This eliminates the game-wide lag (100-200ms on my computer) when switching song nodes. Attempted to mask the loading time with a fade-in effect.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
The previous formulas were extremely close, so you shouldn't notice any gameplay differences at all.
Circle diameter:
- Previously: 104 - (CS * 8)
- Now: 108.848 - (CS * 8.9646)
Timing offsets: added 1.5ms to 300, 100, and 50 hit result offsets.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
This introduces more accurate timing formulas associated with the "Hidden" mod (previously, in #115, these values were hardcoded). The values seem somewhat close to the values in osu!, but were not extensively tested.
Also set an upper bound on the fade in time for hit objects proportional to the approach time, or else the timing values in the "Hidden" mod would be too inconsistent.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Renamed some methods and modified comments to avoid this confusion, as game skins were implemented much later than beatmap skins.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Show retry button only when appropriate (e.g. not when viewing replays or when playing with "Auto" enabled).
- Watching a (fake) "replay" with "Auto" enabled will actually just call the "retry" code now.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Moved Utils.loadGlyphs() into this class, and rewrote it to take a single generic string (instead of beatmap title/artist strings, specifically).
- Also moved font initialization into this class.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
These are Robert Penner's easing functions (, refactored by CharlotteGore to only take a t parameter ( Licensed under BSD (the former) and MIT (the latter).
Related changes:
- Added "AnimatedValue" utility class for updating values used in animations.
- MenuButton now uses AnimatedValue to handle its animations (still linear by default).
- Added in-out-back easings on logo, mods, and various other elements; added out-bounce easings on button menu.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Added on/off option for replay seeking in the "custom" menu.
- Mute sounds while seeking.
- Draw a bar on the left of the screen during replays for seeking (instead of just clicking near the top of the screen).
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Many code style changes.
- Don't increment combo if missing the last slider circle.
- Added player name in ranking screen.
- Don't show null/default player names.
- Only import replays with .osr extension.
- Display loading status for importing replays.
- Moved MD5InputStreamWrapper to package "".
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Added the "difficulty multiplier" as given by the osu! wiki. Please note that this will invalidate all of your saved scores.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Added getComboColors() method to Beatmap class, and the 'combo' field is now null if no combo is provided.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Pass the border color into CurveRenderState instead of determining it there; store the color as a static field in Curve (since it shouldn't change per-beatmap).
Also removed the leftover FrameBufferCache warning from #64.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Removed NEW_SLIDER option, and use the skin "SliderStyle" instead. Uses the new style by default, unless STYLE_PEPPYSLIDER is specified.
- Check if OpenGL 3.0 is supported before trying to draw new style sliders.
- Fixed compilation warnings; removed unneeded fields and imports.
- Filled in some missing Javadocs.
- Style changes.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
New slider rendering works by rendering the slider to an
offscreen buffer
Add and that were forgotten in the last commit
Moved cursor-related code out of UI and into a new non-static "Cursor" class.
Also, the cursor is no longer reset after gameplay if it wasn't skinned.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Attempts to eliminate any confusion between OsuHitObject (raw, parsed hit objects) and HitObject (interface for game object types).
- Renamed "HitObject" interface to "GameObject", since these objects are specific to gameplay.
- Renamed "OsuHitObject" to "HitObject", since these objects are primarily containers for parsed data.
Sorry if the name-swapping is confusing; these should be better names in the long run.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Renamed "OsuFile" to "Beatmap". All related variables and methods with "osu" have also been renamed to "beatmap" (or variants of each).
- Renamed "OsuGroupNode" to "BeatmapSetNode". Avoids confusion since groups are identified by a "set ID", not a "group ID".
- Renamed "OsuGroupList" to "BeatmapSetList", for the same reason as above.
- Renamed "OsuDB" to "BeatmapDB", for the same reason as above.
- Moved classes directly related to parsed beatmaps (Beatmap, BeatmapSetList, BeatmapSetNode, OsuHitObject, and TimingPoint) into a new "beatmap" package.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Actually provide relevant information when an audio file can't be found.
- When loading timing points, don't reset the start index every time.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Set the modified speed again after unpausing and loading from checkpoints.
- Changed countdown delays based on current speed.
- Changed color of highlighted song info text to that in osu!.
- Made playback images unskinnable.
Code changes:
- Changed playback field in Game class to the PlaybackSpeed object instead of just the button.
- Changed to a non-static method.
- Added/edited Javadocs.
- Changed image names.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Can watch HalfTime on half speed.
Reset pitch on leaving the game state.
Load songInfo when entering select song menu.
Playback button fades in on hover instead of expands.
Reverted spinner changes. It should be fixed separately.
Error handling (related to #53):
- Catch all exceptions caused by creating HitObjects and throw a more informative error with the hit object information. This also allows multiple errors to be reported, instead of crashing at the first error.
- Added a fallback "DummyObject" HitObject to replace hit objects causing errors, which should allow the game to function despite any errors.
- Added a toString() method to OsuHitObject (resembling the raw format).
Bug fixes (caused by #52):
- Game is no longer paused when focus is lost during lead-in time or during breaks.
- Replay frames are no longer recorded when the game is paused.
- Pulsing cursor animation now works even during lead-in time.
- skipIntro() during replays now works properly.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Animate skip button during lead in.
- Update flashlight radius during lead in.
- Check if keys are set before calling gameKeyPressed().
- Deleted mouse moved/dragged events (no longer used).
- Renamed updateGameKeyPress().
- Added "auto"/"relax" mod checks to gameKeyPressed().
Also fixed a bug where the MenuButton class wasn't properly resetting image alpha/rotation in certain cases.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Replay Changes:
- Saves replay frames as if its repaying, then plays the replay at exact track position. This should give out exact results as the score screen.
- Calculates MD5 for beatmap files. (doesn't currently help anything)
- Reverse Slider ball (fixes#50)
Moves the cursor between hit objects and along hit object paths (slider curves, spinner circles).
- Added 'getPointAt(trackPosition)' and 'getEndTime()' methods to HitObject interface.
- Unhide default cursor for "auto" plays.
Other changes:
- Don't save replays for unranked plays ("auto", "relax", "autopilot" mods).
- For "auto" replays, don't parse replay frames: use default "auto" behavior instead.
- Fixed cursor location data not being reset upon entering states.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <> account for empty space around the alphamap image.
Also removed the persistent checkpoint text during gameplay (not necessary with the bar notification).
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Restricted view area using alpha maps and offscreen drawing. (credits: davedes)
- Added silver grades.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- When reading replay frames, the thread will now sleep for the time difference minus 1ms if possible (to avoid so much unnecessary looping).
- Fixed a bug where the 'replay' GameData field wasn't being set in some cases.
- Move cursor to skip button location when skipping intro in a replay.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Hard Rock now flips hit object coordinates along the x axis, as in osu!.
- Fixed a bug where replay data wasn't being shown during breaks.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Fixes a bug where a resolution change (by restarting through the app) wouldn't re-scale hit object coordinates. Scaled coordinates are now stored in HitObject fields.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Added 'info' table to score database to store the database version. Upon startup, if the stored version is less than the source version, all update queries defined in ScoreDB.getUpdateQueries() will be run.
- Created "Replays" directory to store replay files. Replay files are created after gameplay.
- Added 'replay' column to the score database to hold replay file names.
- Created a Game.loadOsuFile() method to load game data.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Added method to save replays to a file.
- Separated Replay loading from the constructor into a load() method.
- Added OsuWriter class to write replays.
- Parse replay seeds (what do they do?).
- Added Updater.getBuildDate() method to retrieve the current build date (for the replay 'version' field).
- Added osu! mode constants in OsuFile.
- Added methods to retrieve raw ReplayFrame coordinates.
- Added replay fields/methods to GameData and Game state.
- Added jponge/lzma-java dependency for LZMA compression, since it isn't implemented in Apache commons-compress...
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
This drops less frames, but is still pretty bad. See #42.
- Changed some LinkedList classes to LinkedBlockingDeques and added some synchronized methods.
- Slight modifications to OpenALStreamPlayer (may or may not be slightly more accurate).
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
- Basic implementation of viewing replays in the Game state.
- Added OsuReader class for reading certain osu! file types. (author: Markus Jarderot)
- Added Replay, ReplayFrame, and LifeFrame classes to capture replay data. (author: smoogipooo)
- Added 'keyPressed' parameter to HitObject.update().
- Added cursor-drawing methods in UI that take the mouse coordinates and pressed state as parameters.
- Added GameMod methods to retrieve/load the active mods state as a bitmask.
- Added Apache commons-compress dependency for handling LZMA decompression.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>
Also added a few checks for related "autopilot" mod (probably incomplete).
Fixed the wrong default background being shown in the ranking screen.
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Han <>