AMDBlendMinmaxFactor |
AMDDebugOutput |
AMDDebugOutputCallback |
Instances of this class are needed to use the callback functionality of the AMD_debug_output extension.
AMDDepthClampSeparate |
AMDDrawBuffersBlend |
AMDInterleavedElements |
AMDMultiDrawIndirect |
AMDNameGenDelete |
AMDPerformanceMonitor |
AMDPinnedMemory |
AMDQueryBufferObject |
AMDSamplePositions |
AMDSeamlessCubemapPerTexture |
AMDSparseTexture |
AMDStencilOperationExtended |
AMDVertexShaderTessellator |
APPLEAuxDepthStencil |
APPLEClientStorage |
APPLEElementArray |
APPLEFence |
APPLEFloatPixels |
APPLEFlushBufferRange |
APPLEObjectPurgeable |
APPLEPackedPixels |
APPLERgb422 |
APPLERowBytes |
APPLETextureRange |
APPLEVertexArrayObject |
APPLEVertexArrayRange |
APPLEVertexProgramEvaluators |
APPLEYcbcr422 |
ARBBaseInstance |
ARBBindlessTexture |
ARBBlendFuncExtended |
ARBBufferObject |
ARBBufferStorage |
ARBClearBufferObject |
ARBClearTexture |
ARBCLEvent |
ARBColorBufferFloat |
ARBCompressedTexturePixelStorage |
ARBComputeShader |
ARBComputeVariableGroupSize |
ARBCopyBuffer |
ARBCopyImage |
ARBDebugOutput |
ARBDebugOutputCallback |
Instances of this class are needed to use the callback functionality of the ARB_debug_output extension.
ARBDepthBufferFloat |
ARBDepthClamp |
ARBDepthTexture |
ARBDrawBuffers |
ARBDrawBuffersBlend |
ARBDrawElementsBaseVertex |
ARBDrawIndirect |
ARBDrawInstanced |
ARBEnhancedLayouts |
ARBES2Compatibility |
ARBES3Compatibility |
ARBExplicitUniformLocation |
ARBFragmentProgram |
ARBFragmentShader |
ARBFramebufferNoAttachments |
ARBFramebufferObject |
ARBFramebufferSRGB |
ARBGeometryShader4 |
ARBGetProgramBinary |
ARBGpuShader5 |
ARBGpuShaderFp64 |
ARBHalfFloatPixel |
ARBHalfFloatVertex |
ARBImaging |
The GL12 imaging subset extension.
ARBIndirectParameters |
ARBInstancedArrays |
ARBInternalformatQuery |
ARBInternalformatQuery2 |
ARBInvalidateSubdata |
ARBMapBufferAlignment |
ARBMapBufferRange |
ARBMatrixPalette |
ARBMultiBind |
ARBMultiDrawIndirect |
ARBMultisample |
ARBMultitexture |
ARBOcclusionQuery |
ARBOcclusionQuery2 |
ARBPixelBufferObject |
ARBPointParameters |
ARBPointSprite |
ARBProgram |
ARBProgramInterfaceQuery |
ARBProvokingVertex |
ARBQueryBufferObject |
ARBRobustness |
ARBSamplerObjects |
ARBSampleShading |
ARBSeamlessCubeMap |
ARBSeamlessCubemapPerTexture |
ARBSeparateShaderObjects |
ARBShaderAtomicCounters |
ARBShaderImageLoadStore |
ARBShaderObjects |
ARBShaderStorageBufferObject |
ARBShaderSubroutine |
ARBShadingLanguage100 |
ARBShadingLanguageInclude |
ARBShadow |
ARBShadowAmbient |
ARBSparseTexture |
ARBStencilTexturing |
ARBSync |
ARBTessellationShader |
ARBTextureBorderClamp |
ARBTextureBufferObject |
ARBTextureBufferRange |
ARBTextureCompression |
ARBTextureCompressionBPTC |
ARBTextureCompressionRGTC |
ARBTextureCubeMap |
ARBTextureCubeMapArray |
ARBTextureEnvCombine |
ARBTextureEnvDot3 |
ARBTextureFloat |
ARBTextureGather |
ARBTextureMirrorClampToEdge |
ARBTextureMirroredRepeat |
ARBTextureMultisample |
ARBTextureRectangle |
ARBTextureRg |
ARBTextureRGB10_A2UI |
ARBTextureStorage |
ARBTextureStorageMultisample |
ARBTextureSwizzle |
ARBTextureView |
ARBTimerQuery |
ARBTransformFeedback2 |
ARBTransformFeedback3 |
ARBTransformFeedbackInstanced |
ARBTransposeMatrix |
ARBUniformBufferObject |
ARBVertexArrayBgra |
ARBVertexArrayObject |
ARBVertexAttrib64bit |
ARBVertexAttribBinding |
ARBVertexBlend |
ARBVertexBufferObject |
ARBVertexProgram |
ARBVertexShader |
ARBVertexType2_10_10_10_REV |
ARBViewportArray |
ARBWindowPos |
ATIDrawBuffers |
ATIElementArray |
ATIEnvmapBumpmap |
ATIFragmentShader |
ATIMapObjectBuffer |
ATIMeminfo |
ATIPnTriangles |
ATISeparateStencil |
ATITextFragmentShader |
ATITextureCompression3DC |
ATITextureEnvCombine3 |
ATITextureFloat |
ATITextureMirrorOnce |
ATIVertexArrayObject |
ATIVertexAttribArrayObject |
ATIVertexStreams |
AWTGLCanvas |
An AWT rendering context.
ContextAttribs |
This class represents the context attributes passed to CreateContextAttribs of the ARB_create_context and
ARB_create_context_profile extensions.
ContextCapabilities |
Display |
DisplayMode |
This class encapsulates the properties for a given display mode.
EXTAbgr |
EXTBgra |
EXTBindableUniform |
EXTBlendColor |
EXTBlendEquationSeparate |
EXTBlendFuncSeparate |
EXTBlendMinmax |
EXTBlendSubtract |
EXTCgShader |
EXTCompiledVertexArray |
EXTDepthBoundsTest |
EXTDirectStateAccess |
EXTDrawBuffers2 |
EXTDrawInstanced |
EXTDrawRangeElements |
EXTFogCoord |
EXTFramebufferBlit |
EXTFramebufferMultisample |
EXTFramebufferMultisampleBlitScaled |
EXTFramebufferObject |
EXTFramebufferSRGB |
EXTGeometryShader4 |
EXTGpuProgramParameters |
EXTGpuShader4 |
EXTMultiDrawArrays |
EXTPackedDepthStencil |
EXTPackedFloat |
EXTPackedPixels |
EXTPalettedTexture |
EXTPixelBufferObject |
EXTPointParameters |
EXTProvokingVertex |
EXTRescaleNormal |
EXTSecondaryColor |
EXTSeparateShaderObjects |
EXTSeparateSpecularColor |
EXTShaderImageLoadStore |
EXTSharedTexturePalette |
EXTStencilClearTag |
EXTStencilTwoSide |
EXTStencilWrap |
EXTTextureArray |
EXTTextureBufferObject |
EXTTextureCompressionLATC |
EXTTextureCompressionRGTC |
EXTTextureCompressionS3TC |
EXTTextureEnvCombine |
EXTTextureEnvDot3 |
EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic |
EXTTextureInteger |
EXTTextureLODBias |
EXTTextureMirrorClamp |
EXTTextureRectangle |
EXTTextureSharedExponent |
EXTTextureSnorm |
EXTTextureSRGB |
EXTTextureSRGBDecode |
EXTTextureSwizzle |
EXTTimerQuery |
EXTTransformFeedback |
EXTVertexArrayBgra |
EXTVertexAttrib64bit |
EXTVertexShader |
EXTVertexWeighting |
GL11 |
The core OpenGL1.1 API.
GL12 |
The core OpenGL1.2.1 API, with the imaging subset.
GL13 |
GL14 |
GL15 |
GL20 |
GL21 |
GL30 |
GL31 |
GL32 |
GL33 |
GL40 |
GL41 |
GL42 |
GL43 |
GL44 |
GLContext |
GLSync |
This class is a wrapper around a GLsync pointer.
GREMEDYFrameTerminator |
GREMEDYStringMarker |
HPOcclusionTest |
IBMRasterposClip |
INTELMapTexture |
KHRDebug |
KHRDebugCallback |
Instances of this class are needed to use the callback functionality of the KHR_debug extension.
KHRTextureCompressionAstcLdr |
NVBindlessMultiDrawIndirect |
NVBindlessTexture |
NVBlendEquationAdvanced |
NVComputeProgram5 |
NVConditionalRender |
NVCopyDepthToColor |
NVCopyImage |
NVDeepTexture3D |
NVDepthBufferFloat |
NVDepthClamp |
NVDrawTexture |
NVEvaluators |
NVExplicitMultisample |
NVFence |
NVFloatBuffer |
NVFogDistance |
NVFragmentProgram |
NVFragmentProgram2 |
NVFramebufferMultisampleCoverage |
NVGeometryProgram4 |
NVGpuProgram4 |
NVGpuProgram5 |
NVGpuShader5 |
NVHalfFloat |
NVLightMaxExponent |
NVMultisampleCoverage |
NVMultisampleFilterHint |
NVOcclusionQuery |
NVPackedDepthStencil |
NVParameterBufferObject |
NVPathRendering |
NVPixelDataRange |
NVPointSprite |
NVPresentVideo |
NVPresentVideoUtil |
This class exposes the platform specific functionality present in the
NV_present_video extension.
NVPrimitiveRestart |
NVProgram |
NVRegisterCombiners |
NVRegisterCombiners2 |
NVShaderBufferLoad |
NVShaderBufferStore |
NVTessellationProgram5 |
NVTexgenReflection |
NVTextureBarrier |
NVTextureCompressionVTC |
NVTextureEnvCombine4 |
NVTextureExpandNormal |
NVTextureMultisample |
NVTextureRectangle |
NVTextureShader |
NVTextureShader2 |
NVTextureShader3 |
NVTransformFeedback |
NVTransformFeedback2 |
NVVertexArrayRange |
NVVertexArrayRange2 |
NVVertexAttribInteger64bit |
NVVertexBufferUnifiedMemory |
NVVertexProgram |
NVVertexProgram2Option |
NVVertexProgram3 |
NVVideoCapture |
NVVideoCaptureUtil |
This class exposes the platform specific functionality present in the
NV_video_capture extension.
NVXGpuMemoryInfo |
Experimental extension, may be removed/changed in the future.
Pbuffer |
Pbuffer encapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer.
PixelFormat |
This class describes pixel format properties for an OpenGL context.
RenderTexture |
This class represents the state necessary for render-to-texture.
SGISGenerateMipmap |
SGISTextureLOD |
SharedDrawable |
A Drawable implementation that shares its context with another Drawable.
SUNSliceAccum |
Util |
Simple utility class.
XRandR |
Utility for working with the xrandr commmand-line utility.
XRandR.Screen |
Encapsulates the configuration of a monitor.