
1.8 KiB

General packet

Client to server spesific

  • Encode (encrypt) data
    • use first byte as checksum
      • every byte ^ 0xAA added together
    • xor
      • Server port ^ 0xCCCC
      • Every other byte
    • Lookup table (use byte as indexing value)


  • Can be internal packet
  • If packet is smaller then 3 bytes; forward to plugin handlers (*)before handling them (len(data) <= 2)

Order of operations

  1. Check if banned (if true, cancel rest and handle) 1
  2. If first byte in data is (0x19, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x24 or 0x18) custom code flow required 2
  3. HandleSocketReceiveFromConnectedPlayer (cancel rest if handled)
  4. Check if cheat (modified) packet (unexpected at this time, there are some packets we can expect) 3

Internal packet

condition name bit length type notes
messageNumber 0x10 ushort
reliability 0x04 uchar Has to be over 5 (value > 5)
reliability in (7, 10, 9) orderingChannel 0x05
reliability in (7, 10, 9) orderingIndex 0x10 ushort
isSplitPacket 0x01 bool Drop packet as we no longer support split packet?
isSplitPacket == 0 dataBitLength 0x10 ushort
isSplitPacket == 0 data dataBitLength uchar*

  1. this could be changed in custom implementation (dont allow inital connection instead) ↩︎

  2. if (0x18 and length == 2) or (0x19 and length <= 2):
    handle packet and return
    elif (0x1d or 0x1f or 0x24) and length <= 2:
    handle packet, but continue ↩︎

  3. if ((0x18 or 0x1a) and length <= 3) or ((0x19 or 0x1d) and length <= 2) or ((0x08 or 0x07 or 0x27) and length >= 5) or (0x37 and length < 400):
    We expect this packet, everything is ok?
    This is a cheat (modified / injected) packet that should not arrive at this time Send a packet to client that you received a modified packet (0x26) ↩︎