUtil.applyFileAttributes(FileHeader fileHeader, File file, UnzipParameters unzipParameters)
 void UnzipEngine.checkCRC()
 void Unzip.extractAll(UnzipParameters unzipParameters, String outPath, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
 void Unzip.extractFile(FileHeader fileHeader, String outPath, UnzipParameters unzipParameters, String newFileName, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
 ZipInputStream UnzipEngine.getInputStream()
 ZipInputStream Unzip.getInputStream(FileHeader fileHeader)
 void UnzipEngine.unzipFile(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, String outPath, String newFileName, UnzipParameters unzipParameters)

Constructors in net.lingala.zip4j.unzip that throw ZipException
Unzip(ZipModel zipModel)
UnzipEngine(ZipModel zipModel, FileHeader fileHeader)

Uses of ZipException in net.lingala.zip4j.util

Methods in net.lingala.zip4j.util that throw ZipException
static byte Raw.bitArrayToByte(int[] bitArray)
static boolean Zip4jUtil.checkArrayListTypes(ArrayList sourceList, int type)
          Checks to see if all the elements in the arraylist match the given type
static boolean Zip4jUtil.checkFileExists(File file)
static boolean Zip4jUtil.checkFileExists(String path)
static boolean Zip4jUtil.checkFileReadAccess(String path)
static boolean Zip4jUtil.checkFileWriteAccess(String path)
static boolean Zip4jUtil.checkOutputFolder(String path)
static long CRCUtil.computeFileCRC(String inputFile)
static long CRCUtil.computeFileCRC(String inputFile, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Calculates CRC of a file
static byte[] Zip4jUtil.convertCharset(String str)
static String Zip4jUtil.detectCharSet(String str)
          Detects the encoding charset for the input string
static String Zip4jUtil.getAbsoluteFilePath(String filePath)
          Returns an absoulte path for the given file path
static int Zip4jUtil.getEncodedStringLength(String str)
          returns the length of the string by wrapping it in a byte buffer with the appropriate charset of the input string and returns the limit of the byte buffer
static int Zip4jUtil.getEncodedStringLength(String str, String charset)
          returns the length of the string in the input encoding
static FileHeader Zip4jUtil.getFileHeader(ZipModel zipModel, String fileName)
static FileHeader Zip4jUtil.getFileHeaderWithExactMatch(ZipModel zipModel, String fileName)
static long Zip4jUtil.getFileLengh(File file)
static long Zip4jUtil.getFileLengh(String file)
static String Zip4jUtil.getFileNameFromFilePath(File file)
static ArrayList Zip4jUtil.getFilesInDirectoryRec(File path, boolean readHiddenFiles)
static int Zip4jUtil.getIndexOfFileHeader(ZipModel zipModel, FileHeader fileHeader)
static long Zip4jUtil.getLastModifiedFileTime(File file, TimeZone timeZone)
static String Zip4jUtil.getRelativeFileName(String file, String rootFolderInZip, String rootFolderPath)
static ArrayList Zip4jUtil.getSplitZipFiles(ZipModel zipModel)
static String Zip4jUtil.getZipFileNameWithoutExt(String zipFile)
 void ArchiveMaintainer.initProgressMonitorForMergeOp(ZipModel zipModel, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
 void ArchiveMaintainer.initProgressMonitorForRemoveOp(ZipModel zipModel, FileHeader fileHeader, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
 HashMap ArchiveMaintainer.initRemoveZipFile(ZipModel zipModel, FileHeader fileHeader, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
static boolean Zip4jUtil.isSupportedCharset(String charset)
          Checks if the input charset is supported
 void ArchiveMaintainer.mergeSplitZipFiles(ZipModel zipModel, File outputZipFile, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
          Merges split Zip files into a single Zip file
static int Raw.readLeInt(DataInput di, byte[] b)
 HashMap ArchiveMaintainer.removeZipFile(ZipModel zipModel, FileHeader fileHeader, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
 void ArchiveMaintainer.setComment(ZipModel zipModel, String comment)
static void Zip4jUtil.setFileArchive(File file)
static void Zip4jUtil.setFileHidden(File file)
static void Zip4jUtil.setFileReadOnly(File file)
static void Zip4jUtil.setFileSystemMode(File file)

Uses of ZipException in

Methods in that throw ZipException
 void ZipEngine.addFiles(ArrayList fileList, ZipParameters parameters, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
 void ZipEngine.addFolderToZip(File file, ZipParameters parameters, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean runInThread)
 void ZipEngine.addStreamToZip(InputStream inputStream, ZipParameters parameters)

Constructors in that throw ZipException
ZipEngine(ZipModel zipModel)

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