- New sorts: by date added, and most played.
- Sorts are moved to a dropdown menu.
- Tabs are now groupings (all songs, last played, favorites).
- Add/remove "favorite" beatmaps in the right-click menu.
- Beatmap database is now updateable like score database (no longer drops/recreates on every update).
- Various bug fixes.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Removed "isImplemented" field from GameMod as all of the base mods have been implemented.
- Removed Utils.getBoundedValue() methods in preference for Utils.clamp().
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Moved Utils.loadGlyphs() into this class, and rewrote it to take a single generic string (instead of beatmap title/artist strings, specifically).
- Also moved font initialization into this class.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
These are Robert Penner's easing functions (http://robertpenner.com/easing/), refactored by CharlotteGore to only take a t parameter (https://github.com/CharlotteGore/functional-easing). Licensed under BSD (the former) and MIT (the latter).
Related changes:
- Added "AnimatedValue" utility class for updating values used in animations.
- MenuButton now uses AnimatedValue to handle its animations (still linear by default).
- Added in-out-back easings on logo, mods, and various other elements; added out-bounce easings on button menu.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Renamed "OsuFile" to "Beatmap". All related variables and methods with "osu" have also been renamed to "beatmap" (or variants of each).
- Renamed "OsuGroupNode" to "BeatmapSetNode". Avoids confusion since groups are identified by a "set ID", not a "group ID".
- Renamed "OsuGroupList" to "BeatmapSetList", for the same reason as above.
- Renamed "OsuDB" to "BeatmapDB", for the same reason as above.
- Moved classes directly related to parsed beatmaps (Beatmap, BeatmapSetList, BeatmapSetNode, OsuHitObject, and TimingPoint) into a new "beatmap" package.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
The master volume can now be changed (using the mouse wheel) with the ALT key pressed in any menu, as in osu!.
Also improved the handling of dimmed tracks.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- F7: cycles through FPS settings.
- F10: toggles mouse enable/disable state during gameplay.
Also added bar notifications for saving/loading checkpoints.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
Added draw(), update(), and enter() methods in UI to do all the necessary calls (instead of letting the states handle them).
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
This is currently being used for the logo/play/exit buttons in the main menu.
Also fixed bug where mod multipliers weren't being read.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- The MenuButton class now fully supports hover effects (scale, fade, rotate) for Animations.
- Used a fixed location for the selection buttons in the song menu (previously based on the "back" button width, which varies widely in different skins).
- Added hover effects for "retry" and "exit" buttons in the ranking screen.
- Changed animation speed of back/skip buttons.
- Fixed a bug where main menu showed the incorrect number of songs loaded during searches.
- Removed unneeded draw() methods in Utils for color filters (since 69f5aa5).
- Moved Utils.drawCentered(Image, ...) into the Image class.
- Added overwritten Image class to Maven excludes.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Replaces the mods being shown in the options menu.
- Added all the (base) mod icons to the menu, with the unimplemented ones grayed out.
- Added a rotation effect to MenuButton, and now multiple effects can be set at once.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
- Added score management menu for deleting individual scores.
- Store generated title string lists in the beatmap menus to prevent performance issues.
Allow using the right mouse button (as well as left mouse button) in all states.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>
New menus: beatmap options (erase scores/delete), delete beatmaps (single/all), reload songs.
- Pressing F3 or right-clicking in the song menu state will open the beatmap options menu.
- Pressing F5 in the song menu now opens a confirmation menu before reloading beatmaps.
- Deleted MainMenuExit state, which is replaced by MenuState.EXIT in ButtonMenu.
- Decreased Utils.FONT_XLARGE size (to fit in buttons).
Note: as of 800014e, song directory deletion is broken.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <itdelatrisu@gmail.com>